recollect oor Spaans


To recall; to collect one's thoughts again, especially about past events.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to recall past events
Tom only had a dim recollection of what Mary looked like.
Tom sólo tenía un tenue recuerdo de cómo era María.


To recall from memory.
Recuperar una información de la memoria.
However try to recollect work sometimes at least.
Traten por lo menos a veces de acordarse sin embargo del trabajo.


" And I would recollect those and smile. "
" Y los recogería y sonreiría. "
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A member of a French reform branch of the Order of Friars Minor, commonly known as the Franciscans.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

I can recollect him vaguely
lo recuerdo vagamente
I don't recollect seeing them there
no recuerdo haberlos visto allí
to recollect
to the best of my recollection
si mal no recuerdo
acuerdo · el recuerdo · memoria · recolección · recordación · recuerdo


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I made a wild stab at recollection.
Hice un esfuerzo salvaje por recordar.Literature Literature
He enjoyed the recollection more than the moments themselves, it seemed.
Por lo visto, le gustaban más los recuerdos que los momentos en sí.Literature Literature
I recollect it very well, because he opened his umbrella, and I thought of Paul and Virginia.”
Lo recuerdo muy bien porque abrió su paraguas y yo me acordé de Pablo y Virginia.Literature Literature
Then High Lord Mhoram recollected his promise to reveal the secret of the wild magic.
Entonces el Amo Superior Mhoram recordó su promesa de revelar el secreto de la magia indomeñable.Literature Literature
Perks, you will recollect, was the Porter.
–Perks, si recordáis, era el maletero–.Literature Literature
Do you have any recollection of it?
¿Recuerdas algo de eso?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like I said, when I woke up, I had no recollection of what had happened.
Como he dicho, cuando me desperté no recordé lo que había sucedido.Literature Literature
But it can hardly be a coincidence that in primitive legends around the world there is recollection of a great flood that destroyed mankind with the exception of a few who were preserved together.
Pero difícilmente puede ser una coincidencia el que en leyendas primitivas de todo el mundo haya memoria de un gran diluvio que destruyó a la humanidad con la excepción de unas cuantas personas a quienes se conservó juntas.jw2019 jw2019
You know, it ' s funny what a young man recollects
Usted sabe, son graciosos los recuerdosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""I've got a vague recollection of a large glass filled with some sort of green stuff."
—Tengo un recuerdo vago de un vaso grande lleno de alguna clase de cosa verde.Literature Literature
Kinderman grimaced at an awful recollection of a hospital psycho ward for children.
Kinderman frunció el ceño ante el espantoso recuerdo de la sala infantil psiquiátrica de un hospital.Literature Literature
Yossarian’s attitude toward his roommates turned merciful and protective at the mere recollection of Captain Black.
Yossarian adoptó una actitud misericordiosa y protectora para con sus compañeros al recordar al capitán Black.Literature Literature
If you want to recollect the dream you have to move in the reverse order, as if you are reading a book backwards.
S¡ quieres recordar el sueño has de ir en orden inverso como si estuvieras leyendo un libro hacia atrás.Literature Literature
And what were you planning to do once you’d confirmed your recollection?”
¿Y qué tenías planeado hacer una vez que confirmaras tus recuerdos?Literature Literature
Only clarifying a muddled recollection.
Sólo será clarificar un confuso recuerdo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Afterward, I pondered all of these things and tried to recollect everything.
Después reflexioné sobre todas esas cosas e intenté recordarlo todo.Literature Literature
As it was he was going to have a few fucking sleepless nights coming to terms with Verdine’s recollections of his life.
Tal como estaban las cosas, iba a pasarse sin dormir algunas noches hasta aceptar los recuerdos de la vida de Verdine.Literature Literature
My first recollection of meeting my father occurred when I was five years old.
Mi primer recuerdo de haber conocido a mi padre ocurrió cuando yo tenía cinco años.LDS LDS
This probing and recollecting hasn't been pleasant.
Esto de sondear y recordar a la fuerza no ha sido nada placentero.Literature Literature
It wasn’t the Bailly though, and that recollection reminded me why I had been looking for Luba in the first place.
De todos modos no era el Bailly, y la idea me recordó por qué estaba buscando a Luba para empezar.Literature Literature
I have no clear recollection of how I got here.
No recuerdo con claridad cómo he llegado hasta aquí.Literature Literature
It is participation in all human perceptions, recollection of all human history.
Participa en todas las percepciones humanas, abarca toda la historia de la humanidad.Literature Literature
That is our recollection on that paragraph
Eso es lo que recordamos sobre ese párrafoMultiUn MultiUn
‘We started being more comfortable with ourselves, more confident,’ is Ulrich’s recollection.
«Empezamos a sentirnos más a gusto con nosotros mismos, más seguros —es el resumen de Ulrich—.Literature Literature
To the best of anyone’s recollection, even Dion’s, no one had ever heard Joe raise his voice before.
Nadie recordaba, ni siquiera Dion, que Joe hubiese levantado la voz jamás.Literature Literature
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