saucily oor Spaans


She walked off saucily and I watched, entranced, until she turned the corner; then I ran after her to ask her for a date.

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The young man sitting there—he could be no more than thirty—looked up and grinned saucily.
El joven sentado allí (no tendría más de treinta años) alzó la cabeza y sonrió insolente.Literature Literature
Shaking out the shawl she held over her head to protect it from the rain, she smiled saucily at Connor.
Se sacudió el chal que tenía encima de la cabeza para protegerse de la lluvia y le sonrió a Connor.Literature Literature
His head cocked saucily to one side and he began to recall how the steps went.
Inclinó coquetonamente la cabeza y empezó a acordarse de cómo eran los pasos.Literature Literature
“For at least another year,” she added saucily.
Al menos durante otro año —añadió con desfachatez.Literature Literature
“You go, Alan,” his wife said saucily, “and I shall stay.
—Ve tú, Alan —dijo su esposa con descaro—, y yo me quedaré.Literature Literature
she asked saucily, as she swished her skirts around the room like a little girl at play.
—preguntó con descaro, en tanto movía sus faldas por la habitación como una niña sobre un escenario.Literature Literature
Rosie smiled saucily, threw a sidelong glance at Connie, and whispered, ‘Not to me, but to yourself.
Rosie sonrió con descaro, lanzó una mirada de reojo a Connie, y susurró: —No me lo has hecho a mí, sino a ti mismo.Literature Literature
Didn’t he wink saucily at promenading matrons just to scandalise them?
¿No lanzaba un guiño pícaro a matronas de paseo para escandalizarlas?Literature Literature
As he drew back to admire her she looked up saucily, and said to him Perhaps not for you.
Mientras retrocedía unos pasos para poder admirarla, ella le miró de forma insolente y le dijo: —Quizá no sea para ti.Literature Literature
Then she looked up saucily, though her heart was full of fear of another outburst on the part of her impetuous lover.
Lo miró con descaro, aunque temía otro arrebato por parte de su impetuoso amante.Literature Literature
“But then no man would want to marry me,” she said saucily.
"""Pero entonces nadie querría casarse conmigo"", dijo saucily."Literature Literature
To which Churchill saucily replied,
A lo que Churchil contestó,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“And when you said good-bye to me there, you thought I would stay alone to cry my eyes out,” she said saucily.
—Y cuando me dijiste adiós allí, creíste que yo me iba a quedar llorando hasta que se me secaran los ojos, ¿eh?Literature Literature
Lysandra flapped onto the top of a nearby statue and clicked her beak rather saucily.
Lysandra voló hacia la punta de una estatua cercana e hizo sonar el pico de manera traviesa.Literature Literature
Saucily waggling her head, she mimicked her master's jaunty excuse in a hissing whisper.
Sacudiendo la cabeza, imitó la endeble excusa de su amo en un susurro siseante—.Literature Literature
They speak still of winter, but also already of spring; they speak of the past, but also saucily and merrily of the new.
Del invierno aún, pero también de la primavera; hablan de lo pasado a la par que, descaradas y alegres, de lo nuevo.Literature Literature
Beside me the count saucily lifted the sugar bodice to reveal two pink-tipped breasts.
Junto a mí el conde levantó con descaro el canesú de azúcar y descubrió dos pechos de puntas rosadas.Literature Literature
It would be a great opportunity for me to...saucily press against Baroness Frederiks...Hee-hee-hee!”
Sería una gran oportunidad para mí de... darme descaradamente el lote con la baronesa Frederiks... ¡Jejeje!».Literature Literature
Much simpler to be saucily irreligious everywhere and, if people got offended, run away.
Era mucho más simple ser descaradamente irreligiosos en todas partes y, si alguien se sentía ofendido, salir corriendo.Literature Literature
We debate – saucily – the morality or otherwise of reporting on your colleagues.
Debatimos —con bastante libertad— sobre la moralidad o la falta de moral de delatar a los colegas.Literature Literature
How many times has she saucily insinuated that all my affairs are the secret of Polichinelle!""
¡Cuántas veces me ha insinuado con descaro que todos mis asuntos son como los secretos de Polichinela!Literature Literature
“It seems as though Drakewich has been inhabited by spirits in my absence,” she said saucily.
—Parece como si Drakewich hubiera sido habitada por espíritus durante mi ausencia —dijo con descaro.Literature Literature
Moira smiled saucily but said nothing.
Moira sonrió con frescura pero no habló.Literature Literature
It would be a great opportunity for me to . . . saucily press against Baroness Frederiks . . .
Sería una gran oportunidad para mí de ... darme descaradamente el lote con la baronesa Frederiks ...Literature Literature
“We Americans enjoy self-sufficiency,” she said saucily, trying to put her sadness aside.
"""Nosotros los estadounidenses disfrutan de autosuficiencia"", dijo saucily, tratando de poner a un lado su tristeza."Literature Literature
52 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.