relink oor Spaans


(transitive) To link again or anew.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


We'll need to relink with the helo outside the tz.
Tendremos que reconectar Con el helicóptero fuera de TZ



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

to relink


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
However, a continuation of the relinking of pension increases to inflation (as decided in 2018 and 2019) and the postponement of the sustainability factor would require compensatory measures to ensure the sustainability of the pension system in the medium to long-term.
La válvula esférica tendrá un diámetro no inferior al diámetro inferior del tubo de toma de muestras y un tiempo de conmutación inferior a #,# segundosEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
With static linking, a change to such a supporting module would require the relinking of the entire application module.
Te veré en la otra vida... cuando seamos gatosLiterature Literature
You do, however, need to relink the files. 5.
Es que he estado...... pensando en tu oferta de dejarme acompañaros en una redadaLiterature Literature
However, a continuation of the relinking of pension increases to inflation (as decided in 2018 and 2019) and the postponement of the sustainability factor would require compensatory measures to ensure the sustainability of the pension system in the medium to long term.
Procedimiento de cooperación: primera lecturaEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Follow these steps to relink your Ambient mode settings.
Esa es una acusación que
Later, server C may relink (reconnect) to a server (or servers) on the network and the users who appeared to have quit will rejoin; the process of sending this updated information to all servers on the network is called a netburst (or sync).
Según las previsiones intermedias de enero de # de los servicios de la Comisión, el crecimiento del PIB real español ha disminuido al #,# % enWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Note: If you've already set up a Nest Cam you may have to unlink and relink your Nest account to see your Nest cam(s).
¿ Qué estabas pensando?
Path-Relinking algorithm applied to transmission system expansion planning problem
La humedad se eleva como vapor de agua desde la superficie del mar y es llevada tierra adentro por el vientoscielo-title scielo-title
It is then relinked as the search continues.
Los resultados de las pruebas se comunicarán mensualmente a la ComisiónLiterature Literature
Using a portable neuro-transponder, we have the ability to relink our brain patterns.
Por supuesto que síOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Toledo Pact recommendations of relinking pension increases to an indicator of purchasing power should not be translated into legislations without a comprehensive package.
No soy amné
There are a few things you should keep in mind regarding Works with Nest, your Nest Account migration, and relinking Nest devices with approved ecosystem partners after migration:
La fabricación comporta siempre las mismas operaciones que se han realizado tradicionalmente: desuerado del cuajo, puesta en moldes, salazón a mano, en dos fases, con sal gorda seca, con varias vueltas y perforación con agujas largas, para que la aireación de la pasta permita que se desarrolle el penicillium
I say this because, on the one hand, we have seen how, after a decade in which Romania has been focusing very much on its own transformation and on the process of relinking with Europe as a whole and with its fundamental institutions, the United Nations system is regaining, at the level of Romanian foreign policy, the attention and the importance that it rightfully deserves.
Y las copas las pagas túUN-2 UN-2
Then relink after the move.
Sé algo sobre técnicas de agarre lucha cuerpo a cuerpo, cosas que puedes necesitar en este tipo de
/etc/cron.daily/prelink (This relinks all the applications, and it takes quite a while.
Voy a conseguir un ascenso, igual que tú, y la única manera es a base de resultadosCommon crawl Common crawl
Most of their tanks were out of commission, but they had succeeded in relinking with Twelfth Armored.
Cumbre Rusia/Unión Europea (votaciónLiterature Literature
If you want to relink this account, you’ll be able to do so by clicking Relink in the 'Actions' column for the account.
¿ Preferirías que fuera descortés?
So we managed that, and the team has relinked around her absence.
Me regaló unos excelentes cigarros cubanosLiterature Literature
If you relink to the exact same property and view(s), the data will again be available in Optimize.
No tienes que recordarme, es mi
The project to relink a railway and road between the two Koreas is now under way.
Oh, por favorUN-2 UN-2
Relink all the binaries on the system with different prelink options.
Danos un cuarto.- ¡ Con cuidado!Common crawl Common crawl
We'll need to relink with the helo outside the tz.
No se porque los hombres se derriten por ellaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I say this because, on the one hand, we have seen how, after a decade in which Romania has been focusing very much on its own transformation and on the process of relinking with Europe as a whole and with its fundamental institutions, the United Nations system is regaining, at the level of Romanian foreign policy, the attention and the importance that it rightfully deserves
Tú has nacido para esto, RuthMultiUn MultiUn
Combined Use of GRASP and Path-Relinking during Production Scheduling in order to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness in a Machine
Es una propuesta muy amable, Srscielo-title scielo-title
Experiment outcomes show that the use of Path-Relinking as a final step for GRASP can result in qualitysequence improvements.
Ése no es el diálogoscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.