peaceful oor Spaans


/ˈpiːsfəl/ adjektief
inclined to peace

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil
Atomic energy can be utilized for peaceful purposes.
La energía atómica puede ser utilizada para propósitos pacíficos.


motionless and calm; placid
Sometimes I feel like living a more peaceful life.
A veces pienso que me gustaría llevar una vida mucho más tranquila.


She felt peaceful inside and the trees, the road, the rain and the night all radiated peace.
Ella sintió sosiego y los árboles, el camino, la lluvia y la noche respiraron con tranquilidad.

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plácido · quieto · apacible · sereno · libre · Pacífico · amante de la paz · descansado · manso · no violento · ocioso · pacífico, -a · recoleto · reposado · tranquila · tranquilo, -a · ponderado · pasivo · vano · bueno · calmoso · inactivo · calmado · desocupado · en vano · relajado

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

Swiss Peace Foundation
Fundación Suiza para la Paz
Special Account for the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize
Cuenta Especial del Premio de Fomento de la Paz Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Peace Education Commission
Comisión de Educación para la paz
peace and love
paz y amor
Pax Christi - International Catholic Peace Movement
PC · Pax Christi Internacional Movimiento Internacional Católico por la Paz
leave him in peace
déjalo en paz
Commission for the Consolidation of Peace
Comisión de Consolidación de la Paz
global peace agreement
Acuerdo General de Paz · Acuerdo General de Paz de Libreville
"Children as a Zone of Peace"
"los niños, zona de paz"


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If Berlin now fell, Bormann wrote to Himmler, Germany . would have to accept peace terms.
Además, las normas publicadas bajo las Directivas #/#/CE, #/#/CE, #/#/CEE y #/#/CEE pueden usarse para demostrar conformidad con el artículo #, apartado #, letras a) y b), de la Directiva #/#/CELiterature Literature
The passport to peace is the practice of prayer.
Que le hayan soltado no demuestra nadaLDS LDS
In addition, in the framework of co-operation set by the Peace Accords, the Commission is encouraging the Guatemalan authorities, the National Police Force and the judiciary system to prevent any action against the rule of law.
¿ Qué otros generales pueden presumir del favor y apoyo de un líder tan talentoso en el arte de la guerra?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
India had steadfastly supported the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for the exercise of their inalienable rights and for the right to live in an independent and sovereign State, at peace with Israel. It therefore welcomed all efforts that would advance the dialogue between the two parties so that a just, fair and mutually acceptable solution could be found
En sueños... un extraño delicadoMultiUn MultiUn
Welcoming Mongolia’s active and positive role in developing peaceful, friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the States of the region and other States,
Pide a la Comisión que recoja y difunda buenas prácticas relativas a las políticas del entorno de trabajo que permitan un equilibrio efectivo entre vida y trabajo y relativas a las medidas que estimulan una mayor implicación de los hombres en la vida familiar; pide a los Estados miembros y a los interlocutores sociales que adopten las medidas necesarias para poder, por una parte, prevenir el acoso sexual y moral en el lugar de trabajo y, por otra, combatir este fenómeno cuando se produzca; insta a que se apoye a las mujeres en su carrera profesional; urge a la Comisión y a los Estados miembros a tomar medidas eficaces para reducir la diferencia salarial de género y promover tanto el permiso parental como el permiso por paternidad entre los hombresUN-2 UN-2
The Holy Land, a symbol of God's love for his People and for all humanity, is also a symbol of the freedom and peace that God wants for all his children.
Antes tenías un sueldo
International pressure, drawing on the Dayton Peace Accords and international and regional human rights treaties, eventually persuaded the Entity authorities to repeal the abandonment laws in 1998, although the legislation passed still had flaws.
Considerando que la Presidenta de la República de Filipinas Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ha creado la mencionada Comisión Melo para examinar el problema y una brigada policial de ámbito nacional (Brigada Usig) para investigar los asesinatos con la mayor premura y encausar a los culpablesUN-2 UN-2
And we know that Canada willingly contributes to generous initiatives of peace and development, all over the world.
el contenido estimado de carne magra (en
Strongly affirms the need for the positive commitment of all stakeholders to the effective implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur, particularly the chapters on human rights and fundamental freedoms, and on justice and reconciliation, and urges non-signatory groups to join it without delay;
Voy arriba a buscar a Lechero y su equipo.Voy con AlexUN-2 UN-2
Endorses the report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the work of its fifty-ninth session,5 with the exception of the annex thereto, which, together with a preambular text and a second set of guidelines, will form a full compendium of guidelines, to be adopted by the Committee and referred to the General Assembly in 2018;[footnoteRef:6] [6: The annex to the report of the Committee, entitled “Guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space activities: first set”, is not submitted to the General Assembly for action.
Aunque no era tan callado como tú.Pero casi se parecen hermanosUN-2 UN-2
In this world marred by violence and war, we must remember that development is the path to peace.
¿ Podemos hacerlo?UN-2 UN-2
Our Committee is appalled by these developments taking place at a time when the international community, through the Quartet, is working hard to stop the violence, resume a meaningful political dialogue between the parties and move forward to a negotiated settlement, with a view to realizing a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.
Apágala de nuevoUN-2 UN-2
We would therefore favour the appointment of a special representative of the Secretary-General for women and peace and security
¿ Estás contento con el dinero?MultiUn MultiUn
Another is Yasser Arafat, who led the Palestinians in war and in peace and who did not live to see peace and self-determination realized.
Chloe está sumamente metida en situaciones...... que los humanos simplemente no entiendenUN-2 UN-2
Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, our thanks and appreciation for his tireless efforts to strengthen the role of our Organization in order to enable it to attain its objectives of achieving peace, security and development in the world.
Pero el general De Gaulle murió hace tiempoUN-2 UN-2
The Group stresses the responsibility of developed countries to facilitate and assist the legitimate development of nuclear energy of the developing countries by allowing them to participate to the fullest in possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the maximum benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activities
No dije lo que viMultiUn MultiUn
Development perspectives for peace-building and nation building in post-conflict situations (vote
Había una gran necesidadoj4 oj4
As has already been observed, success in ending such conflicts and delivering peace and security to the continent will be a key element in judging the Partnership’s success.
Y no quiero que sucedaUN-2 UN-2
Accordingly, Tunisia today reaffirms its determination to continue to shoulder its responsibility in furtherance of peace, solidarity and development in the world.
Es lo último que oí antes de que me echaranUN-2 UN-2
We invite it to participate more intensively and resolutely in finding solutions to the fundamental problems of the crisis, which, alone, can guarantee the return of a lasting and stable peace in my country and reconcile all our sons and daughters
Relájate, la próxima vez, haremos las cosas bienMultiUn MultiUn
Dreams could not always triumph over duty, and compromise was the foundation to any good peace treaty.
Si no es aIemana, ¿ entonces qué?Literature Literature
A considerable amount of resources have been spent to maintain security personnel in the area to keep peace
Concejal Banks, mis clientes han sido más que accesiblesMultiUn MultiUn
in which it was stated that the Regional Centre received an increasing number of requests from Member States in the African region for substantive support for several peace initiatives and conflict resolution activities in the region,
Tengo la ficha aquíUN-2 UN-2
Maintenance of international peace and security: peace and security challenges facing small island developing States
Ahora tú trata de ser el mozo, y Albert, tú eres el clienteUN-2 UN-2
Civilian police and military observers are now participating in three United Nations peace operations, and troops are ready for deployment as part of a composite unit
Gayle, yo queríaMultiUn MultiUn
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