restaurant owner oor Spaans

restaurant owner

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

dueño de restaurante

Gordon announces than an order has come in from the restaurant owners.
Gordon anuncia que un orden ha llegado en de los dueños de restaurantes.

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generally, the owner of a restaurant doesn't serve the dishes
generalmente, el dueño de un restaurante no sirve los platos
the owner proprietor of the restaurant
el propietario del restaurante


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The restaurant owner went down the stairs.
El dueño del restaurante bajó las escaleras.Literature Literature
When did you get onto the restaurant owner?
¿Cuándo supiste que fue la dueña del restaurante?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Foreigners, we have many,” the restaurant owner says as he refills our glasses with mango lassi.
—Extranjeros tenemos muchos —dice el dueño del restaurante mientras nos rellena de nuevo los vasos con lassi de mango.Literature Literature
Did you see the restaurant owner’s face when Verbatov came in?
¿Vio la cara del dueño del restaurante cuando entró Verbatov?Literature Literature
“The restaurant owner has agreed to cooperate in every way,” Lu said exultantly.
—El propietario del restaurante ha accedido a cooperar en todo —dijo Lu con tono exultante—.Literature Literature
If I' m gonna be a restaurant owner, I should know about wines
Si voy a poner un restaurante, deberé saber de vinosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
At his insistence, the restaurant owner, too, came out to toast the “great Chinese writers.”
Ante su insistencia, el propietario del restaurante salió para recibir a los «grandes escritores chinos».Literature Literature
All signs are it started when she hooked up with a restaurant owner named Brian Hall.
Parece que comenzó cuando se enganchó con Brian Hall.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Turkish diplomats, Chinese restaurant owners and west Indian artists.
Hay diplomáticos de Turquía... dueños de restaurantes chinos, y ahora músicos de las Antillas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The men left the room, leaving her alone with the restaurant owner’s wife.
Los hombres salieron y la dejaron a solas con la mujer del hostelero.Literature Literature
Some of you are current restaurant owners.
Algunos de vosotros ya sois propietarios de restaurantes.Literature Literature
I understand that the restaurant owner filed a complaint against him.
Tengo entendido que el propietario del restaurante... presentó una queja contra él.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I did palaver for a spell with the restaurant owner, and the cook, and the oyster boy.
Tuve una breve charla con el dueño del restaurante, con el cocinero y con el chico de las ostras.Literature Literature
When the young woman was calmer, Laurent entrusted her to the care of the restaurant owners.
Cuando la joven estuvo más tranquila, Laurent la dejó al cuidado de los dueños del restaurante.Literature Literature
Suppose that restaurant owners discriminate against blondes when hiring waiters.
Suponga que los propietarios de restaurantes discriminan a los rubios cuando contratan meseros.Literature Literature
You're a restaurant owner with no criminal record.
Eres dueño de un restaurante y no tienes antecedentes penales.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"The restaurant owner came over, took one look, and said, ""It's an empty stomach."""
"Se acercó el dueño del restaurant, lo miró y dijo: ""Es hambre""."Literature Literature
Concha is a former restaurant owner and chef from Madrid.
Concha es cocinera profesional y ha dirigido un restaurante en el centro de Madrid.Common crawl Common crawl
Pure detective mystery, thought Johansson, trying to make eye contact with his friend the restaurant owner.
Puro misterio, pensó Johansson buscando con la mirada a su amigo el propietario.Literature Literature
I’ve made a real effort to explain that I’m just a normal restaurant owner.
Ya llevo tiempo esforzándome en explicarles que no soy más que un restaurador normal y corriente.Literature Literature
A fit of anger did kill a restaurant owner in Spokane, Washington, a few years ago.
Un acceso de ira mató al dueño de un restaurante en Spokane, Washington, hace unos cuantos años.Literature Literature
Restaurant owners will be happy to share and exchange information with you in a friendly, convivial manner.
Los restauradores disfrutarán compartiendo instantes golosos y relajados con usted.Common crawl Common crawl
Saving money was always a safe topic with restaurant owners.
Ahorrar dinero era siempre un tema seguro cuando hablabas con el dueño de un restaurante.Literature Literature
A restaurant owner in Chinatown got a picture bride from Hong Kong who cheated by fifteen years.”
Al dueño de un restaurante de Chinatown le dieron una fotografía de su novia que esta se había hecho quince años atrás.Literature Literature
The restaurant's owner shouldn't have done that either...
También el dueño del restaurant se desubica...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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