posture sense oor Spaans

posture sense

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sensibilidad postural


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He could see it in their postures, sense it in their attitudes, smell it in their pheromones.
Podía verlo en sus posturas, sentirlo en sus actitudes, olerlo en sus feromonas.Literature Literature
Despite his relaxed posture, she sensed a tightly coiled watchfulness about him, and it frightened her.
A pesar de su postura relajada, ella se sintió arrolladoramente observada y eso la asustó.Literature Literature
The wide-openness of his posture, the sense of ownership it broadcast, kept drawing my eyes to him.
Aquella postura tan abierta y la sensación de posesión que transmitía atraían mi mirada continuamente.Literature Literature
Looking around at their separate faces and postures, he sensed a disguised unity among them, an army in mufti.
Al mirarlos uno a uno, sus caras, sus posturas, notó entre ellos una unidad disimulada, un ejército en traje civil.Literature Literature
The man smiled up at my dad, and despite his age and stooped posture, I sensed something vibrant in him.
El anciano sonrió a mi padre; a pesar de su edad y de que iba encorvado, pude sentir una cierta energía en él.Literature Literature
Some children may have poor posture, display a sense of insecurity, and seem uncomfortable with themselves.
Algunos niños pueden tener una mala postura, reflejar una sensación de inseguridad y parecer incómodos consigo mismos.Literature Literature
There is something about his posture that makes me sense that he is frustrated.
Hay algo en su actitud que me lleva a sospechar que se siente frustrado.Literature Literature
Otherwise, it will defeat its Posture, Breath-control and Sense-withdrawal purpose.
De lo contrario, se anulará su Postura, Control de la respiración y el sentido de abstinencia propósito.Literature Literature
A fifth, standing shorter and with a far less military posture, but a similar sense of indignation.
Uno quinto, menos alto y con una postura menos militar, pero percibo una huella de indignación.Literature Literature
Even over the flood of her own pleasure, she sensed his posture changing, tasted sweet saltiness on her tongue.
Incluso entre la marea de su propio placer, notó que él cambiaba de postura, y saboreó algo salado y dulce en la lengua.Literature Literature
It is a posture or more correctly the giving up of a posture and in that sense something passive.
Es una actitud, o más bien: una renuncia a la actitud, y en este sentido es algo pasivo.Literature Literature
I have a sense that my posture doesn't seem entirely natural.
Tengo la sensación de que mi postura no es del todo natural.Literature Literature
From the tension in Piper’s posture, I could tell she sensed the problem too.
Por la tensión de la postura de Piper, supe que ella también advirtió el problema.Literature Literature
Josepe sensed in his posture the potential for a new game.
Josepe intuyó en su postura el potencial de un nuevo juego.Literature Literature
But something changed in his posture, and Karris’s old Blackguard senses began tingling.
Pero algo cambió en la postura de él, y los viejos sentidos de guardia negra de Karris comenzaron a hormiguear.Literature Literature
Sensing in my posture and her beauty the very shape of weakness, they forfeited their strength at once.
Intuyendo por mi postura y por la belleza de Bianca nuestra debilidad, dejaron su fuerza a un lado.Literature Literature
His posture gave off an incredible sense of inertia.
Su postura denotaba una increíble inercia.Literature Literature
My posture, my eyes, and my sense of humor have all come from him.
Y es cierto, tengo su mismo físico, sus ojos y su sentido del humor.jw2019 jw2019
He shrugged, but she sensed in his posture that he still felt the burden of that pain.
—Se encogió de hombros, pero ella notó en su postura que aún llevaba consigo aquel dolor—.Literature Literature
Despite his lax posture and laconic tone, Samantha could sense the tension coiled in his every muscle.
A pesar de su postura relajada y su tono lacónico, Samantha notó la tensión que recorría todos sus músculos.Literature Literature
It was adopting a maximum stealth posture, which could only mean it sensed purposeful movement.
Estaba adoptando la posición de máximo sigilo, lo que solo podía significar que había percibido un movimiento poderoso.Literature Literature
Perhaps they had sensed that their threatening posture was not acceptable anymore and had slunk away.
Tal vez apreciaron que su postura de amenaza había dejado de ser aceptable y se habían marchado con sigilo.Literature Literature
With my eyes closed, I sensed her shape and postures.
Con los ojos cerrados sentí su figura y posiciones.Literature Literature
Martin looked at this act as a cold scheme or posture; that at least made some sense.
Martin consideraba este acto como un plan o pose premeditada; al menos eso tenía sentido.Literature Literature
But he sensed, through her posture, that she wanted to talk about Pam, and he said nothing, waiting for her to continue.
Rhyme adivinó por su postura, sin embargo, que quería hablarle de Pam y, sin decir nada, esperó a que continuara.Literature Literature
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