pick one's nose oor Spaans

pick one's nose

(idiomatic) To insert a finger or other object into one's nostril to remove obstructions, especially dried mucus.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

hurgarse la nariz

insert a finger into one's nostril

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to pick one's nose
hurgarse la nariz


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To pick one's nose...
Hurgarse la nariz...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's like picking one's nose in public... when one has a perfectly adequate handkerchief in one's pocket.
Es como meterse el dedo en la nariz en público... cuando uno tiene perfecta y adecuadamente un pañuelo en el bolsillo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
George closed his eyes and awaited the pick on the nose.
George cerró los ojos y esperó el beso en la nariz.Literature Literature
They'll pick on a nose.
No les gustas por narices.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To pick one' s nose
Hurgarse la narizopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Later they're told not to pick any one's nose but their own, and then only if no one's watching.
Y más tarde se nos dice que sólo debemos hurgar en nuestra propia nariz y únicamente cuando no nos ve nadie.Literature Literature
I would not report this if I were the one picking my nose.
No contaría esto si fuera yo la que se está metiendo el dedo en la nariz.Literature Literature
It meant no more yawning without covering her mouth or picking her nose on the toilet.
Esto quería decir que ya nunca más bostezaba sin taparse la boca con la mano, ni se hurgaba la nariz estando en el baño.Literature Literature
One chimpanzee used a twig as a toothpick and one picked its nose with a piece of straw.
Un chimpancé se sirvió en una ocasión de una ramita a modo de palillo y otro se rascó la nariz con una paja.Literature Literature
Tony and Danny were playing basketball, Gilbert perhaps ardently picking his nose on the sidelines.
Tony y Danny estaban jugando a baloncesto, puede que con Gilbert hurgándose la nariz con denuedo en la banda.Literature Literature
Not only did they have some of their agents'covers blown... but they were picking their noses on a major market television news station.
No sólo se han algunos de sus agentes " abarca volado... pero fueron recogiendo sus narices en una importante estación de televisión del mercado de noticias.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It doesn’t just stand upright on the tops of ridges, picking its nose, said the figure on the knife in his hand.
No se pone erguida en la cima de las colinas y se hurga la nariz», dijo la figura del cuchillo que llevaba en la mano.Literature Literature
I’ll pick one with a pretty nose like yours, Anne.”
Elegiré una con una nariz tan bonita como la tuya, Ana.Literature Literature
His mouth hung open and he was picking his nose with one finger and his navel with another.
Mantenía la boca abierta y se estaba hurgando la nariz con un dedo y el ombligo con otro.Literature Literature
One guy picks his nose, another cheats.
Algunos hombre hurgan su nariz, otros engañan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I didn’t know it at the time, but picking her nose was one of Ichiwari’s well-known habits.
Yo no lo sabía, pero hurgarse en la nariz era una de las costumbres de Ichiwari.Literature Literature
The door opened and Eaton strolled back in, picking at his nose on the way to his desk.
Se abrió la puerta y Eaton entró sin prisa, hurgándose la nariz de camino a su pupitre.Literature Literature
What feeble attempts can you offer – Nose-pickings on the pillow?
¿Qué débiles méritos puedes ofrecer: mocos en la almohada?Literature Literature
Little Johnny was picking his nose with one hand and scratching at a mosquito bite with the other.
El pequeño Johnny se metió el dedo en la nariz con una mano y se rascó una picadura de mosquito con la otra.Literature Literature
You go out on a date with a guy, and he picks his nose; you don't go out on another date.
Cuando salís con un tipo, y se mete el dedo en la nariz; no volvés a salir con élQED QED
Listeners exchanged cigarettes, picked their noses, spat discreetly on floor.
Los oyentes cambiaban cigarrillos, hurgaban la nariz, escupían discretamente en el suelo.Literature Literature
I have one patient who picks his nose and eats it.
Tengo un paciente que se saca los mocos y se los come.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Stay away from boys because they' re disgusting beasts...... that pee on bushes and pick their noses
No se les acerquen a los niños porque son unas bestias espantosas...... que orinan en los arbustos y se sacan los mocosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Pick-up order on Rollo Banana-Nose Wilson.
Orden de arresto contra Rollo “Nariz de Banana” Wilson.Literature Literature
One time I picked my nose and I swear I could feel the bottom of my eye.
Una vez, me hurgué la nariz y juro que pude sentir el fondo de mi ojo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
193 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.