rehearse oor Spaans


To repeat, as what has been already said; to tell over again; to recite.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


practice by repetition or recitation
They aren't quarreling, but are rehearsing a play.
Ellas no están peleando, sino que están ensayando una obra.


practice by repetition or recitation
Josie ran to the living room, excited to rehearse her script.
Josie corrió a la sala, entusiasmada por practicar el guión.


repeat what has already been said
It is not enough to rehearse a series of unsubstantiated slogans that are devoid of meaning and contribution.
No es suficiente repetir una serie de consignas no fundamentadas que están vacías de contenido y contribución.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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to rehearse
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Everything happened in one fell swoop, as if it had been a choreographed scene, as if we had rehearsed it together.
Todo ocurrió en un solo movimiento, como si fuera la escena de una coreografía que hubiéramos ensayado los dos juntos.Literature Literature
We finished the exhausting final rehearsal an hour before you came
Terminamos el exhaustivo ensayo general # hora antes que llegarasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Come, I shall rehearse you in your line.
Venga, ensayemos su diálogo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The plot basis applied by Calderón to start a harsh critical debate about his country and the theatre is very simple. One afternoon in the winter season of 1905, at the royal city of Saint Petersburg, an actress named Olga Knipper, widow of the great Antón Chejov, is waiting for her company to arrive so as to start the rehearsals ofThe cherry garden.
Una obra de de Dea Loher (Alemán).Common crawl Common crawl
“The rehearsal’s running long,” and hung up, wondering how many lies she’d told so far tonight.
—Y colgó, preguntándose cuántas mentiras había dicho esa noche.Literature Literature
Now, today we have rehearsal for the Asian Music Festival at 2.
Ahora, hoy tenemos ensayo para el Festival Asiático de Música a las 2.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘I’ll find you something further out, but you can’t just waltz along to rehearsals.’
Te buscaré algo más lejos, pero no podrás venir a los ensayos.Literature Literature
It was an impressive performance, as carefully impersonal and factual as if it had been rehearsed.
Fue una interpretación impresionante, tan esmeradamente impersonal y objetiva como si la hubiera ensayado.Literature Literature
The result is all too well rehearsed: racial tension, mutual suspicion, and a recipe for explosive unrest.
El resultado es conocido: tensiones raciales, recelos y la receta de un explosivo descontento.Literature Literature
‘The singing you can hear is part of an entertainment they are rehearsing.
El canto que puede usted oír forma parte de una función que están ensayando.Literature Literature
See what comes out of rehearsal?
lo que sale del ensayo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During rehearsal, Marge struggles with a scene in which Blanche is supposed to break a glass bottle and attack Stanley, but she cannot muster enough anger towards Stanley to break the bottle.
En el ensayo, a Marge se le dificulta realizar una escena en la que debe romper una botella e intentar atacar a Stanley en la cara, porque dice que no tiene razón alguna para atacarlo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During their first rehearsal, 3rd-G taught Paco how to play the drums.
Durante su primer ensayo, 3rd-G enseñó a Paco a tocar la batería.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We drove to the abandoned military base of Fort Monmouth, where the band had a rented theater in which we rehearsed.
Condujimos hasta la base militar abandonada de Fort Monmouth, donde la banda había alquilado un teatro para ensayar.Literature Literature
Rehearsing the New You Now, relax for a few seconds.
Repasa tu nuevo yo Ahora relájate durante varios segundos.Literature Literature
The rehearsal continues tomorrow.
El ensayo continúa mañana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Today rehearsed my funeral.
Hoy estuve ensayando mi funeral.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is a rehearsal.
Hazme tira, ¿para qué esperas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After the rehearsal is over, we decide we don't need another before the concert.
Cuando acaba el ensayo decidimos que no hace falta repetirlo antes del concierto.Literature Literature
Get this, there's a rehearsal dinner.
Hay una cena de ensayo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know, " all rehearsals are closed. "
" todos los ensayos son privados ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It makes the most sense and, to be honest, you never freeze up like that when we rehearse.”
Es lo lógico y, para ser sincero, cuando ensayamos no te quedas así, paralizado.Literature Literature
I've got rehearsals.
Tengo ensayos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A good removal index of the Tarzatrine dye was obtained for the combination of chemical oxidation by the use of 0 mg/L of TiO2 and 0,4%v/v of the hydrogen peroxide oxidation agent , and same result was obtained for the experimental combination of the photochemical process of heterogeneous photo catalysis with experimental rehearsals with 50 mg/L of TiO2 and 0,2%v/ v H2O2, and 50mg/L of TiO2 and 0,4%v/v H2O2 for a removal percentage that equals 100,0%.
Se obtuvo un buen porcentaje de remoción (100,0 %) del colorante Tartrazina para la combinación de oxidación química mediante el empleo de 0 mg/L de TiO2 y 0,4 %v/v del agente oxidante peróxido de hidrógeno, además de las combinación experimental del proceso fotoquímico de la fotocatálisis heterogénea con los ensayos experimentales de 50 mg/L de TiO2 y 0,2 %v/v H2O2, y 50 mg/L de TiO2 y 0,4 %v/v H2O2 para un porcentaje de remoción igual al 100,0%.scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Maris's Junior League is rehearsing their spring musical " Cats ".
La liga menor de Maris ensayaba su musical de primavera " Cats "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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