private paper oor Spaans

private paper

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

efectos privados


papeles privados

He was making the most absurd allegations against Lily, accusing her of interfering with his private papers, spying.
Estaba formulando acusaciones totalmente absurdas contra Lily, acusándola de interferir con sus papeles privados, de espiarle.

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“And in that period of time I have found you twice examining my private papers!
—Y durante ese tiempo le he encontrado a usted dos veces registrando mis papeles.Literature Literature
I am indebted to a private paper on Saudi Arabia.
Agradezco la ayuda que me ha prestado un informe privado sobre Arabia Saudí.Literature Literature
DJ-: Selected documents from private papers of Field Marshal Erhard Milch.
DI-53: Documentos escogidos entre los papeles privados del mariscal de campo Erhard Milch.Literature Literature
Arnold, and to the private papers and diary of Justice Robert H.
Arnold, y a los papeles privados (legado) y el diario del juez Robert H.Literature Literature
The Private Papers of Douglas Haig.
Página oficial del Douglas Haig.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When we were planning this program, you gave us many of your private papers.
Cuando preparábamos este programa, usted nos dio acceso a gran parte de sus documentos privados.Literature Literature
He had extra rounds of ammunition here, some private papers and equipment, including his issue flashlight.
Allí guardaba algunos cartuchos de repuesto, documentos personales y otros objetos, incluida una linterna de reglamento.Literature Literature
‘There may be private papers in there of a highly confidential nature.
Ahí dentro puede haber documentos privados de carácter totalmente confidencial.Literature Literature
And then there was Jukes, whom I already suspected of snooping through my private papers.
Después estaba Jukes, de quien siempre había sospechado que espiaba mis papeles personales.Literature Literature
‘Brampton argues with Sir Thomas, who has accused him of rifling amongst his private papers?’
Brampton se pelea con sir Thomas, quien le ha acusado de registrar sus documentos personales.Literature Literature
Had he availed himself of Caesar's private papers as well as the man's wife?
¿Se había apropiado de unos documentos privados de César y de la esposa de otro hombre?Literature Literature
They have no private papers belonging to Mr Leonides beyond certain securities which they held for him.’
No tienen documentos privados del señor Leónides, aparte de unas obligaciones que le guardaban.Literature Literature
There was no desk or cabinet in which Irena would have kept private papers.
No había escritorio ni gabinete donde Irena pudiera esconder documentos secretos.Literature Literature
The Princess had picked up her husband’s habit of using books as hiding places for private papers.
La princesa había tomado del marido la costumbre de utilizar libros para esconder las cartas secretas.Literature Literature
Every private paper that has gone through that boardroom safe has been photocopied also by me.
Cada papel privado que ha pasado por la caja fuerte de esa sala ha sido fotocopiado también por mí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A wife who could read her husband’s private papers?
¿Una esposa capaz de leer los documentos privados de su esposo?Literature Literature
"""... and it's never wise to make personal notes on your private papers."
—... y no es buena idea —continuaba ella— tomar notas personales en sus documentos.Literature Literature
Françoise Bertrand apologized for reading these private papers.
Françoise pedía disculpas por haber leído esos papeles privados.Literature Literature
These are private papers, private letters.
Son documentos privados, cartas privadas.Literature Literature
But he’d left behind certain...private papers.”
Pero dejó ciertos... documentos privados.Literature Literature
Everything valuable is all locked up, but I don't want you poking at anyone's private papers or belongings.
Todos los objetos valiosos están guardados, pero no quiero que revolváis los papeles o pertenencias de nadie.Literature Literature
He did not even mention the conference in his private papers.
En sus papeles personales ni siquiera menciona la conferencia.Literature Literature
The Archives have also acquired private papers of over # eminent national humanists
Los Archivos han adquirido también documentos privados de más de # eminentes humanistas nacionalesMultiUn MultiUn
But I needed to ransack your private papers first.
Pero antes tenía que registrar tus documentos privados.Literature Literature
This man”—he pointed a quivering finger at Sam—“was going through my private papers!
Este hombre —apuntó con dedo temblón a Sam— estaba metiendo sus narices en mis documentos privados.Literature Literature
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