pass him on to me oor Spaans

pass him on to me

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Pass him on to me.
Pásamelo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And if you don't know what to do with him, girl, pass him on to me...'cause I will show you what to do with him.
Y si no sabes qué hacer con él, pásamelo... porque te mostraré lo que puedes hacer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After our picture was taken, Amichai gave me the letter Churchill had asked him to pass on to me.
Después de fotografiarnos, Amijai me entregó una carta que Churchill le había dado para mí.Literature Literature
It was to go to Morton for him to pass on to me.
Morton lo tenía y debía pasármelo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was to go to Morton for him to pass on to me
Morton lo tenía y debía pasármelo a míopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“I don’t talk to minions, pass that on to Quintiliani, tell him to ring me.”
—Yo no hablo con segundones, ponle la cinta a Quintiliani y que me llame.Literature Literature
As I pass by him, one man says to me, “This American bread is good, signora.”
Cuando paso a su lado, un hombre me dice: —Este pan estadounidense está muy bueno, signora.Literature Literature
I intend to pass that on to my son, raise him to follow me into what would become a family business.
Pretendo dejársela a mi hijo y criarlo para que siga mis pasos y se encargue en el futuro de la empresa familiar.Literature Literature
I’d like to preseve some of the best of my father so that it passes on to him through me.
Me gustaría conservar algo de lo mejor de mi padre para que le llegue a través de .Literature Literature
I asked him to read it, and to pass no judgment on me until he had.
Le pedí que lo leyera y que no me juzgara hasta el final.Literature Literature
Do you think you could pass this script on to him for me?
¿ Crees que puedes pasarle este guión?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Then give it to me, I'll pass it on to him.
Entonces démelos, se los pasaré.QED QED
Do you think you could pass this script on to him for me?
¿Crees que puedes pasarle este guión?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I need to be reassured that he is courageous, that something of my father’s daring has been passed on to him through me.
Para tranquilizarme, necesito sentir que es valiente, que parte de la audacia de mi padre le ha llegado a través de .Literature Literature
Maybe someone gave it to him as a present and he simply passed it on to me?
A lo mejor se lo regalaron y él me lo ha regalado a mí.Literature Literature
We eventually agreed that they would write a letter to Charlie and send it to me to pass on to him.
Acabamos acordando que le escribirían una carta a Charlie y que me la enviarían para que yo se la hiciese llegar.Literature Literature
If you thought Francesco might start an uprising, you should have judged him yourself before passing on to me.
Si pensó que Francisco iba a provocar un levantamiento, tendría que haberlo juzgado usted mismo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I held out my arms to him and his nurse passed him over to me, like a meal on a platter.
Abrí los brazos y su niñera me lo pasó por los aires, como una fuente de carne.Literature Literature
And I thank God that I was just too busy... to pass on to him what my granddaddy... passed on to my daddy and he passed on to me.
Y le agradezco a Dios que estuve demasiado ocupado... para pasarle a él lo que mi abuelo... le pasó a mi padre, y él a mí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I thank God that I was just too busy... to pass on to him what my granddaddy... passed on to my daddy and he passed on to me
Y le agradezco a Dios que estuve demasiado ocupado... para pasarle a él lo que mi abuelo...le pasó a mi padre, y él a míopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Holding the cock under the chest with one hand, Tom passed him back to me.
Sujetando al gallo bajo el pecho con una mano, Tom me lo devolvió.Literature Literature
Unless there’s something important you want to tell me, so I can pass it on to him?”
A menos que haya algo importante que quieras decirme, para que yo se lo transmita.Literature Literature
Go and tell Laporte to wake and dress the king, and then pass on to the Marechal de Villeroy and summon him to me.”
Decid a Laporte que despierte y vista al rey, y después ir a avisar al mariscal de Villeroy.Literature Literature
486 sinne gevind in 250 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.