shaking with oor Spaans

shaking with

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I shake with fear for you, yet I am rewarded.
Me estremezco de miedo por ustedes, sin embargo, me siento recompensada.

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He was shaking with passion, and as he drew abreast of me he rasped out: “The bloody fool!
Temblaba de indignación, y cuando llegó junto a mí exclamó ásperamente: —¡Maldito idiota!Literature Literature
The woman blew her nose noisily, the flesh on her upper arms shaking with the effort.
La mujer se sonó la nariz ruidosamente, la carne de la parte superior de su brazo se sacudía con el esfuerzo.Literature Literature
He could feel his legs shaking with wild excitement, like the effect of rum on an empty stomach.
Notaba que sus piernas temblaban de excitación, un efecto parecido al de un trago de ron bebido con el estómago vacío.Literature Literature
“Honestly, you were so drunk....” “Everyone’s seen it,” I said, my voice shaking with fury.
Sinceramente, estabas tan borracha... —Todo el mundo lo ha visto —dije, con la voz temblándome de la rabia—.Literature Literature
Sometimes I shake with laughter like an lndian- rubber ball for half an hour
A veces, cuando río, me paso media hora sacudiéndomeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She drove him out of the house and then telephoned his mother, her voice shaking with indignation.
Lo echó de su casa y luego telefoneó a su madre, con la voz temblorosa por la indignación.Literature Literature
" The walls shake with the din. "
Las puertas tiemblan con el sonido del alboroto ( de la gente ).OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shake with excitement, with anticipation for what will come.
Tiemblo de emoción, de expectación por lo que va a pasar.Literature Literature
She looked at Ian—the man was shaking with laughter!
Miró a Ian, ¡el hombre se desternillaba de risa!Literature Literature
He was shaking with the release of it all now, finally taking his turn to relax.
Estaba temblando con el lanzamiento de todo ahora, finalmente tomando su turno para relajarse.Literature Literature
Koskinen put the wallet into his pocket and waited, shaking with reaction.
Koskinen se puso la cartera en el bolsillo y esperó, temblando con la reacción sufrida.Literature Literature
She couldn't stop shaking with laughter.
No podía parar de temblar de la risa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Shaking with nerves, I waited for the next flash.
Tembloroso a causa de los nervios, esperé el siguiente destello.Literature Literature
He moved slowly, so slowly but she couldn't stop shaking with fear, couldn't get up.
Se movía lentamente, mucho, pero ella no podía evitar estremecerse de miedo, era incapaz de ponerse en pie.Literature Literature
Arik-Boke and Hulegu were in on it, of course, their bony boys’ frames almost shaking with excitement.
Arik-Boke y Hulegu estaban en el ajo, por supuesto, y sus huesudos cuerpecillos casi temblaban de la emoción.Literature Literature
His arms were growing tired from the constant strain, and he was shaking with the effort.
Se le estaban cansando los brazos del esfuerzo constante, y temblaba de la fuerza que tenía que hacer.Literature Literature
His voice, when he spoke, was shaking with wrath.
Su voz, cuando habló, estaba temblando de cólera.Literature Literature
Despite our forced march of nearly four hours, we were shaking with cold, and famished.
A pesar de nuestra marcha forzada de cuatro horas, estábamos ateridos y hambrientos.Literature Literature
I asked, but I was shaking with desire, Stefan.
—le pregunté; pero estaba consumido de deseo, Stefan.Literature Literature
I was shaking with fury, and I had never felt so glad.
Temblaba de furia y nunca me había sentido tan feliz.Literature Literature
She was shaking, actually shaking with rage—a reaction that seemed entirely disproportionate to the circumstances.
Temblaba de rabia, una reacción que a Tommy le pareció absolutamente desproporcionada dadas las circunstancias.Literature Literature
Shaking with fear and exhaustion.
Temblaba de miedo y de agotamiento.Literature Literature
Venetia found herself physically shaking with emotions which she was powerless to make sense of or control.
Venetia temblaba, sacudida por emociones que no acertaba a explicarse ni a controlar.Literature Literature
And the world was shaking with shock.
Y el mundo se sacudía por la conmoción.Literature Literature
After half an hour of this, he began to shake with the cold.
Después de media hora de esa actividad, él comenzó a tiritar.LDS LDS
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