poach oor Spaans


/ˈpoʊtʃ/ werkwoord
(transitive) to cook something in simmering water

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to cook in simmering liquid
My poached eggs, they don't look like all over the place, like some of the other ones.
Mis huevos escalfados, que no se parecen a todo el lugar, como algunos de los otros.

cazar furtivamente

to take game or fish illegally
The defendant murdered a police officer While poaching protected birds.
El acusado asesinó a un oficial de policía mientras cazaba furtivamente aves protegidas.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


to take illegally or unfairly

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

poached egg
Huevo escalfado · el huevo escalfado · huevo escalfado · huevo pochado · huevo poché
poaching shot
commercial poaching
caza furtiva con fines comerciales
to poach
cazar furtivamente · escalfar · robar
poached eggs
huevos escalfados · huevos pochés
caza furtiva · el escalfado · escalfado · furtivismo · la caza furtiva · pesca furtiva · recolección furtiva · talado furtivo
poached fruit
fruta en almíbar · fruta en compota
escalfado · hervido · poché


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Careful. Why would she go with Dan when he couldn't even poach Jonah from Maddox?
Si doy un mal paso, Kate me echará inmediatamenteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I don’t have many strawberries, Jane, so no poaching.”
Hacía tanto fríoLiterature Literature
Many others think they know what's best and go up there to poach.
El padre de Sarah va de camino a la escuela... tengo que ir allí y pararlo antes de que haga algo estúpidoLiterature Literature
May be able to cut some years off your poaching sentence, but you're still looking at a life term for killing Connor Redding.
¿ Estás seguro que aquí fue donde lo reconociste?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Two poached deer and a half a grapefruit.
Tu eres un ladrón!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jon had poached halibut in wine and lemon, and topped it with a fresh tomato-and-basil salsa.
Divertido.No como estoLiterature Literature
Expressing serious concern over the steady rise in the level of rhinoceros poaching and the alarmingly high levels of killings of elephants in Africa, which threaten those species with local extinction and, in some cases, with global extinction,
Llevé a mi grupo de estadounidenses enfermos a un Hospital cubano para ver si los podían atenderUN-2 UN-2
Both of these turtles are endangered due to poaching for meat and eggs, as also because of the destruction of their natural habitat due to land development along the coast line.
Bueno, tengo un plan.Y se está desarrollandoCommon crawl Common crawl
· Submission to the General Assembly of a resolution on poaching, highlighting its environmental, economic and security impacts;
Ahora que se han dado cuenta que no hay nada que temer...... y que lo único que queremos es amarlos y protegerlos...... deberían encontrar una manera de unirse a nosotrosUN-2 UN-2
The Committee also reviewed issues related to counter-terrorism and nonproliferation of small arms and light weapons; maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea; and transnational organized crime, including drug trafficking and poaching.
Así podrás ganarte el dinero en vez de mendigar, yUN-2 UN-2
That ban on trade would be liable to lead to an increase in poaching and to hunters shooting seals without caring which part of the body had been hit or checking whether the animal was dead or not.
Informarán de ello inmediatamente a la Comisiónnot-set not-set
The eggs poached with a whisk, equally perfect, on a small bed of potato.
Tu jefe me pidió que te dijera que estás despedidoLiterature Literature
Despite reinforcing park rangers with military units and gathering extensive intelligence on poaching gangs, park authorities have been unable to stem the slaughter.
¿ Qué tal un buen sándwich de dos pisos?Soy vegetarianoglobalvoices globalvoices
And I'm gonna stuff that with a white wine poached egg.
Retrocede, Ana.- ¡ Retrocede!- ¡ Sólo dime qué está pasando!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Indicator 5.1: The forestry entity has made the necessary arrangements to prohibit the involvement of its staff in poaching, commercial hunting and the transportation or trade in hunting equipment and means.
Siéntate no muerdoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Security Council encouraged UNOCA to support the development of a subregional approach against poaching and the illicit trade in wildlife (see S/PRST/2014/8, S/PRST/2014/25 and S/PRST/2015/12).
Cada solicitud se evaluará con arreglo a los criterios establecidos en el programa de trabajo de eContentplusUN-2 UN-2
The ducs aren’t the only ones can’t abide poaching, you know.’
Uno de nosotros debería esperar aquíLiterature Literature
Both delegations referred to practical measures needed to prevent poaching, given that it can undermine conservation of fish stocks in the South-West Atlantic.
Y lo hicieron, lo que es grandioso.Pero, ¿ que debieron entregar a cambio?UN-2 UN-2
Several short- and long-term priority actions were identified by the report, such as curbing poaching, preventing the illegal and unsustainable exploitation of resources, planning and zoning, harmonizing and enforcing legislation, capacity-building, research and development, and securing sustainable financing
Le di los nombres de nuevos chicosMultiUn MultiUn
We poach eggs and salmon, make pizza from scratch.
Con permiso, madam, ¿ sabe donde puedo inscribirme para ser guia?... junto al " komoa " showLiterature Literature
But while you were poaching salmon in lovely Kilrea, we were being burnt out of our house in Rathcoole
Rain es la que me puso la tiza en la mano...... y me transformó en la reina del ABCopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The five recommendations from the symposium, if implemented well, will lead to zero poaching in Asia.
Cuando me gradue, estaba muy orgulloso de migv2019 gv2019
That bastard was poaching deer.
En cualquier caso no debe limitarse a la posibilidad de consulta, sino que, sobre todo (de conformidad con el principio de abajo arriba inherente a la sociedad civil), debe garantizar el derecho de participaciónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You can take Poached.
Lo que vreditelstvo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The main factor in the continued decline of the Javan rhinoceros population has been poaching for horns, a problem that affects all rhino species.
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