precordial oor Spaans


(anatomy) Of or pertaining to the precordium

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- the most common reported reactions are tachycardia, palpitations, hypertension, precordial pain
- Las reacciones adversas comunicadas con mayor frecuencia son: taquicardia, palpitaciones, hipertensión y dolor precordial.

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The main health barriers were to present osteoarticular problems, dizziness and precordial pain when exercising.
derivados de tipo triazol (por ejemplo, tebuconazol, triadimefon, tradimenol, triapentenolscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Hey, listen, I totally fucked my shoulder trying that precordial on our little buddy here.
¿ Qué quiere hacer ahora?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If onset is witnessed in a monitored environment, a precordial thump may be given, but its efficacy has not been proven.
¿ Eso estuvo bien?Literature Literature
Deep Q waves frequently are seen in the left precordial leads.
Cualquiera puede robar aquí en medio de la noche a través de la ventanaLiterature Literature
The systolic overload pattern is characterized by tall, pure R waves in the right precordial leads.
Está mi torneo para terminarLiterature Literature
It has been described as a series of precordial crackles that correlate with the heart beat rather than respiration.
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In the first step, the precordial leads are examined for the presence or absence of an RS complex.
Eso estará bienLiterature Literature
Salicylates are given for precordial pain and nonbacterial or rheumatic pericarditis. 8.
Este es el grandeLiterature Literature
The J-depression is seen more often in the precordial leads than in the limb leads (Fig. 3-24).
¡ Mis monstruos!Literature Literature
Two black holes marked their uniforms over the precordial areas.
En realidad no es antisemita siLiterature Literature
Remember that Prouty is sure that the precordial type of wound particularly would bleed profusely.
Se lo he dicho como # vecesLiterature Literature
The QRS amplitude is characteristically low over the right precordial leads due to a diminutive right ventricle.
Los buques a los que se apliquen los factores inesperados enumerados en el anexo I, parte # #B podrán ser inspeccionadosLiterature Literature
That precordial pressure—it’s because your chest is bursting with unlived life.
Duración del régimenLiterature Literature
We present the case of a 14-year-old teenager, with a history of a heart murmur diagnosed at the age of 8. This was asymptomatic until he reached the age of 14, when he presented acute symptoms of dyspnoea and precordial pain.
¡ Que me trague la mierda si eso no es un meteoro!scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
It is clinically characterized by recurrent syncope and/or sudden death with electrocardiographic manifestations that simulate a right bundle branch block accompanied by ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads (V1, V2 and V3) without structural cardiac changes.
Este sujeto Tim y tú...... ¿ es cierto?scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
What is a hyperdynamic precordial impulse?
Será una contribución muy valiosa a tener en cuenta en los próximos pasos en los debates con otras instituciones.Literature Literature
The location is usually retrosternal or left precordial.
Dispara todo lo que quieras, putoLiterature Literature
Precordial crackles?
Oh, gran Zeus, rey de todos...... te damos a Polidoro, Príncipe de TroyaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The infant’s ECG demonstrates RAD (+140 degrees) and dominant R waves in the right precordial leads.
He sido enviado a petición de la PresidentaLiterature Literature
These leads are identified as precordial or chest leads and are designated as V1–V6.
Yo era un joven editorLiterature Literature
Chapter 10 Malar flush, precordial bulge, and diffuse pulsation in young patients.
Sí, bueno, ellas no vivirán mucho más, estamos corriendo contra relojLiterature Literature
Acute dilatation of the heart does not cause precordial bulge.
Que pinten cuadros más bonitos?Literature Literature
C) Electrode positions for precordial leads in the transverse plane.
Que tengas un buen díaLiterature Literature
His immediate symptoms—acute precordial pain and an excruciating headache—alarmed Stephen.
Ha cambiado, ¿ verdad?Literature Literature
From what I know of precordial wounds I can’t believe that this one should have bled so little.
Los estudios de carcinogenicidad de tipranavir en ratones y ratas mostraron capacidad tumorígena específica para estas especies, lo cual no se considera de relevancia clínicaLiterature Literature
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