self-confessed oor Spaans


According to a person's own confession or admission

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And you're upset because three self-confessed killers are gonna stand trial for murder.
Y te perturba que a tres asesinos confesos los juzguen por homicidio.

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a self-confessed Marxist
un marxista confeso


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A scorpionman ran up, a self-confessed magician, offering amulets and magic sticks against ill-fortune.
Un buscón y autoproclamado mago se acercó al carro para ofrecer sus amuletos y bastones mágicos contra la mala suerte.Literature Literature
Known and self-confessed criminals circulate freely in the streets of the United States, particularly in Miami.
Por las calles de las ciudades de ese país, en particular Miami, circulan libremente connotados y confesos criminales.UN-2 UN-2
Paying teddy, ellie, and mickey all confirmed self- confessed alcoholics paying them to drink
Pago de peluche, Ellie, y Mickey todos los auto- confesó confirmado alcohólicos pagando a beberopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The other women watched her critically; they found that confused, self-confessing smile ridiculous.
Según salía, las otras mujeres la miraron críticamente: aquella sonrisa confusa y reveladora les parecía ridícula.Literature Literature
On the day she marries Lord Robert she stands a self-confessed accomplice to murder.
El día en que se case con lord Robert se convertirá en cómplice confesa de asesinato.Literature Literature
This Kamenev was shot by Stalin’s order as a self-confessed traitor in 1936.
Este Kamenev fue fusilado por orden de Stalin como traidor convicto en 1936.Literature Literature
We still have a self-confessed heretic.
Tenemos a alguien que se confesó como hereje.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All that differs between the self- proclaimed medium and self- confessed showman is presentation style.
Todo lo que difiere entre un medium autoproclamado y un showman confeso es el estilo de presentación.QED QED
“You want me to work with a self-confessed criminal?”
“¿Quieres que trabaje con una criminal confesa?”.Literature Literature
In spite of a strong and self-confessed desire to believe he found it impossible to do so.
A pesar de un vivo deseo de creer, era incapaz.Literature Literature
This is the self-confessed murderer of Victor Savage.
Este es el autoconfeso asesino de Víctor Savage.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His own savage self-confessions demand the same of others.
Sus propias terribles confesiones exigen lo mismo de los demás.Literature Literature
Miss Dine, you're a self-confessed drug courier.
Señorita Dine, se autoconfesó como una portadora de droga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thanos wasn’t sure that he should be taking advice from a self-confessed criminal.
Thanos no estaba seguro de si debía seguir el consejo de una criminal confesa.Literature Literature
Waits, the self-confessed serial killer,
Waits, el asesino en serie confeso,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was just eighteen, a self-confessed “spoilt child,” brimming with revolutionary ardour.
Acababa de cumplir dieciocho años, y era, según propia confesión, una «niña mimada», rebosante de ardor revolucionario.Literature Literature
It is their duty to investigate so-called miracles, question self-confessed prophets.
Su deber consiste en investigar presuntos milagros e interrogar a presuntos profetas.Literature Literature
Why he should now trust the honor of a self-confessed bandit, thief and mercenary he didn't know.
¿Por qué habría de confiar, ahora, en el honor de una bandida confesa, ladrona y mercenaria?Literature Literature
The Cimmerian reminded himself that Tivia was a self-confessed murderer, and for gold.
El cimmerio se recordó a sí mismo que Tivia era una asesina confesa y que además lo había hecho por oro.Literature Literature
And-is there really anything wrong with calling a documented and self-confessed lie a lie?
Y, por otra parte, ¿hay realmente algo malo en llamar mentira a una mentira documentada y autoconfesada?Literature Literature
He is a self-confessed "crybaby".
Él es un "crybaby" confeso en sí mismo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(46) De Beers is the self-confessed "custodian" of the diamond industry.
(46) De Beers se confiesa el "guardián" de la industria del diamante.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As he is a self-confessed former poem-writing hippie, this is no surprise.
Como Gerber confiesa que había sido un jipi escritor de poemas, esto no debe sorprender.Literature Literature
The man was a self-confessed traitor, a wrecker and a menace.
Era un traidor confeso, un agitador y una amenaza.Literature Literature
Some people called it the self-confession drug.
Le llamaban la medicina de la confesión.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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