rail against oor Spaans

rail against

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

clamar contra

Alliances of employers and inter-branch organisations rail against change, against competition and market opening.
Alianzas de empresarios y organizaciones intersectoriales claman contra el cambio, la competencia y la apertura del mercado.


tear somebody a new one
You got me to be the punishing, rejecting parent, the failed authority figure that you can rail against.
La figura autoritaria que te falta contra la que puedes maldecir.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


tear somebody a new one
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data


tear somebody a new one
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

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I was docile in the hands of the gods, the gods I had so often railed against.
Era dócil en las manos de los dioses, los dioses contra los que había clamado tan a menudo.Literature Literature
We all rail against class-distinctions, but very few people seriously want to abolish them.
Todo el mundo condena las distinciones de clase, pero muy poca gente quiere verdaderamente abolirlas.Literature Literature
He could also feel a cold metal railing against his right shoulder—the steps to the mining room.
También sintió una barandilla de metal contra el hombro derecho: las escaleras de la sala del pozo de la mina.Literature Literature
Feverishly he sat on the icy stair, railing against God, that he might perish.
Febril se sentó en la helada escalera, furioso contra Dios de que él muriera.Literature Literature
I think if he had killed her he would rail against the supposed murderer more dramatically.
Creo que si la hubiese matado, insultaría al presunto asesino con más vehemencia.Literature Literature
During his childhood Tachyon had frequently railed against the strictness of his Takisian psi lord upbringing.
Durante su infancia, Tachyon a menudo despotricó de su crianza como un señor psi taquisiano.Literature Literature
‘Yeah, and while I’m at it, I’ll rail against singing the national anthem at baseball games.’
Y, ya que estamos, también puedo proponer que se deje de cantar el himno nacional en los partidos de béisbol».Literature Literature
How his late father, in his dotage, had railed against this development!
¡Hasta qué punto su fallecido padre, en su senectud, se había opuesto a la celebración!Literature Literature
He is criticizing his government, denouncing the bourgeoisie of his own country, railing against its ministers.""
Critica a su propio gobierno, desenmascara a la burguesía en su pro pio país, denuncia a sus ministerios”.Literature Literature
The more we rail against her job the more she clings to it.
Mientras más criticamos su trabajo, más se aferra a él.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An academic was railing against a writer who had written some kind of highly controversial literary novel.
Un académico estaba criticando a un escritor que había escrito una especie de novela literaria muy polémica.Literature Literature
Open Your Eyes found lots to rail against in its ‘Editorial‘:
Open Your Eyes (Abre tus Ojos) encontró bastantes críticas en su ‘Editorial‘ [en]:gv2019 gv2019
‘Once a Brehon makes a judgment, it is not up to you to rail against the Brehon.
Cuando un brehon dicta sentencia no tenéis que despotricar contra el brehon.Literature Literature
The monks railed against it, that Amadeo’s father would take him into such danger.
Los monjes se oponían a que el padre de Amadeo expusiera al chico a ese riesgo.Literature Literature
In other odes he had railed against England’s “muddy darkness” and “dreary bounds.”
En otras odas había despotricado contra la «fangosa oscuridad» y los «sombríos límites» de Inglaterra.Literature Literature
She’s throwing a fit, Sarah thought, shaking her head as Kelly continued railing against her dad.
Ella está lanzando un fit, Sara pensó, meneando la cabeza como Kelly continuó clamar contra su padre.Literature Literature
Despite the sense of it, it railed against everything he had learned after centuries of combat in space.
A pesar de que tenía sentido, iba contra todo lo que había aprendido a lo largo de siglos de combate en el espacio.Literature Literature
Among her colloquium mates in Cabochon, she had railed against the barbarism of lunar law.
En Cabochon, entre sus compañeros del grupo de estudios, ha soltado diatribas contra la barbarie del derecho lunar.Literature Literature
When Jesus rails against “the deceitfulness of riches,” the reason is that consciousness itself is being deceived.
Cuando Jesús clama contra «la falsedad de las riquezas» es porque engañan a la conciencia.Literature Literature
I cursed my silent father and railed against the unfairness of life, my life in particular.
Maldije en silencio a mi padre, quejándome por las injusticias de la vida y de la mía en particular.Literature Literature
Sam couldn’t understand her when she railed against him like this.
Sam no podía entenderla cuando hablaba así de él.Literature Literature
Even the Pope rails against them now.
Incluso el Papa se ha aliado con ellos ahora.Literature Literature
He rails against the priests.
Maldice contra los sacerdotes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Karl Marx railed against the failure of the British press to cover British atrocities.
Karl Marx criticaba duramente a la prensa británica por no haber cubierto las atrocidades británicas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Let him rail against the Medici, I said.
Deja que ataque a los Médicis, dije.Literature Literature
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