she could see oor Spaans

she could see

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He went before her, where she could see him.
Se puso ante ella, donde pudiera verle.Literature Literature
Oh, she could see him, cutoff shorts, barefoot.
Oh, ella podía verlo, pantalones cortos, pies descalzos.Literature Literature
But she could see the difficulties, too.
Pero también podía ver las dificultades.Literature Literature
Even with the lamp out, she could see the drawing on the floor, and the shattered glass.
Incluso con la lámpara apagada, distinguió el dibujo en el suelo, y el cristal hecho añicos.Literature Literature
All she could see was a courtyard with an empty pool, and several small rooms surrounding it.
Todo lo que pudo ver fue un patio interior con un estanque vacío, y varias pequeñas habitaciones rodeándolo.Literature Literature
"""I'm not done yet,"" she said with a firmness that she could see surprised him."
—Aún no he terminado —dijo con una firmeza que ella misma pudo ver que lo sorprendía.Literature Literature
She could see my bedroom from her window
Ella podía ver mi cuarto desde su ventanaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She could see that he detested his own mother.
Se veía claramente que detestaba a su propia madre.Literature Literature
She could see that her son’s looks repulsed Daniel and she could not hide her sadness.
Captó que el aspecto de su hijo repelía a Daniel y no pudo ocultar su tristeza.Literature Literature
She could see that wilful look on the Doctor's face.
Podía ver esa mirada tozuda en el rostro del Doctor.Literature Literature
Up this close she could see far less of the magnificent palace atop it.
A tan poca distancia ella podía ver mucho menos del espléndido palacio situado sobre ella.Literature Literature
She turned her blind eyes toward Chee, as if she could see him.
Giró sus ciegos ojos hacia Chee, como si pudiera verloLiterature Literature
At the top edge of what she could see: hadn't the right-hand piston moved, a fraction?
En el margen superior de lo que no alcanzaba a ver: ¿no se había movido, un milímetro siquiera, el émbolo derecho?Literature Literature
She could see him walking beside Sieben.
Podía verlo caminando junto a Sieben.Literature Literature
Other men sometimes had hair there, but she could see only smooth, unblemished skin.
Otros hombres tenían vello ahí, pero solo podía ver piel suave y tersa.Literature Literature
When Kady’s foot stepped through the opening, she could see that her leg was already in the apartment.
Cuando el pie de Kady traspuso la abertura, vio que su pierna ya estaba en el apartamento.Literature Literature
She could see only bars all around her.
Solo veía barrotes a su alrededor.Literature Literature
She could see the dark reflection of his eyes in the moonlight.
Ella veía el reflejo oscuro de los ojos del animal a la luz de la luna.Literature Literature
Grandmother Drackman would have a stroke if she could see what his diet consisted of these days.
A la abuela Drackman le daría un ataque si pudiera ver su dieta actual.Literature Literature
Died before she could see me.
Murió antes de que pudiera verme.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The barrier around the house was down in at least three places that she could see.
La barrera alrededor de la casa había caído al menos en tres puntos que ella pudiera ver.Literature Literature
She could see inside the house, saw her family still laughing and Lorrie pouring drinks from a pitcher.
Desde aquel lugar veía el interior de la casa, y también a su familia todavía riendo con Lorrie y sirviéndose bebidas.Literature Literature
To her left, through the trees, she could see a house.
A su izquierda, a través de los árboles, vio una casa.Literature Literature
Ash dropped Godluc back very slightly, so that she could see the Englishman's face.
Ash retrasó un poco a Godluc para poderle verle la cara al inglés.Literature Literature
She could see nothing beyond the darkness.
No veía nada más allá de la oscuridad.Literature Literature
38040 sinne gevind in 309 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.