pick that up immediately! oor Spaans

pick that up immediately!

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They’ll pick that movement up immediately and still have plenty of time to build a possible defense.”
Detectarán ese movimiento inmediatamente y tendrán tiempo de sobra para construir una posible defensa.Literature Literature
Clyde, pick that glass up immediately!
¡ Recoge ese vaso de inmediato!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The second was the Pavehawk helicopter that picked him up immediately and flew him from the air station to the Pentagon.
Lo segundo fue el helicóptero Pavehawk que lo recogió y la llevó inmediatamente al Pentágono.Literature Literature
My family, particularly my sisters, will pick up on that immediately.”
Mi familia, particularmente mis hermanas, se darían cuenta enseguida.Literature Literature
My family, particularly my sisters, will pick up on that immediately.""
Mi familia, particularmente mis hermanas, se darían cuenta enseguida.Literature Literature
Since he was no fool, he picked up on that immediately.
Y, como no era tonto, lo captó de inmediato.Literature Literature
There was a thing that Ortega picked up on immediately: Johnny had already had combat experience, just like he did.
Había algo que Ortega captó de inmediato: Johnny tenía experiencia de combate, como él.Literature Literature
No, we have infrared cameras that immediately picked up
No, lo hubieran detectado las cámaras infrarrojas.Esperenopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
School officials called Jane at work, demanding that she pick her son up immediately.
Las autoridades escolares llamaron a Jane al trabajo y le exigieron que fuera inmediatamente a recoger a su hijo.Literature Literature
We met and, picking up on that enthusiasm, I immediately liked him.
Nos encontramos y, sacándole jugo a ese entusiasmo, enseguida le caí bien.Literature Literature
But the squid’s particulars hide a profound implication; one that McFall-Ngai immediately picked up on.
Pero las particularidades del calamar tienen una profunda implicación; una implicación que McFall-Ngai supo comprender.Literature Literature
If that happened, my guess is that the press would pick it up immediately.
Si eso ocurriera, lo más probable es que la prensa se hiciera eco de ello inmediatamente.Literature Literature
He rang Kurt Fogestam, who promised to see to it that both men were picked up immediately.
Llamó a Kurt Fogestam, quien le prometió encargarse personalmente de que se detuviera a ambos sin pérdida de tiempo.Literature Literature
He didn’t seem surprised to see her, but he immediately picked up that something was wrong.
No parecía sorprendido de ver a su madre, pero él inmediatamente retomada que algo andaba mal.Literature Literature
There’s no doubt that Jeeves’s pick-me-ups will produce immediate results in anything short of an Egyptian mummy.
No cabe duda de que los preparados de Jeeves producen resultados inmediatos en todo lo que no sea una momia egipcia.Literature Literature
He set down his mother’s letter unopened, picked it up, and saw immediately that it had come from Bath.
Dejando sin abrir la carta de su madre, la cogió y al instante vio que venía de Bath.Literature Literature
There's no doubt that Jeeves's pick-me-ups will produce immediate results in anything short of an Egyptian mummy.
No cabe duda de que los preparados de Jeeves producen resultados inmediatos en todo lo que no sea una momia egipcia.Literature Literature
Um, if you'll open up your dossier there, you'll see there on the first page is something that you picked up on almost immediately, which is his reverse body dysmorphia.
Si abre ese informe de ahí, verá que en la primera página hay algo que usted ya percibió casi de inmediato, que es su dismorfia corporal aguda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since the only thing I had done was pick up the receiver, I naturally concluded he meant that and immediately hung up.
Como lo único que yo había hecho era descolgar el auricular, pensé que a eso se refería y colgué.Literature Literature
The Richmond News-Leader came out with a story that all the national papers picked up immediately.
El News-Leader de Richmond había encontrado una pista, que toda la prensa nacional se apresuró a seguir sin demora.Literature Literature
We assume that the car just turns around immediately, and that there's no time devoted to picking her up.
Supondremos que el coche da la vuelta inmediatamente, y que no se gasta tiempo al recojerla.QED QED
It was a small but uncharacter-istic sign of anxiety, and one that Will and Drake immediately picked up on.
Era un pequeño pero inconfundible signo de ansiedad, que Will y Drake captaron inmediatamente.Literature Literature
We are very fortunate that he has agreed to pick up this burden, immediate from today.
Somos afortunados de que haya aceptado esta carga a partir de hoy mismo.Literature Literature
I take it out and when I see that it is the doctor I pick it up immediately.
Lo saco y al ver que es el doctor descuelgo de inmediato.Literature Literature
But Helen knew immediately that she wouldn’t pick it up.
Pero Helen supo inmediatamente que no la iba a coger.Literature Literature
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