peasant woman oor Spaans

peasant woman

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


noun adjective
It'll be a peasant woman from Texas, against mutant zombie pièaka!
Voy a ser la chica campesina de Texas, contra los zombies mutantes!

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A peasant woman of Baltic origin, she became Peter’s mistress in 1702.
Campesina de origen báltico, se convirtió en amante de Pedro en 1702.Literature Literature
Werner Maser wrote she was a "thrifty, reserved, and exceptionally shrewd peasant woman."
Werner Maser escribió que era una "ahorrativa, campesina reservada, y excepcionalmente inteligente."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was almost dark when she returned, accompanied by a stout easygoing old peasant woman.
Era casi de noche cuando volvió acompañada de una vieja campesina, gruesa y bondadosa.Literature Literature
The old peasant woman muttered a curse, went inside, and emerged immediately with two loaves in her hands.
La campesina soltó una maldición, entró y salió enseguida con dos hogazas en las manos.Literature Literature
An unknown peasant woman gave him wine from a skin; he didn't know why.
Una campesina desconocida le dio vino de un odre, sin que él supiera por qué.Literature Literature
"... but a sick peasant woman has been waiting for half an hour. "
"... pero una campesina enferma ha estado esperando por media hora. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since my encounter with that peasant woman, I was attentive to every noise.
Desde el encuentro con aquella campesina, estaba atenta al menor ruido.Literature Literature
A peasant woman.
Una campesina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I became a real peasant woman.”
Parecía una verdadera campesina.Literature Literature
Next to Petya stood a peasant woman, a footman, two merchants, and a retired soldier.
Junto a Petia había una mujer de pueblo con un lacayo, dos mercaderes y un soldado retirado.Literature Literature
Or, more romantically, throwing the sailcloth over her head and pretending to be a peasant woman.
O, más romántico aún, echándose la lona sobre la cabeza y fingiendo ser una campesina.Literature Literature
He was not going to have a Russian peasant woman threaten his career.
No iba a permitir que una campesina rusa amenazara su carrera.Literature Literature
"The peasant woman saw her going away, and grumbled,— ""She ought to have something to eat."""
La campesina la vio alejarse y murmuró: —Algo tendrá que comer.Literature Literature
They gave the baby to a peasant woman in the maternity ward where Olga delivered.
Entregaron a la pequeña a una campesina en la maternidad donde había dado a luz Olga.Literature Literature
In the summer of this year, a young peasant woman was found murdered.
En el verano de este año se encontró el cuerpo de una campesina que había sido asesinada.Literature Literature
A peasant woman’s ragged old shirt is hanging out to dry.
Una mujer campesina ha tendido a secar una vieja camisa andrajosa.Literature Literature
Agata’s lovely delicate hands had now been transformed into the hands of a peasant woman.
Las hermosas y delicadas manos de Agata se habían transformado en las de una aldeana.Literature Literature
Maybe he just won’t marry a peasant-woman soldier.
Quizá no quiera casarse con una campesina.Literature Literature
‘Besides, she’s as stupid as a kolkhoznitsa – a peasant woman,’ the two sisters complained.
—Además, es tonta como una kolkhoznitsa (una campesina) —se quejaron las dos hermanas—.Literature Literature
When I went out on the Uzun-agach-Maibulak track, I saw some young peasant woman.
Cuando salí del camino de Uzunagach-Maibulak, vi a una campesina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She could never be kind to this plain peasant woman.
Jamás podría acercarse a aquella sencilla campesina.Literature Literature
“A peasant woman held him in her arms until he passed.”
Una campesina lo tuvo en sus brazos hasta que murió.Literature Literature
By chance they were distant cousins, sharing an ancestor in Yanka the peasant woman.
Casualmente eran primos lejanos, pues tenían como antepasada común a la campesina Yanka.Literature Literature
Carabinieri and police have been badgering me so, and that hideous peasant woman—”
Los carabinieri y la policía no han dejado de acosarme, y esa horrible campesina...Literature Literature
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