power loom oor Spaans

power loom

A mechanized loom powered by a line shaft.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Telar mecánico

mechanised loom powered by a line shaft
An era of power looms and iron works. A smoke-stained, industrious, robust era.
Una Era de fundiciones y telares mecánicos, envuelta en celajes de humo, robusta e industriosa.

telar mecánico

An era of power looms and iron works. A smoke-stained, industrious, robust era.
Una Era de fundiciones y telares mecánicos, envuelta en celajes de humo, robusta e industriosa.
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The spread of power looms was dramatic as well.
¿ Te refieres a esto?Literature Literature
Power looms for weaving fabrics of a width > 30 cm, shuttle type
de un tipo de vehículo por lo que se refiere a la instalación de dispositivos de alumbrado y señalización luminosa, de conformidad con el Reglamento noEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Today the city of Bhiwandi has about half a million-power looms, though handlooms are few in number.
Necesitamos la colaboración de las autoridades italianas, ponte al habla con el Departamento de EstadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Increasing demand could still not be entirely satisfied by power looms.
Esperaba que aún tuvieras tu contacto en SummerholtLiterature Literature
Foster to Robert Peel, July 13, 1826, Manchester, Home Office, Introduction of Power Looms: J.
Se están manteniendo discusiones con las autoridades luxemburguesasLiterature Literature
In actual fact, handwoven cloth has no advantage at all over cloth that comes from the power loom!
Tienes blanca la nariz como una mula de Georgiajw2019 jw2019
They placarded the walls with advertisements for power-loom weavers.
¿ Esa criatura que llevas en brazos?Literature Literature
Ted sat slumped back in his seat, glowering like a thunderhead: powerful, looming, dangerous.
Entrégalo, comparteLiterature Literature
He felt night’s awfulest powers looming over him.
¿ No es por eso por lo que entraste a Kappa Tau?Literature Literature
Meanwhile, Edward Cartwright in 1784 had invented the first steam-powered loom.
¡ Me siento como un novicio torpe!Literature Literature
By 1833, almost all the garments produced in Britain were woven on powered looms.
No me llames así de nuevoLiterature Literature
Similar innovations occurred in weaving, with the introduction of the flying shuttle and various types of power looms.
Mejor dicho, necesitas decirme lo que tú eras, peroLiterature Literature
The power loom enabled one operator to do the work of six handloom weavers.
No te equivoques, chaval... o te tiro por el ojo de buey lateralLiterature Literature
This is the same relationship as that of the hand-loom weaver who competes with the POWER-LOOM.
¿ Qué voy a hacer?Literature Literature
An era of power looms and iron works. A smoke-stained, industrious, robust era.
Perdón, ¿ alguno de ustedes recuerda un tema deOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Industrial Ulster had invested heavily and wagered everything on the linen power loom.
Entonces, ¿ a qué estás esperando?Literature Literature
And what was it before power looms were brought in?
No, quería darte las gracias por míOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He invented a power LOOM and set up a weaving and spinning factory in Yorkshire.
¡ Abre tus ojos amiga!Literature Literature
This is the same relationship as that of the hand-loom weaver who competes with the power-loom.
Caí...... totalmente de cara al sueloLiterature Literature
The workman told off to demonstrate the powered loom to Itale was named Fabbre.
¿ Dónde demonios está?Literature Literature
Weaving is a very advanced art, using some power looms; jacquards and corduroys are not out of reach.
Pero esta vez yo elijo el restauranteLiterature Literature
These are mechanical power looms.
Está bien.- ¿ Está bien?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Power looms
Claro, ¿ el tipo con manos radioactivas?tmClass tmClass
440 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.