pancreas development oor Spaans

pancreas development

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The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the pancreas over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The pancreas is an endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzy

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Focusing on pancreas development, the EU-funded study worked to elucidate the role of a specific transcription factor.
¿ Sabes?, en nuestra línea de trabajo, nada te mata más rápido que traer civiles a una zona de combatecordis cordis
Medical topics addressed include pancreas development and diabetes, autism, reproductive development, cancer, immunity and hereditary deafness.
Informe sobre la propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se establecen normas comunes para la seguridad de la aviación civil [COM #- C#-#/#- #/#(COD)]- Comisión de Política Regional, Transportes y TurismoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ablation of this molecule in transgenic mice disrupted epithelial morphogenesis and led to organ hypoplasia during pancreas development.
Algunos ejemplos relevantes de estas reacciones son: retinitis por citomegalovirus, infecciones micobacterianas generalizadas y/o localizadas y neumonía por Pneumocystis cariniicordis cordis
The pancreas develops from these buds on either side of the duodenum.
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With respect to pancreas development, researchers deconstructed the epigenetic and regulatory players of the human insulin-producing pancreatic islet cells.
¿ Dónde la escondo?Escóndela debajo de las patatas de inviernocordis cordis
BOLD brought together 10 different partners from across Europe that used cutting-edge technology to advance the current state-of-the-art in liver and pancreas development.
Vamos, ¿ quieres sentarte?cordis cordis
Previous work by ENDOPANC researchers revealed that the transcription factor Shirin drives pancreatic cell fate during the early steps of pancreas development in both the mouse and the frog.
¡ Profesor Tripp!cordis cordis
Previous work by the Prepobedia consortium members showed that the expression of the PGC-1 alpha gene inhibitor (p160MBP) is controlled by the Prep1 gene, a key factor of pancreas development and function.
Harina, sémola y polvo de las hortalizas de vaina secascordis cordis
An international team of scientists led by Umeå University in Sweden provides new insight into the aspects of how the pancreas develops during embryonic development and how the so-called islets of Langerhans are distributed in the adult organ.
Todo va a cambiar hoycordis cordis
The fetal pancreas grows and develops most fully in normoglycemic environment.
Está con mi pasaportespringer springer
Very rarely the pancreas fails to develop (agenesis).
Buena suerte a todosLiterature Literature
The tunnel under the neck of the pancreas can then be developed from inferior and superior.
A mí me parece alegreLiterature Literature
To avoid these problems a new surgical procedure, the pancreas-preserving operation, was developed by Maruyama in 1979.
Les dijo que se detuvieran, pero siento que hay alguien alláspringer springer
EU-funded researchers are working on developing a bioartificial pancreas prototype to treat type 1 diabetes.
No sé decirle.- ¿ O no quiere?cordis cordis
Multiple cysts and nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumors may develop in the pancreas.
Porque tienes esa mirada tan fea?Literature Literature
So, if a 15 year old who didn't know he had a pancreas, could develop a new sensor for pancreatic cancer that costs 3 cents and 5 minutes to run, imagine what those 3. 5 billion people could do, and just imagine what you could do.
Lo raro de esta forma de comunicación...... es que hablas más de " nada " que de " algo "QED QED
Nesidioblastosis is believed to be a normal phase of fetal development of the pancreas rather than a pathologic entity.
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Several studies have been dedicated towards the development of bioartificial pancreas involving the immobilization of islets of Langerhans inside polymeric capsules.
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What were the main challenges you faced in the development of PCDIAB’s artificial pancreas?
La batiseñal no es un " bíper "cordis cordis
Pancreas during the sixth week of development.
¿ Noes la mejor?Literature Literature
The pancreas recognizes malignant cells, if they develop, and digests and kills them, and gets rid of them.
Aquí están nuestros propios mosqueterosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The cirrhosis may be development diabetes hepatogenic. The pancreas can be committed by autoimmune phenomena.
Tu trabajo es encontrar justicia, por más que quiera ocultarse de tiscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Pdx-1 is a transcription factor vital to the development of the embryonic pancreas.
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Motion for a resolution on the development of an ‘artificial pancreas’ for people with type 1 diabetes (B8-1418/2016)
No te molestes, Aleurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
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