running dive oor Spaans

running dive

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You could clear them with a running dive.’
Se les puede limpiar con un salto con carrera.Literature Literature
The creature took a running dive and vanished into the wall, still holding the physicist.
La criatura echó a correr y desapareció en la pared, aún aferrando al físico.Literature Literature
Even the upstart human was running, diving behind one of the columns.
Incluso el presuntuoso humano corría, para lanzarse detrás de una de las columnas.Literature Literature
Around him people are running, diving away from Aurors, trying to escape the bar.
A su alrededor, la gente corre, huye de los aurores, intenta salir del bar.Literature Literature
By now Endo was in his firing run, diving and climbing upward at a shallow angle.
Para entonces Endo se hallaba en su pasada de fuego, picando, y ascendiendo en un ángulo cerrado.Literature Literature
I’d’ve caught Lamanth that time, if Litorth had not done that clip-and-run dive maneuver.
Habría conseguido a Lamanth esa vez, si Litorth no hubiera hecho esa maniobra de ataque y evasión.Literature Literature
I'll let you know tomorrow after we make the running dive tests.
Lo sabré mañana, tras las pruebas de inmersión.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I took a running dive into the dirt.
Hizo falta meterme en el barro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not againl” They bound, pounce, run, dive, scramble, play dead, go for the throat, whatever needs to be done.
Saltan, brincan, corren, se lanzan, se echan a la garganta, hacen lo que tienen que hacer.Literature Literature
It was the disappointment in his eyes that had her wanting to take a running dive out the window.
Era la decepción en sus ojos lo que la hacía querer salir corriendo por la ventana.Literature Literature
An instant later she heard the splash as he took his running dive, and imagined the silken bliss of the cool water.
Un instante después, le oyó zambullirse a la carrera e imaginó la sedosa delicia del agua fresca.Literature Literature
I seen Soapy do a running dive into General Yun’s auto, which was setting in front of his tent, and I follered him.
Vi al Llorón que se metía en el coche del general Yun, que estaba aparcado delante de su tienda, y le seguí.Literature Literature
Looking out over the water, I think, I could take a running dive and I could swim and swim until the beach is gone.
Al mirar el agua pienso: podría correr a zambullirme y nadar y nadar hasta que la playa desaparezca.Literature Literature
There is also a well-equipped dive centre and boats with all the necessary safety equipment and trained personnel to run dive training and diving based projects.
Hay también un centro de buceo bien equipado y botes con todo el equipo de seguridad necesario y personal entrenado para conducir el entrenamiento de buceo y proyectos de buceo.Common crawl Common crawl
I ain't running a dive, but I ain't trying to run a young ladies' seminary neither.”
Yo no tengo un tugurio, pero tampoco intento dirigir un colegio de señoritas.Literature Literature
I ain't running a dive, but I ain't trying to run a young ladies' seminary neither.""
Yo no tengo un tugurio, pero tampoco intento dirigir un colegio de señoritas.Literature Literature
Diving is run through Vele in Blue Diving, which is a professionally equipped and well-run operation with 2 dive boats of 30 and 35 feet.
El buceo es a través de Vele en Blue Diving, que es un profesional y bien equipada a ejecutar la operación con 2 barcos de buceo de 30 y 35 pies.Common crawl Common crawl
Taka, Rosie, and Boyd and Co. were running the Dive Bar in our absence.
Taka, Rosie y Boyd se hacían cargo del Dive Bar en nuestra ausencia.Literature Literature
Okay, Gold Fish runs a dive in Kenwood.
De acuerdo, los pescados del oro se ejecuta una inmersión en Kenwood.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kanan lives alone with her grandfather on a nearby island where they run a diving gear shop.
Kanan vive sola con su padre en una isla cercana donde regentan una tienda de alquiler de material de buceo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A - reminder, there is no running, no diving, and absolutely no glass containers in the pool area.
Se recuerda que no se puede correr, ni zambullirse, ni llevar recipientes de cristal en el área de la piscina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I run the dive.
Yo me sumerjo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There are no days off when you're running a dive bar.
No hay días libres cuando se dirige un bar de mala muerte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Throughout the year we run daily dives in the morning and afternoon.
Estamos situados en la Costa Blanca.Common crawl Common crawl
It's been a dream to run a dive school, my whole life.
El sueño de mi vida ha sido tener una escuela de buceo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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