royal mistress oor Spaans

royal mistress

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

amante real

Posición histórica de una amante de un monarca
I am not cut out for the hard job of royal mistress.
No estoy hecha para el duro trabajo de amante real.

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According to Theophanes, the original marriage was still valid and Zoe remained the royal mistress.
Bueno, bueno, no te enojes tantoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But did Vasco intend to make her his queen, or was the “royal mistress” scenario more realistic?
Afortunadamente, algunas cosas se te deben escaparLiterature Literature
Vespasia had never desired to be a royal mistress.
Mamá, ¿ por qué nadie cree que papá está en las Fuerzas Voladoras?Literature Literature
Marie-Anne Walewska (1823–1912), was a French courtier and royal mistress.
Mi rey, si el cazador de dragones puede ayudar a evitar más derramamiento de sangre... entonces permítaloWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That My royal mistress has annulled already; England will not unite herself with France.
La cuenta de resultado económico y el balance publicados por la Agencia con respecto al ejercicio # se presentan de forma sintética en los cuadros # yLiterature Literature
THE DECEITFUL CONDUCT of the physician and the royal mistress infuriated Afonso Henriques.
Como en los viejos tiempos, Web.¿ Lo hechas de menos?Literature Literature
With his royal mistress’s permission, he and I would be performing later that evening at the wedding feast.
La necesidad de una gestión adicional del riesgo puede considerarse de la mejor manera según la Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo y la Directiva #/#/CE, utilizando los datos del informe completo de evaluación del riesgoLiterature Literature
Claudine's piety had strong aesthetic underpinnings; in that, she was very like her royal mistress.
Para lograrlo usó íconosLiterature Literature
I was carrying love-gifts for no mere royal mistress, but for a woman who would be queen.
He arranged now for the Ephesians to greet Cleopatra as his royal mistress.
Sólo hay una manera de dejarlo terminadoLiterature Literature
A royal mistress is the historical position of a mistress to a monarch or an heir apparent.
Han sido escogidos por nosotrosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the ending place for every royal mistress, is it not?”
Oh, no hagan tanto alborotoLiterature Literature
But my Uncle Bennet could tell me nothing of any new royal mistress.
¿ # por ciento?Literature Literature
The queen and the trio of royal mistresses were already within, and all nodded to me.
Usted mismoLiterature Literature
They were together again—my husband and his royal mistress.
Moriría por entregar una cartaLiterature Literature
At last Versailles has a real royal mistress of the order of Gabrielle d'Estrées and Diane de Poitiers.
Y a su tripulante el piloto, teniente Coronel James RhodesLiterature Literature
We drink, eat and sleep like royal mistresses, and care for nobody on earth.”
No sé lo que quieroLiterature Literature
In an age well accustomed to royal mistresses, Maria is as virtuous as she is beautiful.
¡ Suelten los presos! ¡ Ya!Literature Literature
A little after midday, having washed my face and changed my clothes, I appeared before my royal Mistress.
Y lo más importante deben trabajar bajo coberturaLiterature Literature
“I think I could get used to being a royal mistress, if there were enough diamonds involved.”
Puerta ocultaLiterature Literature
These girlfriends were not treated like royal mistresses and showered with gifts and favors.
La realización de una prueba testigo en presencia de ácido bórico permite determinar la fluorescencia parásita (mediante la formación de un complejo de ácido bórico-ácido dehidroascórbico) y deducirla de la determinación fluorimétricaLiterature Literature
“Ma chérie, many of the royal mistresses were little better.
¿ Cómo te gusta?Estás caminando por la calle pensando en tus cosas y un montón de matones te abordan por detras, ponen una bolsa en tu cabeza, te tiran en el maletero de un coche, y el pop- pop, Lo siguiente que sabes, estás enterrado debajo de un puente, nunca más se supo de míLiterature Literature
It ain't every day a child who had to serve drink in a brothel becomes a royal mistress.'
Luego venderá los animalesLiterature Literature
She’d been a royal mistress, as had scores of “respectable” women.
Sólo que hoy la he vuelto a verLiterature Literature
He had no idea how you were supposed to address a royal mistress.
Si es así, tal vez les podríamos ayudar en cierta formaLiterature Literature
143 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.