put gloves off oor Spaans

put gloves off

To take one's gloves off.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


To take one's gloves off.
Quitarse los guantes.

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Don' t put off your gloves!
¡ No se saque los guantes!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He took the gloves off, put them in his pocket.
Se sacó los guantes, y se los puso en el bolsillo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Get that ad off the air renounce who put it there, or the gloves are off.
Sacad ese anuncio de la emisión y renunciad a los inmorales que lo hicieron o nos ponemos los guantes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No matter what, you mustn't put off your gloves!
¡ Por ninguna razón del mundo, ninguna, se deben sacar nunca los guantes!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The man emerged from the house, quickly put on his shoes, took off both gloves and put them in his golf bag.
El hombre salió de la casa, se calzó rápidamente los zapatos, se quitó los dos guantes y los metió en la bolsa de palos.Literature Literature
Then slowly, carefully, she took the glove off, put it on her other hand, and reached up farther for the next handhold.
Luego, lenta y cautelosamente, se quitó el guante, selo puso en la otra mano y aferró el siguiente agarradero.Literature Literature
I took my glove off and put my hand in my pants pocket.
Me quité el guante y me metí la mano en el bolsillo del pantalón.Literature Literature
For some reason, he takes his glove off and puts his hand on the warhead.
Por alguna razón, se quita el guante y pone su mano en la ojiva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I took my glove off and put my bare hand against my lips to get some warmth into them.
Me quité el guante y me puse la mano en los labios para calentármelos.Literature Literature
We take the gloves off and put these mutants down, we’ll have this city cleaned up in no time.”
Si nos quitamos los guantes y nos cargamos a estos mutantes, la ciudad estará limpia en un santiamén.Literature Literature
I pinned my hair back, put on my white gloves and went off to inspect it.
Me tiré el pelo hacia atrás, me puse los guantes blancos y fui a inspeccionar.Literature Literature
She peeled off her gloves, put her hat away, and turned her brightening eyes upon her husband.
Se sacó sus guantes, se quitó el sombrero y volvió sus brillantes ojos hacia su marido.Literature Literature
I took off my gloves, put one hand in my pocket, and took hold of the pistol grip.
Me quité los guantes, metí la mano en la bolsa del abrigo y tome la culata de la pistola.Literature Literature
“He’s wearing a ring,” “Most people take their rings off before putting on gloves.”
—La mayoría de la gente se quita los anillos para ponerse los guantes.Literature Literature
Vinnie nodded, took off his gloves, put them together, and placed them on the top of my desk.
Vinnie asintió, se sacó los guantes, los puso juntos y los colocó en mi escritorio.Literature Literature
I was forever putting on and taking off my gloves or brushing the snow out of my beard.
Continuamente me sacaba y ponía los guantes, o me quitaba la nieve del bigote.Literature Literature
He sat down on his haunches, put on the gloves and wiped something off the floor.
Se sentó de cuclillas y, tras ponerse los guantes, limpió algo que había en el suelo.Literature Literature
Then she took one of her gloves off and put her hand up and her fingers touched Andy’s name on the gravestone.
Después se quitó un guante, levantó la mano y sus dedos tocaron el nombre de Andy escrito en la lápida.Literature Literature
I took off my glove, put it in my bag, and slipped my hand into the pocket of his coat.
Me quité un guante, lo guardé en la bolsa y deslicé la mano en el bolsillo de su abrigo.Literature Literature
A girl in a neat black suit brushed threadbare was taking off her gloves and putting them on.
Una joven que vestía un pulcro traje negro muy usado se quitaba los guantes y se los volvía a poner.Literature Literature
Jon peeled the glove off his burned hand, put two fingers in his mouth, and whistled.
Jon se quitó el guante de la mano quemada, se llevó dos dedos a la boca y silbó.Literature Literature
Once finished, I pulled off my gloves and put them in the garbage along with hers.
Una vez que terminé, me quité mis guantes y los tiré a la basura junto a los suyos.Literature Literature
He took off his gloves and put them down on a bureau.
Se quitó los guantes y los puso en una mesa.Literature Literature
“We’ll meet again, Robbie,” Thomas said, taking off his glove and putting out his right hand.
—Volveremos a vernos, Robbie —le dijo Thomas sacándose el guante de la mano derecha y tendiéndosela.Literature Literature
Harriet stooped to kiss her, drawing off her gloves and putting her cold hands into Kitty’s warm ones.
Harriet se inclinó para besarla, quitándose los guantes y poniendo sus frías manos en las de Kitty, que estaban cálidas.Literature Literature
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