recently married woman oor Spaans

recently married woman

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recién casada

A recently married woman and an eager young husband...
Una mujer recién casada y su marido ansioso...

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A recently married woman and an eager young husband...
Una mujer recién casada y su marido ansioso...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meena laughed and held his gaze a few seconds longer than necessary or indeed appropriate for a recently married woman.
Meena se rió y le sostuvo la mirada a Dan un poco más de lo apropiado para una mujer que acababa de casarseLiterature Literature
Though, in a few days, the recently married woman felt it had been years since she’d seen a cow or a horse.
Aunque, pocos días después, a la recién casada le pareciese no haber visto nunca una vaca o un caballo.Literature Literature
Recently, a married woman threw herself at my jock.
Hace poco, una mujer casada me insinuó que quería acostarse conmigo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alice was aware that Ricky was still annoyed about his recently marrying a woman close to Ricky’s age.
Alice sabía que seguía enfadada con él porque acababa de casarse con una mujer que prácticamente podía ser su hija.Literature Literature
He’d recently married a woman named Claire, he remembered.
Se había casado hace poco con una mujer llamada Claire, recordó.Literature Literature
Thus he let me know that he had recently married the woman who had been his girlfriend for years.
Así me enteré de que hacía poco se había casado con la que había sido su novia durante varios años.Literature Literature
“I’m a disgraced king who was recently married to a woman pretending to be someone else.”
—Soy un rey desacreditado que recientemente se casó con una mujer que fingía ser alguien más —sonrió—.Literature Literature
A confirmed bachelor for years, John had recently married a Latina woman and had a child.
Soltero durante muchos años, recientemente se había casado con una mujer latina con quien había tenido un hijo.Literature Literature
He recently married a Greek woman named Calli I haven’t met yet, so you won’t be the only new face.”
Se acaba de casar con una mujer griega, Calli, a la que aún no conozco.Literature Literature
He was a Frenchman who had settled down in Mexico at the age of twenty, recently married to a woman named Marie.
Era un francés que se estableció en México a la edad de veinte años recién casado con una mujer de nombre Marie.Literature Literature
The tired black woman, recently married, ate hen and ate fufú.
La negra cansada, recién casada, comió gallina, comió fufú.Literature Literature
King Quinten recently married a very young woman in hopes of producing more heirs—” “Valentina?”
El rey Quinten desposó hace poco a una mujer joven con la esperanza de engendrar más herederos... —¿Valentina?Literature Literature
Tate’s brother Jesse, the one she hadn’t seen in years, had recently married Honey Farell— the woman Adam loved.
Jess, el hermano que Tate no veía hacía años, se había casado recientemente con Money Farrel... la mujer que Adam amaba.Literature Literature
Tate’s brother Jesse, the one she hadn’t seen in years, had recently married Honey Farrell—the woman Adam loved.
Jess, el hermano que Tate no veía hacía años, se había casado recientemente con Money Farrel... la mujer que Adam amaba.Literature Literature
Hey, pal, of the two of us, I'll bet I'm the only one who's slept with a married woman recently.
Déjame decirte que soy el único que ha dormido con una casada últimamente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hey, pal, of the two of us I'll bet I'm the only one who's slept with a married woman recently.
Hey, hermano, de nosotros dos apuesto a que soy el único que durmió con una mujer casada recientemente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To add to all this, he had recently married a wealthy and attractive woman.
Y había que añadir que se había casado con una mujer rica y atractiva.Literature Literature
“I recently married a mighty fine young woman, Mason.
—Yo me casé recientemente con una joven excelente, Mason.Literature Literature
He’d recently met a woman, and gotten married, and now, when he told me that he was happy, I believed him.
Recientemente había conocido a una mujer y se habían casado y, cuando me dijo que era feliz, le creí.Literature Literature
But that was not the case for the young Pakistani woman whom he had recently married.
El caso de la joven pakistaní con la que se había casado recientemente era peor.Literature Literature
It was Fatmeh, a young Muslim woman who had recently gotten married and lived a couple of doors away.
Era Fameth, una joven recién casada que vivía a dos puertas de ella.Literature Literature
This woman was baptized last year and recently got married to a Christian.”
Esta mujer se bautizó el año pasado y se casó recientemente con un cristiano.”jw2019 jw2019
In fact, in a recent case, the court had ruled that a married woman was free to apply for a passport and to travel.
De hecho, en un caso reciente un tribunal dictaminó que la mujer tenía la libertad de solicitar un pasaporte y viajar.UN-2 UN-2
In fact, in a recent case, the court had ruled that a married woman was free to apply for a passport and to travel
De hecho, en un caso reciente un tribunal dictaminó que la mujer tenía la libertad de solicitar un pasaporte y viajarMultiUn MultiUn
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