peevishly oor Spaans


In a peevish manner or way.

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con mal humor


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Come, sir, you peevishly threw it to her; and her will is, it should be so returned:
Se lo arrojasteis con malos modos y desea que se devuelva igual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While I’m still marvelling that Charlot is prepared to admit that much, Jerome turns away peevishly.
Mientras yo sigo maravillado de que Charlot esté dispuesto a admitirlo, Jérôme se da la vuelta y se aparta malhumorado.Literature Literature
“It seems you didn’t hear me, Captain Dameron,” C-3PO was saying, a bit peevishly.
—Al parecer, no me escuchó, Capitán Dameron —estaba diciendo C-3PO, un poco malhumorado.Literature Literature
“That bracelet is worth a thousand thousand drinks,” said Heinz peevishly.
—Ese brazalete vale un millar de millares de copas —dijo Heinz, malhumorado.Literature Literature
“Remember your manners, please, Duchwitz,” he said peevishly.
- Le ruego que no se olvide de sus modales, Duchwitz -dijo malhumoradamenteLiterature Literature
“I've gone over every square inch of this hallway, Grissom,” Sara said somewhat peevishly.
—He revisado cada centímetro cuadrado de este pasillo, Grissom —dijo Sara algo irritada.Literature Literature
He behaves peevishly until his better nature is revealed by someone poorer.
El nene se porta como un mimado hasta que alguien más pobre que él le obliga a mostrar el lado bueno de su naturaleza.Literature Literature
“Don’t let’s digress, gentlemen; don’t let’s digress,” said the Chief of Police, somewhat peevishly.
—“No divaguemos, señores; no divaguemos” —dijo el de la Judicial, algo amoscado.Literature Literature
“But you promised me a poem,” he went on peevishly.
“Pero me prometiste un poema”, dijo enojado.Literature Literature
“That’s not what I mean,” said the wet nurse peevishly, shoving the basket away.
—No me refiero a eso —dijo la nodriza en tono desabrido, apartando la cesta—.Literature Literature
“Headwaiter Rostov,” he said almost peevishly, “you have no business being in this office.
—Jefe de sala Rostov —dijo casi con fastidio—, usted no pinta nada en mi despacho.Literature Literature
I wondered peevishly why they couldn't put her anywhere else instead of quartering her on me.
Me pregunté malhumorado por qué no lo habrían puesto en otro dormitorio, en lugar de en el mío.Literature Literature
"She stared at Sharisse's stiff back and said peevishly, ""You said you gave Father a reason why you couldn't marry Joel."
Miró a su hermana y le dijo malhumorada: Dices que le confesaste a papá la razón por la que no puedes casarte con Joel.Literature Literature
"III ""I don't trust them,"" snapped Feng Miranda, peevishly pushing Jupiter's hand off her arm."
—No confío en ellos —dijo secamente Feng Miranda, y, malhumorada, apartó la mano de Júpiter de su brazo.Literature Literature
He drew up a chair and sat down at the telephone crying peevishly: ‘Yes, yes, Telford — go on.
Trajo una silla y se sentó al teléfono, gimoteando: Sí, sí, Telford, siga.Literature Literature
To which his wife would answer peevishly, 'Don't 'ee raft yourself so, Ned!
A lo que su mujer le respondía con voz quejosa: —¡No te atormentes así, Ned!Literature Literature
Peevishly, his mind returned to the impossible problem.
Impacientemente, su mente retomó aquel problema imposible.Literature Literature
“As a matter of fact I’m seeing her later today,” Amit said, only a little peevishly.
—De hecho, esta tarde voy a verla —replicó Amit, ligeramente malhumorado.Literature Literature
‘And should be a whole lot colder, considering the time we’ve waited,’ Philippides said peevishly.
—Y tendría que estar mucho más frío, considerando el tiempo que hemos esperado —dijo Philippides malhumorado.Literature Literature
“I can't arrest a man because his shoes are muddy,” replied Barnes peevishly.
—No puedo detener a un hombre porque sus zapatos aparezcan manchados de barro —replicó Barnes.Literature Literature
asked the offended Levin peevishly.
—preguntó el ofendido Levin, con voz airada.Literature Literature
“It had to be some generation,” said another woman peevishly.
—Tenía que ser alguna generación —dijo picajosa otra mujer.Literature Literature
'Yes; I am to be pitied; but pity is of no use, dear,' he murmured, peevishly.
—Sí, estoy como para que me tengan compasión, pero la compasión no sirve de nada, querida —murmuró, de mal humor.Literature Literature
`That Mona put her new delivery of beefburgers on them,' she answered peevishly, easing herself against the wall.
—Mona les puso encima el último pedido de hamburguesas —respondió de mal humor tras apoyarse en la pared—.Literature Literature
“Northcliff wanted us to introduce you to any unknowns,” Kenley said peevishly.
—Northcliff quería que le presentásemos a los invitados que no conociera —dijo Kenley de mala manera.Literature Literature
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