saudade oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


a special feeling of light sadness, which Portuguese-speaking people attribute to themselves
It satisfies that longing, “mata as saudades” (kills homesickness), as the Brazilians say.
Satisface ese anhelo, “mata as saudades” (mata las nostalgias), según dicen los brasileños.

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Saudade closes the door behind him.
Saudade cierra la puerta detrás de sí.Literature Literature
“I'm not tired,” says Saudade.
–No estoy cansado –dice Saudade.Literature Literature
“We could call a whore,” Saudade is saying.
—Podemos llamar a una puta —está diciendo Saudade.Literature Literature
Saudade goes up half a dozen of the staircases.
Saudade sube media docena de estas escaleras.Literature Literature
Saudade finishes the beer and tosses it out the open window.
Saudade se termina la lata de cerveza y la tira por la ventanilla abierta.Literature Literature
With a Russian accent that, given the circumstances, makes all of Saudade's body hair stand on end.
Con un acento ruso que dadas las circunstancias eriza todo el vello corporal de Saudade.Literature Literature
If there's one thing that Saudade hates intensely in this world, it's problems.
Una cosa que Saudade odia intensamente en este mundo son los problemas.Literature Literature
When you could not do it you did ' Canto da Saudade ', instead, didn' t you?
Cuando usted no pudo hacerIo hace # años, usted partió para eI " Canto da Saudade ", ¿ no?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
For example, the Portuguese word saudade is often translated into English as "the feeling of missing a person who is gone".
Por ejemplo, la palabra portuguesa saudade frecuentemente se traduce al inglés como the feeling of missing someone who is not in a place, "sentimiento de echar de menos a alguien que no está".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Saudade's aching mind the dilemma starts to look grimly like a vicious circle.
En la mente dolorida de Saudade el dilema empieza a parecerse siniestramente a un círculo vicioso.Literature Literature
Saudade moves his head a bit and lets out some sort of soft, unintelligible croak.
Saudade mueve un poco la cabeza y deja escapar una especie de graznido flojito e ininteligible.Literature Literature
Did you feel " saudades "?
¿Sintió " saudades "?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Manta would love to do something extremely violent to Saudade's face.
A Manta le encantaría hacer algo extremadamente violento con la cara de Saudade.Literature Literature
He turns toward the threadbare curtain that separates Saudade's bed from the bed of the patient next to him.
Se dirige a la cortina raída que separa la cama de Saudade de la cama del paciente de al lado.Literature Literature
Saudade's penis isn't exactly the same color as the rest of his body.
El pene de Saudade no es exactamente del mismo color que el resto de su cuerpo.Literature Literature
Saudade closes his eyes and wipes another drop of sweat from his forehead.
Saudade cierra los ojos y se seca otra gota de sudor de la frente.Literature Literature
Saudade watches Giraut and kneels down to take off his shoes, too.
Saudade se queda mirando a Giraut y se agacha para quitarse él también los zapatos.Literature Literature
The Umbro sweat suit that Saudade wears is the official sweat suit of his favorite soccer club.
El chándal marca Umbro que lleva Saudade es el chándal oficial de su club de fútbol favorito.Literature Literature
I want some Saudades, please
Quería unas Saudades, por favorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saudade is emptying a bottle of Moët et Chandon Grand Reserve over his head.
Saudade se dedica a vaciarse por encima de la cabeza una botella de Moët Chandon Grand Reserve.Literature Literature
His corpse is to be found on the second floor of number twenty-two, Rua da Saudade, the residence of the present writer.
Su cadáver se encuentra actualmente en el segundo piso de la Rua da Saudade número 22, en casa de quien esto escribe.Literature Literature
“Gggggggrrrl,” Saudade seems to be saying.
—Ggggggrrl —parece decir Saudade.Literature Literature
Claws that sink into Saudade's stomach, or into the stomach of any of the male neighbors in the building.
Garras que se hunden en el estómago de Saudade o de cualquiera de los vecinos masculinos de su inmueble.Literature Literature
‘I hear the nostalgia, but I don’t quite understand the saudade.’
—Oigo la nostalgia, pero no acabo de entender la saudade.Literature Literature
Teixeira’s proposal to declare a metaphysical concept such as saudade a tenet of the New State.
Esa propuesta de Teixeira de declarar fundamento del Estado Nuevo un concepto metafísico como la saudade.Literature Literature
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