red gurnard oor Spaans

red gurnard

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Chelidonichthys cuculus

species of fish

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Red gurnard | GUR (*) | Aspitrigla (= Trigla) cuculus |
Arete | GUR (*) | Aspitrigla (= Trigla) cuculus | Red gurnard |EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Whiting, cod, pout, plaice, red gurnard, black bream, red mullet
Merlán, bacalao, faneca, solla europea, arete, chopa, salmonete de rocaeurlex eurlex
Red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus),
arete (Chelidonichthys cuculus);EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
Common pandora || Pagellus erythrinus || Tyrrhenian, Corsican and Sardinian seas || France Italy || Bottom trawlers, fixed gears || European hake, red mullet, Tub gurnard, curled octopus, musky octopus, cuttlefish, spot-tail mantis shrimps
Breca || Pagellus erythrinus || Mar Tirreno y Mares de Córcega y Cerdeña || Francia, Italia || Arrastreros de fondo, artes fijos || Merluza europea, salmonete, bejel, pulpo blanco, pulpo almizclado, jibia, galerasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Several other species of supplementary commercial value in the fisheries are not subject to TACs, e.g. squid, cuttlefish, witch, lemon sole, dab, red mullet, pout, sea bass, brill, turbot, gurnards.
Otras especies de valor comercial suplementario en estas pesquerías no están sujetas a TAC, así ocurre con el calamar, sepia, mendo, falsa limanda, limanda, salmonete de roca, faneca, lubina, rémol, rodaballo y rubios.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Besides of these our assortment contains also salmon, cod and red gurnard, which are exported to the Western European countries, but also to the United Stated, Russia and China.
El surtido incluye asimismo especies de pescado redondo, como el salmón, el bacalao y la trilla. Estos pescados se exportan no solo a países de Europa occidental, sino también a Estados Unidos, Rusia y China.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In a pan with olive oil sauté on a low flame (approximately 2 to 3 minutes) the ballan wrasse, red scorpionfish, tub gurnard, john dory, conger eel and bodies of the lobsters cut in two.
En una olla con aceite de oliva rehogar a fuego lento (aproximadamente 2 a 3 min) la maragota, el cabracho, el cuco, el San Pedro, el bejel, el congrio y los cuerpos de las langostas partidos en dos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Red mullets || Mullus barbatus Mullus surmuletus || Tyrrhenian, Corsican and Sardinian seas || France, Italy || Bottom trawlers, fixed gears || common sole, common pandora, seabreams, seabass, mackerel, Mediterranean scad, spurdog, anglerfish, smooth-hound, cuttlefish, musky octopus, curled octopus, common squid, common octopus, Tub gurnard
Salmonetes || Mullus barbatus Mullus surmuletus || Mar Tirreno y Mares de Córcega y Cerdeña || Francia, Italia || Arrastreros de fondo, artes fijos || Lenguado común, breca, espáridos, lubina, caballa, chicharro, mielga, rape, musola, jibia, pulpo almizclado, pulpo blanco, calamar, pulpo común, bejelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Our results marked that there was an interbranchial septum carrying a four transverse elevated crest in grey gurnard while in striped red mullet carrying a median longitudinal elevated crest.
Nuestros resultados marcaron la presencia de un septum interbranchial que presentaba cuatro crestas elevadas a nivel transversal en el E. gurnardus gris, mientras que el salmonete rayado presentaba una cresta elevada mediana longitudinal.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yugoslavia, Italy || Bottom trawlers, fixed gears, longliners || red mullet, flounder, anglerfishes, John Dory, mackerel, Mediterranean poor cod, blue whiting, greater forkbeard horse mackerel, whiting, conger, scabbardfish, small spotted dog-fish, deepwater rose shrimp, Norway lobster, broad-tail short fin squid, common squid, common pandora, cuttlefish, common octopus, blue mouth rosefish, musky octopus, curled octopus, wreckfish, Tub gurnard
Yugoslavia, Italia || Arrastreros de fondo, artes fijos, palangreros || Salmonete, platija europea, rapes, pez de San Pedro, caballa, capellán del Mediterráneo, bacaladilla, brótola de fango, jurel, merlán, congrio, pez cinto, pintarroja, camarón de altura, cigala, pota voladora, calamar, breca, jibia, pulpo común, rascacio, pulpo almizclado, pulpo blanco, cherna, bejelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Most of these recipes agree that bouillabaisse must include at least three kinds of local fish, such as the spotted weever, the tub gurnard, the European conger, the red scorpionfish and one or two noble fish such as the John Dory or the burbot.
La mayoría de estas recetas coinciden en que la bouillabaise debe incluir al menos tres tipos de pescado de la región, tales como el araña, el bejel, el congrio Europeo, el cabracho rojo y uno o dos pescados nobles como el Zeus faber o la lota.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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