scrape up oor Spaans

scrape up

(transitive) to gather together something needed (especially money)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Last year, though, we did manage to scrape up some money.
El año pasado, sin embargo, conseguimos raspar algo de dinero.

reunir a duras penas

They sold their wedding rings to scrape up the funds needed for traveling to this remote island.
Con la venta de sus anillos de boda, reunieron a duras penas el dinero necesario para viajar a aquella retirada isla.

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to scrape up
conseguir · reunir a duras penas


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When I’m finished, they’ll barely have enough left to scrape up and toss in a cell.
Cuando termine, apenas quedará lo suficiente para recogerla y meterla en un calabozo.Literature Literature
Instead of a rent- a- car, we scraped up a couple bucks to get ' em bus tickets
En lugar de un auto de alquiler, juntamos un par de billetes para comprarles los boletos de autobúsopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""We're assembling stores of oil and alcohol and all of the AB we can scrape up."
Estamos reuniendo reservas de aceite y alcohol y todas las AB que hemos podido reunir.Literature Literature
Maura turned and saw that Gary’s trowel had scraped up against an inch of broken pipe.
Maura se volvió y vio que la pala de Gary había golpeado un trozo de cañería rota.Literature Literature
It would have to be scraped up and burnt.
Tendríamos que retirarla y quemarla.Literature Literature
The tips of his fingers touch either wall, scraping up against the prison he’s found himself in.
Toca los muros con las puntas de los dedos, y así araña las paredes de la cárcel donde se encuentra.Literature Literature
Andreas scraped up all the salads into a big bowl.
Andreas echó todas las ensaladas en un cuenco grande.Literature Literature
We've got to scrape up enough somewhere for a little milk.
Vamos a tener que juntar para un poco de leche.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Run on out there and scrape up a squirrel.
Corre por ahi y raspa una ardilla ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lalo sighed, disconcertingly melancholy, and scraped up the last of his octopus gravy with his spoon.
Lalo suspiró, melancólico de improviso, y rebañó el resto de la salsa del pulpo con la cuchara.Literature Literature
We should be able to scrape up another 1 00.
Podremos eliminar otros 45 kilos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeah, Warden's punishing me for scraping up the van last week of run.
Si, así me castiga el alcaide por estrellar la furgoneta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While the money was being scraped up by friends and relatives, Caesar charmed his captors (he charmed everyone).
Mientras amigos y parientes trataban de reunir el dinero, César encantó a sus capturadores (encantaba a todo el mundo).Literature Literature
“I feel a little coerced,” Noah says, as he finishes filling his scraped-up tank.
—Me siento un poco coaccionado —señala al tiempo que termina de llenar su arañado depósito—.Literature Literature
“I plow a lonely furrow... Let us see what they have been able to scrape up for luncheon.”
Labro un solitario surco... Bien, veamos qué han podido organizar a modo de almuerzo.Literature Literature
The watch knocked off three, and he said he could scrape up another five.
El reloj rebajó tres, y dijo que podía conseguir otros cinco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Are we considering leaving a stash... ... of uranium unprotected because we can't scrape up 25 million?
¿Están pensando en dejar todo ese uranio sin protección porque no podemos apoquinar 25 millones de pavos?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We've managed to scrape up another fifteen million.""
Hemos conseguido arañar otros quince millones.Literature Literature
“Most of these people are slaves, human outcasts scraped up from unwanted planets.”
La mayoría de estas personas son esclavos, parias salidos de planetas indeseables.Literature Literature
The veterans were mutinous, no one was paying taxes, and all Octavian could scrape up were eight legions.
Los veteranos se amotinaban, nadie pagaba impuestos, y todo lo que Octavio pudo reunir fueron ocho legiones.Literature Literature
It's all I could scrape up.
Es todo lo que he conseguido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The New Guy hesitates, then scrapes up his cards.
El novato duda, y luego recoge sus cartas.Literature Literature
Go scrape up the ten thousand and take Jinju with you.
Consigue diez mil yuan y llévate a Jinju.Literature Literature
“I would have had to scrape up far more for your dowry,” he murmured.
—Tendría que haber dado mucho más por tu dote —murmuró—.Literature Literature
His father was a bank clerk who had scraped up the money for the truck.
Su padre era empleado de banco y había ahorrado dinero para comprar el camión.Literature Literature
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