rapport oor Spaans


/ɹæˈpɔɹ/, /ɹəˈpɔɹ/, /ɹæˈpoʊɹ/, /ræˈpɔː/, /ɹəˈpoʊɹ/ naamwoord
A relationship of mutual trust and respect.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You've established a contact with him, some kind of rapport.
Has establecido contacto con él, algún tipo de relación.


Truly, the rapport between such dogs and their masters is often a pleasure to behold!
Siempre es un placer contemplar la compenetración existente entre esos animales y sus dueños.


I thought you said you wanted me for my rapport with women.
Creí que me necesitabas por mi afinidad con las mujeres.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Given the rapport you two have, do you think you can get him to open up to you?”
¿ Quién es él?Literature Literature
A rapport had been established between them for the first time.
Matando a mis hombresLiterature Literature
She went to him, staring into his eyes as though trying to force rapport between mind and mind.
Avísame si está ahíLiterature Literature
It wasn’t pleasant, being in bridge rapport with someone who knew he was going to die.
Me enfurezco si se meten con papáLiterature Literature
MDG indicator trends show that, while it might be possible to achieve the goals of reducing child mortality and providing access to drinking water, the other goals (in particular MDGs # and # ) will present more difficulty (Rapport National sur les progrès vers l'atteinte des OMD, National Institute of Statistics
Para eliminar la amenaza de las armas de destrucción masiva es preciso que sea y siga siendo una cuestión de máxima prioridad para los Gobiernos nacionales, las organizaciones regionales y la comunidad internacional en su conjunto.MultiUn MultiUn
You call the sisters now that you’ve developed such a rapport with them.
Sólo dije que no puedo detenerloLiterature Literature
48 – See in particular Migaud, D., rapport d’information No 1065: ‘[t]he original justification for the cap was the desire to remove any confiscatory characteristics from the tax on net assets, particularly in the case of taxpayers with assets generating a low rate of return, as is the case for example where their assets are made up principally of immovable property, and on only a modest income.
Cuando lo veamos, ¿ debemos fingir que no sabemos nada?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
There are many ways to create commonality with another person and thus a state of rapport.
Si podemos falsificar un expediente uniendo los robos de plata,Él no podrá resistirseLiterature Literature
See, he develops a rapport.
No debí haber venidoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rapport is growing, almost without the need of words.
Integridad de estanquidad desde la cubierta de carga rodada (cubierta de cierre) hasta los espacios inferiores (RLiterature Literature
Darling, I hope you can have an easier, at any rate less neurotic, rapport with Greta G.
Cuando lo considere oportuno, podrá invitar al Comandante de la Operación de la UE o al Comandante de la Fuerza UE a asistir a sus reunionesLiterature Literature
In the offline world, the simplest way of building trust when sharing is to limit the size of the community or to use an existing community in which there is already a degree of trust and rapport.
El Comité Mixto Veterinario definirá las medidas particulares relacionadas con esta participaciónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We have rapport.
¿ Quê tipo de comportamiento es êste?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Verhoeven noted in his Final Report (Rapport déefinitivef) on the issue of immunities of the Thirteenth Commission of the Institute, “[l]a difficulté reste de s’entendre sur les crimes qui autorisent une dérogation àa l’immunité.
¡ Estaos quietos!UN-2 UN-2
100 ( ii ) The report on action taken submitted by France in October 2013 was indeed merged with the ‘ Rapport économ‐ ique social et financier ’ ( RESF ) which routinely provides an assessment on public finances as part of the prepara‐ tion of the draft budget.
Entre los gastos de la Agencia se incluirán los de personal, los administrativos, los correspondientes a la infraestructura y los de funcionamientoelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
I motioned to the others to separate, draw apart physically, to break the last clinging strands of rapport.
Puede obtenerse información sobre el servicio PKI en la documentación facilitada por SWIFTLiterature Literature
One either achieved a quick rapport or abandoned the effort.
Qué agradable, ya nadie me lo haceLiterature Literature
The explosive revelations by Snowden coincided with Chinese President Xijinping's two-day US visit to build rapport with President Obama.
Muy bien.No te dejaste nada fueragv2019 gv2019
� Verhoeven, “Rapport provisoire”, op. cit., p.
En cada solicitud se consignaráUN-2 UN-2
The kind who established a good rapport with the daycare workers and the pediatrician’s office.
Solo voy a mi camarote, graciasLiterature Literature
"""Do they develop rapport with the buyer?"""
But I've got an instinctive rapport with kids.
Estoy harto de sacrificarme por tiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was having less and less rapport, I found, with my students.
Un indio viene hacia la puertaLiterature Literature
After liberating Myrg and returning home (after yet another brief excursion to New Genesis, in which Secret meets and unwittingly strikes up a rapport with the despotic Darkseid), Lobo continues to exercise his presence with Young Justice and participating in their adventures for no real reason that anyone within the group can discern; he is never officially accepted as a member.
establecimiento: toda empresa que fabrique los productos contemplados en las letras a), b) y cWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘I think I’ll have a job with Rapport by autumn.
Es el alma del grupoLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.