queen of hearts oor Spaans

queen of hearts

One of the 52 playing cards from a standard pack as used for bridge and poker, with a picture of a queen, with a nominal value of 12, and with the hearts suit.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

dama de corazones

playing card
They said I'd meet a queen of hearts today.
He visto que hoy iba a encontrarme con una dama de corazones...

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Queen of Hearts

(Should we delete <sup>(+)</sup> this sense?) A character from Lewis Carroll's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland .

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“You saw the queen of hearts?”
– ¿Visteis a la reina de corazones?Literature Literature
Yours, Mrs. Gosden, the queen of hearts.
Sra. Gosden, reina de corazones.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Queen of hearts or queen of heartache?
¿Reina de corazones o reina de dolores?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Queen of Hearts was just too good.
Reina de Corazones era excepcional.Literature Literature
The goddamn Queen of Hearts kept showing up, so I think this Diana person is in town somehow.
La maldita reina de corazones no paraba de aparecer, por lo que creo que esa tal Diana está en la ciudad.Literature Literature
I thought of Carroll’s Alice encountering the Queen of Hearts.
Me recordó a la Alicia de Carroll en el momento de su encuentro con la reina de corazones.Literature Literature
The first card turned up was the queen of hearts.
La primera carta que salió era la dama de corazones.Literature Literature
You also drew the queen of hearts and she, as all must know, means love.
También sacaste la reina de corazones y ella, como todo el mundo debe saber, representa el amor.Literature Literature
“You have lost your queen of hearts.
—Habéis perdido vuestra reina de corazones.Literature Literature
There you are again—the queen of hearts, surrounded with diamonds, and turning her back on a knave.
Aquí está: la reina de corazones, rodeada de diamantes, dándole la espalda al valet.Literature Literature
(Atlantic Monthly, April 1858), later incorporated into his novel The Queen of Hearts (1859) as ‘The Biter Bit’.
(Atlantic Monthly, abril de 1858), que después fue incluido en La reina de corazones (1859) con otro título.Literature Literature
“And then she laid the queen of hearts, Griffith.
—Y luego sacó la reina de corazones, Griffith.Literature Literature
I'll work some magic... to win back your queen of hearts.
Voy a trabajar un poco de magia... para recuperar a su reina de corazones.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The back yard of the Queen of Hearts was perfect for my purpose; secluded and isolated at night.
El patio trasero de La reina de corazones era perfecto para mi propósito: solitario y aislado por las noches.Literature Literature
Chester tossed out the Queen of hearts.
Chester desechó la reina de corazones.Literature Literature
I will never be the Queen of Hearts.”
Jamás seré la Reina de Corazones.Literature Literature
Queen of hearts.
Reina de corazones.ted2019 ted2019
“Lloyd must be going after the Queen of Hearts and her card soldiers next!”
¡Lloyd debe ir en busca de la Reina de Corazones y su ejército de naipes!Literature Literature
The queen of hearts was on the right.
La reina de corazones estaba a la derecha.Literature Literature
“The moon, the Jack and Queen of Hearts.
—La luna, el jack y la reina de corazones...Literature Literature
Black widow, jack of hearts, queen of hearts, deuce of hearts, another black queen...
Reina de picas, jota de corazones, reina de corazones, pareja de corazones, otra reina de picas...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Queen of hearts or queen of heartache?
¿La reina de corazones ó la reina de los ataques al corazón?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, I'd like to stop walking, but the Queen of Hearts ordered me to, so...
Me gustaría dejar de caminar, pero la reina de corazones me ha ordenado que...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Queen of Hearts and Alice.
La Reina de Corazones y Alicia.Literature Literature
But Mother was a queen of hearts, and taught us only through love.
Pero mi madre era una verdadera reina de corazones y nos educó por entero al través del amor.Literature Literature
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