phonetic transcription oor Spaans

phonetic transcription

The reproduction of the sounds of human language using written symbols.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

transcripción fonética

visual representation of speech sounds
sistema de símbolos gráficos para representar los sonidos del habla humana
The approach most commonly adopted may be described as phonetic transcription.
El enfoque adoptado más frecuentemente puede denominarse transcripción fonética.

la transcripción fonética


notación fonética

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I'll be able to do only a phonetic transcription.
¡ Olvídalo!¡ Túnel!Literature Literature
Certain terms (such as etanol - ethanol) use the phonetic transcription, but the rules for spelling are inconsistent.
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It was first recorded in Man'yōgana, Chinese characters used as a phonetic transcription as in Early Old Japanese.
Vas a recibir señal de ocupadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most common type of phonetic transcription uses a phonetic alphabet, such as the International Phonetic Alphabet.
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List of selected German-language exonyms, including phonetic transcription (Submitted by Germany)
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LITE is a word created from a phonetic transcription of the English word light.
Todo lo de anoche lo cansó muchoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I asked, reviewing the pages which were a phonetic transcription.
Tal vez esta en el cuarto de baño bailar o prácticar a última horaLiterature Literature
To this version my father appended a phonetic transcription.
Tú ya te sentías mal por lo que habías hechoLiterature Literature
“It is a phonetic transcription of the language of the Sudan from the time of Mareish,” said Omar.
Restricciones en el uso del dispositivo (si las hubieraLiterature Literature
Therefore, phonetic transcription can provide a function that the orthography cannot.
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It follows the principles of all phonetic transcription.
Los Estados miembros velarán por que, cuando se realicen controles en los lugares por los que puedan introducirse en el territorio de la Comunidad productos procedentes de un país tercero, como son los puertos, aeropuertos y puertos fronterizos con los países terceros, se adopten las medidas siguientesLiterature Literature
It must be phonetic transcriptions of nearly unpronounceable speech.
Peso bruto (kgLiterature Literature
The approach most commonly adopted may be described as phonetic transcription.
Mis hermanos, estamos aquí reunidos hoy para unirEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Phonetic transcriptions and prosody information together make up the symbolic linguistic representation that is output by the front-end.
Sólo escucha lo que yo digoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The verbal is cathected, and its phonetic transcription is bound, far from the center, in a web of silent script.
¡ Ella me hizo jurar!Literature Literature
Most phonetic transcription is based on the assumption that linguistic sounds are segmentable into discrete units that can be represented by symbols.
No hay espejo en su bañoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Specifically, does the fact that the Greek name Christos Konstantinidis (in a direct phonetic transcription) thus becomes 'Hréstos Kónstantinidés' constitute such an encroachment?
Crees que aún este allí afueraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Phonetic transcription may aim to transcribe the phonology of a language, or it may be used to go further and specify the precise phonetic realisation.
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The Standard Tibetan pronunciation of Bod, , is transcribed Bhö in Tournadre Phonetic Transcription, Bö in the THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription and Poi in Tibetan pinyin.
Los pañales, los berrinches, la tarea.Los reinos, las especies, tu madre, su madreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later, the practice was continued by Americanist anthropologists and linguists who still follow this convention in phonetic transcription to the present day (see Americanist phonetic notation ).
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Slovak linguists do not usually use IPA for phonetic transcription of their own language or others, but have their own system based on the Slovak alphabet.
No quiero ocasionar problemas.Sólo quiero saludar a mi primoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The researchers chose phoneticians for this study because they undergo training in adulthood and the amount of phonetic transcription training and experience can be accurately measured.
Bien... aún tenemos... un momentocordis cordis
The Cheyenne orthography of 14 letters is neither a pure phonemic system nor a phonetic transcription; it is, in the words of linguist Wayne Leman, a "pronunciation orthography".
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A report of Germany ( # and Add # ) introduced a list of selected German-language exonyms with their phonetic transcription, first published by the Permanent Committee of Geographical Names in
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504 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.