reflex oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
An automatic response to a simple stimulus which does not require mental processing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektief, naamwoordmanlike
automatic response
Thank you very much. Thank you for activating my gag reflex.
Muchas gracias. Gracias por activar mi reflejo del vómito.

acto reflejo

Now come election time, they might vote for your prison reform thing but that's just a reflex.
En las elecciones, pueden votar por su reforma carcelaria pero es sólo un acto reflejo.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Yes, well it's an automatic reflex when one is a golfer, Abigail.
Es un reflejo automático de todo golfista, Abigail.
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

bulbocavernosus reflex
reflejo bulbocavernoso · reflejo peneal
opticofacial reflex
parpadeo · reflejo palpebral
cat's eye reflex
consensual light reflex
reflejo consensual a la luz · reflejo pupilar a la luz
triceps reflex
single-lens reflex
ankle reflex
reflejo del tríceps sural
grasping reflex
reflejo de prensión
pathologic shortening reflex
reflejo de triple retirada en flexión


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
During the summer he lost 15 kg (33 lb) and claimed to have regained most of his reflexes.
Tenemos a BguianWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A completely impersonal mechanism has been activated in her, a complex array of acquired reflexes.
His reflexes will match in speed those of anyone born in our times.
Lo haces muy bienLiterature Literature
Wood doesn’t teach the reflexes necessary to face iron.”
Vuelvo enseguidaLiterature Literature
Insofar as the author's children are concerned, the State party argues that any infringement of his Covenant rights, through the impugned tax assessments, “would only trigger reflex actions which are legally irrelevant in the present case”
Las probabilidades son... bajasMultiUn MultiUn
Bull Bear’s quick reflexes had averted a battle that might very well have degenerated into a second Sand Creek.
Parece buena.- Es una LeicaLiterature Literature
But this, too, is only conjecture, therefore a self-defensive reflex of the mind.
Lo mismo en la oficinaLiterature Literature
It was reflexive, like the jerk of my knee.
Las urracas están graznandoLiterature Literature
I felt a fleeting, reflexive gratitude that I was no longer in charge of the Gents.
¿ Qué te agarró?Literature Literature
Upon insertion of the finger, anal tone can be estimated and a bulbocavernosus reflex can be elicited.
Hay algo más en juego con esta reactivación de los bombardeos sobre Bagdad, y es la naturaleza de las relaciones de Europa con los Estados Unidos de Georges W. Bush.Literature Literature
We almost stopped Merlin's return, thanks to a handy length of log and my catlike reflexes.""
¿ Y qué dijo él?Literature Literature
"""That was a reflex of defense, nothing more."
Pero todos saben que guardo esos cuestionarios con llaveLiterature Literature
The comprehension of the elements of the communicative process of the fundamental theory, linked to the discussion, interpretation and reflexive analysis of the hermeneutical units showed a comprehension process among family communication, academic performance and socio-cultural development.
Una de lasprincipales iniciativas anunciadas en la Comunicación es la de proponer que # sea designado Año europeo de la igualdad de oportunidades para todosscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Depending on the nature of the materials of which the reflex reflectors and in particular their optical units are made, the competent authorities may authorize laboratories to omit certain unnecessary tests, subject to the express reservation that such omission must be mentioned under "Remarks" on the EEC component type-approval certificate.
Que le gusta tener el controlEurLex-2 EurLex-2
b) practical experience in humans (e.g. narcosis, drowsiness, reduced alertness, loss of reflexes, lack of coordination, vertigo) from well documented reports under comparable exposure conditions to the effects specified above for animals.
La promesa que da la Comisaria Bjerregaard de que ninguno de los nuevos países miembros va a verse obligado a rebajar sus normas es extremadamente generosa.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I do have a self-preservation reflex.
En relación con esto, es muy importante recordar que hasta enero de # una gran parte del producto afectado estaba sujeto a restricciones cuantitativasLiterature Literature
But my reflexes took over.
Dicen que hace días que no comesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As a reflex reaction to the administered world pseudo-activity reproduces that world in itself.
Indicaciones impresas en las hojas de registroLiterature Literature
Conversely, removal of the lateral areas abolishes the more complicated olfactory conditioned reflexes.
¡ Tienes que medirlo primero!Literature Literature
Principal Hoch reflexively defends herself and says, “I’m just trying to keep this private,” but then changes her mind.
Saldrás en año y medioLiterature Literature
I said by reflex, and the second doctor turned.
Los Mets gananLiterature Literature
What’s more, I let the nail penetrate deep, proof my reflexes are slow.
Vaya imbécilLiterature Literature
If the Commission intends not to significantly extend the scope of the Directive in this light, it should, as a first step, at least provide for mandatory "reflex-application" in those cases where a clause which is abusive in a "consumer-business" contractual relation is also part of a "business to business" contractual relation at an earlier stage in the distribution chain.
¿ Por qué no puedo sonreír si intenta matarse y sentirme orgullosa cuando no?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is expected to adopt a self-reflexive critical stance toward the limits of enlightenment.
Vas a quedarte solo porque yo voy a ir tras la tetonaLiterature Literature
“Around two hundred months...” “Two sixteen,” said Anger reflexively.
Cuando todos estén aquí, estaré listaLiterature Literature
209 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.