prepossess oor Spaans


To preoccupy, as ground or land; to take previous possession of.

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cavilosidad · prejuicio
agradable · atractivo


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These premises are hardly prepossessing, and yet the Beadle tells me you're the most accomplished of all the barbers in the city.
Sus instalaciones no son impresionantes pero el bedel me dice que Ud. es el mejor barbero de la ciudad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bernard’s looks were not immediately prepossessing.
El aspecto de Bernard no resultaba arrebatador de inmediato.Literature Literature
It operated as a balance against all my former prepossessions.
Hizo de contrapeso frente a todos mis anteriores prejuicios.Literature Literature
Then, with a curiously sweet smile on a face which was not prepossessing she murmured, ‘I have escaped so many dangers.
Luego, con una dulce y curiosa sonrisa en su rostro poco agraciado, murmuró-: He escapado de muchos peligros.Literature Literature
The Hensfield stadium was not prepossessing from the outside.
El estadio de Hensfield no resultaba imponente desde el exterior.Literature Literature
But when he got to the top, it was a man whom he found waiting for him a man of not wholly prepossessing appearance.
Pero cuando llegó al final, vio que era un hombre el que le esperaba y un hombre de aspecto poco tranquilizador.Literature Literature
Alabama Moze, they called him, and he was a prepossessing negro, baffling as to age.
Le llamaban Alabama Moze, y era un negro simpático de edad indefinida.Literature Literature
The figure of Oliver Cromwell was, as is generally known, in no way prepossessing.
La fisonomía de Oliver Cromwell, como todos sabían, no predisponía nada en su favor.Literature Literature
I cannot conceal from you that my prepossessions in your favour have ripened into real friendship.
No puedo ocultaros que mi buena voluntad hacia vos se ha tornado en verdadera amistad.Literature Literature
The SPR was the first organisation of its kind in the world, its stated purpose being "to approach these varied problems without prejudice or prepossession of any kind, and in the same spirit of exact and unimpassioned enquiry which has enabled science to solve so many problems, once not less obscure nor less hotly debated."
El objetivo de la Sociedad será el de acercarse a estos diversos problemas, sin prejuicios o predisposición o de cualquier tipo, con el mismo espíritu de exacta investigación y desapasionado y que ha permitido a la ciencia resolver tantos problemas, ante situaciones no menos oscuras y no menos abatidos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sidon was somewhat more prepossessing, and Auntie Mame allowed as how she’d just try a cigarette.
Sidón era bastante más agradable, y la tía Mame anunció que trataría de fumar un cigarrillo.Literature Literature
The papers were then submitted to the Council, and were duly forwarded to the churches and Councils of Zürich, Bern, Basel, and Schaffhausen, while Calvin had anticipated this step by writing to the several pastors in order to prepossess them against Servetus.
Los documentos se enviaron entonces al Consejo y luego a las iglesias y a los consejos locales de Zurich, Berna, Basilea y Schaffhausen. Mientras, Calvino se les había adelantado escribiendo a los distintos sacerdotes para predisponerles en contra de Miguel Servet.Common crawl Common crawl
His personal appearance was not particularly prepossessing.
Su aspecto personal no era especialmente atractivo.Literature Literature
No; habit, prepossession changes all.
No; el hábito y la predisposición lo cambian todo.Literature Literature
I know I am not prepossessing in appearance—my nose is crooked and my skin is blotched.
Sé que no poseo una apariencia atractiva: tengo la nariz aguileña y la piel manchada.Literature Literature
My mother still lives in her small house in Miami and is prepossessed with her efforts to explain me.
Mi madre todavía vive en su pequeña casa de Miami y está obsesionada por explicármelo todo.Literature Literature
Certainly Heeseman was a more prepossessing man, at first sight, than Hays.
Era indudable que, a primera vista, Heeseman resultaba más simpático que Hays.Literature Literature
He was in his early forties and his physical appearance, while not unattractive, was certainly far from prepossessing.
Había pasado ya los cuarenta y su aspecto físico, si bien no era desagradable, tampoco era atractivo.Literature Literature
Those persons who are most enlightened, frequently cling on some side to the general prepossession.
Las personas más esclarecidas se sienten a menudo ligadas en algún aspecto a los prejuicios universales.Literature Literature
It was certainly crosspatch ‘F.’, and a far from prepossessing little creature with that fixed, level gaze.
Era, efectivamente, la gruñona «F.», y una criaturita nada atractiva, con aquella mirada fija y horizontal.Literature Literature
Caroline was conscious that she was not at her most prepossessing.
Caroline era consciente de que no estaba muy atractiva.Literature Literature
He fixed me to dine with Don Gaston, whose prepossessing physiognomy and symmetry of feature struck me sensibly.
Comí con don Gastón, cuyo bello aspecto y gentileza me cautivaron.Literature Literature
It might be difficult to give an unselfish reason for being prepossessed against him.’
Puede ser difícil dar una razón objetiva para desconfiar de él.Literature Literature
My ears were deaf to offers of pets with more prepossessing appearance.
Mis oídos permanecían sordos a todos sus ofrecimientos de otros animales más atractivos.Literature Literature
Günberk Braun was less prepossessing.
Günberk Braun era menos atractivo.Literature Literature
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