rejection slip oor Spaans

rejection slip

A standardized message notifying an author that his or her work has not been accepted for publication, ordinarily printed on a small piece of paper and attached to the returned manuscript.

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nota de rechazo

You're a published author, and I'm an author with many rejection slips.
Eres una escritora a la que publican, y yo soy un escritor con muchas notas de rechazo.

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All those hard years had been punctuated by the regular thud of rejection slips landing from publishers.
La muestra sigue conteniendo aire(por ejemplo, materiales de elevada viscosidad) o sustancias de bajo punto de ebullición, que se liberan durante el calentamiento y pueden eliminarse mediante succión tras un mayor subenfriamientoLiterature Literature
Turn over the rejection slip and throw down some words.
En un plazo de dos meses a partir de la recepción de dicha notificación, la Comisión podrá solicitar a la autoridad reguladora o al Estado miembro de que se trate que modifiquen o anulen la decisión de conceder una exenciónLiterature Literature
But while I was still collecting rejection slips for my early efforts, the fashion changed.
¡ Viejo Chu, maldito seas!Literature Literature
Thirty-nine reject slips for terry's latest novel, even the vanity press wouldn't take it.
Todo saldrá bien, BuntOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was the rejection slips that completed the horrible machine-likeness of the process.
Además ellos están con un futuro garantizadoLiterature Literature
His criticism would be infinitely harder to bear than an impersonal rejection slip from a faceless editor.
They had to spill coffee all over the manuscript and send me a printed rejection slip to boot.
La ventaja de este criterio es que da una idea de las distintas distancias que se ven obligados a recorrer los propietarios de vehículos quenecesitan combustible sin azufre para repostar dentro del territorio nacionalLiterature Literature
Of brutal rejection slips and the awfulness of faint praise?
Se han notificado casos de sobredosis durante la vigilancia postcomercializaciónLiterature Literature
“When I was a freelance writer, I used to eat rejection slips for breakfast.”
¿ El famoso Charles Muntz?Literature Literature
“I assume there was a time when you were a beginner and got rejection slips like everyone else.”
Ofreceremos Akemi a Seijuro a cambio de riquezas!Literature Literature
That's the reason for all those rejection slips.
Son un chiste,Una mera distraccionOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At a certain point, this rejection slip, in 1977
Cortas la cabezaQED QED
Rejection slips from all over.
Podemos ir a tomar una copaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fitzgerald wanted some word of encouragement to offset the rejection slips.
Mi padre no está en su habitaciónLiterature Literature
Well, I couldn't live on rejection slips.
Yo le di la ordenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But the deeper I spiraled into depression, the more all the rejection slips hurt.
Tienes novio?Literature Literature
She understood for the first time how an author must feel after receiving a string of rejection slips.
¡ Ricky Bobby ganó!Literature Literature
A popular British mystery writer, Creasey collected 743 rejection slips before he sold his first book!
Ella es una maldita manipuladoraLiterature Literature
However, I don’t feel comfortable returning them to you with only a rejection slip for company.
¿ Puedo tomarte de la muñeca?Literature Literature
It did—six years and forty rejection slips later.
No encontrareis peor enemigo que yoLiterature Literature
I smiled at the rejection slip.
Siempre me ha parecido más fácil hacer un trato con una mujer listaLiterature Literature
Beneath the yellow folder... you'll find your latest rejection slip... from the archives.
Él se fue a Tokyo por negociosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're a published author, and I'm an author with many rejection slips.
Pero soy la hija de alguienOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dogs have rejection slips?
Si era demasiado cara, no debiste haber venido, LarryOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For eight months, he submitted one attempt after another to various magazines, receiving only rejection slips in reply.
¿ Pero que pasa esta noche?Literature Literature
146 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.