province oor Spaans


/pɹɒvins/ naamwoord
A subdivision of government usually one step below the national level.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


A subdivision of government usually one step below the national level
The province supplies its neighbors with various raw materials.
La provincia suministra a sus vecinos diversas materias primas.


The provinces take action to combat aggression and intolerance against foreigners.
Las medidas de lucha contra la agresión y la intolerancia hacia los extranjeros se llevan a cabo a escala de los voivodatos.


What is the impact of this reform on Austria and on its nine federal provinces?
¿Qué repercusiones tiene esta reforma para Austria y sus nueve regiones federales?

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María Trinidad Sánchez Province
María Trinidad Sánchez
Anta Province
Provincia de Anta
Kampong Cham Province
Provincia de Kompung Cham
province of Newfoundland and Labrador
NL · Provincia de Terranova · T.L. · Terranova · provincia de Terranova y Labrador
Province of Alberta
AB · Alberta · Alta.
La Pampa Province
Provincia de La Pampa
Florida Province
Huarmey Province
Provincia de Huarmey
Düzce Province
Provincia de Duzce


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(DE) Madam President, as you can see, this is clearly an Austrian issue, and Steiermark, one of our provinces that has been hard hit, is of great concern to us, with its above-average proportion of the population involved in the automotive industry on the one hand and, of course, a disproportionately high percentage of these products being exported on the other.
No existe un método de producción 100 % seguro.Europarl8 Europarl8
If not, what action is it taking against those who were involved in them, either in project execution, including specifically Abb, or in commissioning projects, including specifically the Netherlands province of Limburg?
No sobrevivirán ahí afueraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In most of the federal provinces there are “family grants”, especially for families with many children, which are meant as a financial relief to parents with several children, as well as to make it possible for one parent to forego any gainful activity for the time during which this grant is paid
¡ Y ese, es nuestro pobre cofre, amigos!MultiUn MultiUn
It had eight half-opened lotus flowers on the top stripe representing the eight provinces of India and a picture of the sun and a crescent moon on the bottom stripe.
Pete, de " Fall Out Boy ", vinistesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the end of the year, she leaves Samito with a friend and undertakes a two-month trip, largely on foot, through Niassa Province to assess conditions and plan activities for the Department of Social Affairs.
Una gobernanza adecuada se caracteriza por comportar relaciones abiertas y una aplicación menos estricta del principio de subsidiariedadWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Territorial in nature, the provincial deputations serve to promote the economic-administrative interests of the provinces.
Muchas ciudades y regiones ya están respaldando, en la medida de sus capacidades, campañas informativas para la opinión pública sobre los fundamentos científicos, los métodos y los ámbitos de aplicación de la biotecnología, así como las exigencias jurídicas y los aspectos éticos asociados a ese sectorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Court immediately established in these two provinces the Baoxin Garrison.
Damas y caballeros, denle la bienvenida a la gran Celine DioneOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Committee notes with deep concern that the increasing rate of malnutrition is affecting, according to the most recent statistics, more than # million children, in particular newborn babies and those living in the northern provinces
Creo que cometes un gran errorMultiUn MultiUn
In Limpopo Province, the brothers were living on what was known as a reserve, which was, at the time, off-limits to whites.
¿ Entonces por qué no abres la reja?jw2019 jw2019
MONUSCO provided monthly logistic support and support on an as-needed basis to validation exercises in 40 mining sites throughout the eastern provinces.
¿ Qué haréis cuando pierda la última partede mí?UN-2 UN-2
It should be noted that some provinces have also begun implementing additional interdepartmental committees to deal with human rights issues within their jurisdictions.
¿ Tienes planes con ella para el Día de San Valentín?UN-2 UN-2
Extra virgin olive oil originating from the province of Puente Genil (Córdoba)
La demandante alega además la no conformidad a Derecho de las DGE, en particular de su artículo #, que es contrario al artículo #, apartado # del RAAtmClass tmClass
Since the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding for National Peace and Reconciliation between the Government and the Frente para a Libertação do Enclave de Cabinda (FLEC), the situation in the province of Cabinda has been calm
Puedo darte al tirador, al hombre que está tras él, y a todos hasta la cúpulaMultiUn MultiUn
The total figures for voluntary and assisted returns in all provinces of the country were # people on # ay # on # uly and # on # eptember
A partir del # de noviembre de #, losvegetales de Rhododendron spp., a excepción de Rhododendron simsii Planch, y Viburnum spp., a excepción de los frutos y semillas, originarios de terceros países, salvo de los Estados Unidos de América, introducidos en la Comunidad, sólo podrán desplazarse en la Comunidad si van acompañados de un pasaporte fitosanitario preparado y expedido de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Directiva #/CEE de la ComisiónMultiUn MultiUn
According to the plan, the Team proposed dividing the country into two zones to cover the 15 provinces where children were reintegrated.
¿ Te aprendiste las palabras?UN-2 UN-2
For example, on 2 September 2010 a young man called Chau Net had been beheaded with a Samurai sword by a Vietnamese mob in Tay Ninh Province because he had told them that he was Khmer-Krom.
Para ser un tipo que abonaba los campos hace tres años, estás muy puestoUN-2 UN-2
That is even worse than what I feared for Venice, which was that it might become an Imperial province.'
Te tomas todo demasiado en serioLiterature Literature
Sibuyan is a crescent-shaped island, the second largest in an archipelago comprising Romblon Province, Philippines.
Estoy en casaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There’s a cholera epidemic in the provinces.
¿ Qué pasa contigo, Kara?Literature Literature
Unable to abolish the duties on the passage of goods from province to province, Colbert did what he could to induce the provinces to equalize them.
Era viejo y pobre y derrotado aún antes de la guerraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Regarding the summary executions committed at Ruvubu national park, Muyinga Province, in # on # ctober a military court sentenced the main defendant to death in absentia, while # other defendants received prison sentences
¿ Cómo hallamos el camino de vuelta?MultiUn MultiUn
This province is the least populated part of Argentina.
Qué pregunta tan tontaCommon crawl Common crawl
In August, with funding from the Government of Japan and support from the United Nations Population Fund, the Central Statistics Organization began work, expected to be completed by April 2013, on a sociodemographic and economic survey in Ghor and Daykundi Provinces.
¿ Me quiere serio?UN-2 UN-2
Export incentive programmes in Zhejiang province;
Acabo de transferirme de StrathclydeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Other information: (a) Prominent Taliban financier. (b) As of mid- 2009, supplied weapons, ammunition, explosives and medical equipment to Taliban fighters; raised funds for the Taliban, and provided training to them, in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region. (c) Has previously organized and funded Taliban operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. (d) As of 2010, travelled to and owned businesses in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. (e) Belongs to Noorzai tribe, Miralzai sub-tribe. (f) Brother of Malik Noorzai. (g) Father’s name is Akhtar Mohammed (alias: Haji Mira Khan).
Ve a comprarlasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
207 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.