pattern (image) oor Spaans

pattern (image)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


noun verb

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

pattern matching
Búsqueda de patrones · comparación de configuraciones · comparación de estructuras · comparación de formas · comparación de modelos
tonal pattern
weighting pattern
behaviour pattern
modelo de comportamiento · patrón de comportamiento · patrón de conducta
trading pattern
far field pattern
diagrama de campo lejano · diagrama de radiación de campo lejano · patrón de campo lejano
pattern of behaviour
patrón de comportamiento
block pattern
patrón básico
spectral pattern


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The sequence of motions and the selection of paths or angles are variable within the fixed programme pattern.
Tengo tu gorraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Have you ever noticed how the toadstools grow in patterns?
Demoraré un rato porque tengo que caminarLiterature Literature
Gavin, at the front of his company, swung his massive hammer through a deadly pattern.
Escúchela y dígame lo que piensa, ¿ sí?Literature Literature
This pattern was not unique to the groups at Sibudu.
Pregunte a su farmacéutico como deshacerse de los envases y de los medicamentos que no necesitaLiterature Literature
The mistress's scent, blood, tissue type and alpha wave pattern are all recorded in my databanks,
¡ Suelta el arma, amigo!-¡ Ahora!-¡ Suelta el arma!-¡ No lo hagas!-¡ Suelta el arma!-¡ Suelta la jodida arma!-¡ Vamos a volarte los sesos!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This was produced on a mechanised drawn loom and allowed for more complex weave structures and patterns.
notificaciónde todas las operaciones de gran exposición al menos cuatro veces al añoLiterature Literature
It's just a matter of watching the faint pattern.
¿ Además de ir de compras?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What patterns there are, are never quite regular, and never seem to repeat exactly.
TranquilízateOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's also a strange bruising pattern right here between the lines.
Visto el Reglamento (CE) no #/# de la Comisión, de # de agosto de #, porel que se establecen normas comunes de gestión de los contingentes arancelarios de importación de productos agrícolas sujetos a un sistema de certificados de importación, y, en particular, su artículo #, apartadoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bullets may collide with one another before reaching the detector, which would alter the pattern.
Oí que se puso enferma, así que fui a llevarla a casa, peroLiterature Literature
There are patterns in everything.
Usted es observadoraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I saw the most wonderful colors, and my thoughts were freed from their normal patterns.
No, aqui no está SalLiterature Literature
Such a pattern of growth, however, is a mixed blessing for the Eastern European and CIS economies.
No se emplearán para los colectores y bocas contraincendios materiales que el calor inutilice fácilmente, a no ser que estén convenientemente protegidosUN-2 UN-2
Next-generation sequencing of the T cell receptor (TCR) in 12 glioblastoma patients showed differences in TCR patterns.
Pronto te cobraré por eI aIquiIer de Ia siIIacordis cordis
After a dozen escapes he tried to pattern himself after his foster father.
Es la razón de vivir.. y quizás para morir, de que manera, ya se veraLiterature Literature
In many cultures, including our own, there exists a pattern of outward conformity and inner rebellion and deviation.
Sí, así es.- ¿ Puede ver esto, por favor?Literature Literature
"""Intelligence work is a matter of fitting odd pieces together and looking for patterns."
Mamá, papá, habla JennyLiterature Literature
“Unless of course you intend to break your pattern tonight.
No me gustaría tener tu cara duraLiterature Literature
We describe design patterns using a consistent format.
¡ Sus mayores éxitos!Literature Literature
The wood has an attractive grain, with light and dark patterns, which is effectively featured in the carvings.
Inspeccionesjw2019 jw2019
Some were embroidered with paisley patterns in gold thread, others with vines or birds.
¿ Te duele la mano?Literature Literature
Changes in the pattern of consumption
Ahora estamos a manoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A similarly unstable pattern was also found for almost all the other countries concerned.
Cuenta conmigo.- ¿ Sí?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards.
CaIIa.Ahí estaLDS LDS
Can you tell one heartbeat, one pattern of breathing apart from the rest?
Una simple cuestión de coordinaciónLiterature Literature
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