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In the bad swamp, just because the Professor put a barge on you about going about the raintree?
Al pantano, sólo porque el profesor te ha sorbido el seso desde hace un año sobre ese árbol de la vida?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Don’t you think I could pass myself off as a Raintree?”
—¿No crees que podría pasar por un Raintree?Literature Literature
Where else should I be over the brave half-yearly throwbacks of Raintree County, my kind of people
¿Dónde iba a estar mejor que con mis bravos chicos fracasados del condado de Raintree, mi clase de gente?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In fact, she had no idea what Colt Raintree would be interested in seeing.
De hecho, no sabía con seguridad qué querría ver Colt Raintree.Literature Literature
You, too, are more than Raintree, aren’t you?”
Tú también eres más que una Raintree, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
“This morning, I was with two Raintree seers who can no longer see clearly into the future.”
Esta mañana he estado con dos videntes Raintree que han perdido la capacidad de ver el futuro.Literature Literature
No one other than the two of them—and the old nanny—knew that Eve was as much Ansara as she was Raintree.
Aparte de ellos dos y de la niñera, nadie más sabía que Eve era medio Ansara y medio Raintree.Literature Literature
Then Raintree and Brogan will kill you.
A continuación, Brogan Raintree te matará.Literature Literature
The battle weary Raintree followed Dante and Gideon, congregating on the opposite end of the meadow.
Los agotados Raintree siguieron a Dante y a Gideon y se congregaron al otro lado de la pradera.Literature Literature
David’s movie is called Raintree County, another would-be Gone with the Wind.
La película de David se titulaRaintree County, otra aspirante a Lo que el viento se llevó.Literature Literature
A Raintree, any Raintree, was a genetic dominant; any children would inherit the Raintree gifts.
Un Raintree, cualquier Raintree, era genéticamente dominante; cualquier niño heredaría los dones de los Raintree.Literature Literature
No, that all-powerful magic came from his sworn enemy, Mercy Raintree.
Aquella magia todopoderosa irradiaba de su enemiga, Mercy Raintree.Literature Literature
Raintree hadn’t brought them to the bedroom, but they might still be in the bathroom she’d used last night.
Raintree no los había traído al dormitorio, pero podrían estar todavía en el cuarto de baño que había usado anoche.Literature Literature
“The moment I saw your eyes, I knew you were Raintree.
—En cuanto vi tus ojos supe que eras una Raintree.Literature Literature
And she has been reared for the past six years within the Raintree sanctuary by Princess Mercy.
Y durante los seis primeros años de su vida se ha criado en el Santuario Raintree, con la princesa Mercy.Literature Literature
The Raintree have not considered the Ansara a threat in two hundred years.”
Los Raintree no han considerado una amenaza a los Ansara desde hace doscientos años.Literature Literature
With a roar of pain and rage, Raintree lashed out at Cherry.
Con un rugido de dolor e ira, Raintree azotó a Cherry.Literature Literature
Another person, a woman, was with Raintree.
Otra persona, una mujer, estaba con Raintree.Literature Literature
A Raintree being hospitable to an Ansara.”
Una Raintree siendo hospitalaria con un Ansara.Literature Literature
After that, the rest of the Raintree would be considerably weakened.
Después de eso, el resto de los Raintree estarían considerablemente debilitados.Literature Literature
“I’m surprised that one of your Raintree psychics wasn’t able to predict the fire,” he said.
—Me sorprende que ninguno de los adivinos de los Raintree haya sido capaz de predecir el incendio —dijo.Literature Literature
By mid-December 1957, the Todds had returned to the States for the New York premiere of Raintree County.
A mediados de diciembre de 1957, los Todd regresaron a Estados Unidos para asistir al estreno de El árbol de la vida.Literature Literature
He is noted for Raintree County (1948), a widely praised novel which many readers and critics considered a contender for the "Great American Novel," and for his death by suicide just as it was reaching the top of the best-seller lists.
Es conocido por la novela "Raintree County" (1948), texto elogiado por la crítica y por el público, y que para muchos es un claro exponente de la "Gran Novela Americana".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He had sent several of his most talented warriors to Reno, with one objective—Raintree destruction.
Había enviado a algunos de sus mejores guerreros a Raintree con un objetivo: destruir a Raintree.Literature Literature
The next time I hear your voice, you’d better be telling me that Dante Raintree is dead.
La próxima vez que escuche tu voz, será mejor que me digas que Dante Raintree está muerto.Literature Literature
204 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.