she could talk to oor Spaans

she could talk to

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

podría hablar con

Yeah, she wanted me to leave so that she could talk to Judy.
Sí, quiso que me marchara para poder hablar con Judy.

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“Yeah, she could talk to the sharks the same way she talked to me.
—Sí, ella puede hablar con los tiburones de la misma forma que habla conmigo.Literature Literature
She wished she could talk to Stephen again—ask his opinion about names for a daughter.
Le hubiera gustado hablar otra vez con Stephen para preguntarle qué pensaba acerca del nombre para su hija.Literature Literature
She could talk to anyone.
Podía hablar con cualquiera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Frau Buchendorff had called in the afternoon and asked if she could talk to me after work.
La señora Buchendorff había llamado pronto por la tarde para preguntar si podía hablar conmigo a la salida del trabajo.Literature Literature
The only person in the world she could talk to, because she knew at least that it worked.
La única persona del mundo con la que podía hablar, porque sabía al menos que la máquina funcionaba.Literature Literature
Perhaps she could talk to him, persuade him that he must leave Nancy alone.
Tal vez podría hablar con él, y convencerle para que dejara a Nancy en paz.Literature Literature
As there was no one else she could talk to, she soon took Julia into her confidence.
Como tenía poca gente con la que hablar, no tardó en intimar con Julia.Literature Literature
She wished she could talk to her father, who would have known what to do.
Deseaba hablar con su padre, quien habría sabido qué hacer.Literature Literature
She asked if she could talk to me.
Me preguntó si podía hablar conmigo.Literature Literature
She could talk to the press...
Podría hablar con la prensa...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If she could talk to Tempest, perhaps they both would benefit from the experience.
Si podía hablar con Tempest, quizá las dos se beneficiarían de la experiencia.Literature Literature
Well, if they couldn't talk to her, maybe she could talk to them.
Bueno, si no podían hablar con ella, tal vez Kalenda podría hablar con ellos...Literature Literature
She missed having family, somebody she could talk to when everything in the world seemed bleak.
Echaba de menos tener familia, alguien con quien hablar cuando el mundo parecía un lugar inhóspito.Literature Literature
With Jane recuperating in Cairo, she really didn’t have anyone she could talk to, let alone trust.
Con Jane recuperándose en El Cairo, en realidad no tenía a nadie con quien pudiera hablar, mucho menos confiar.Literature Literature
Maybe she could talk to him about all of this.
Tal vez ella podía hablar con él acerca de todo esto.Literature Literature
She seemed upset about something, asked if she could talk to me.
Parecía preocupada por algo, y me pidió hablar conmigo.Literature Literature
From almost the first minute, she'd felt as though she could talk to him, depend on him.
Había sentido, casi desde el primer momento, que podía hablar con él y otorgarle su confianza.Literature Literature
Charles fixed Alice but Stephanie lingered with Judith’s sock so she could talk to Coen.
Charles vistió a Alice, pero Stephanie se entretuvo con los calcetines de Judith para poder hablar con Coen.Literature Literature
Here, at last, was a friend she could talk to.
Ahí tenía, por fin, un amigo con quien hablar.Literature Literature
She could talk to him about Martha, learn a bit more.
Podía hablarle de Martha, saber más cosas de ella.Literature Literature
And all I said was that maybe I knew someone she could talk to who might help.’
Y sólo le dije que quizá conozca a alguien que podría ayudarla.Literature Literature
Amber got herself arrested so she could talk to Marie.
Amber se hizo detener así pudo hablar con Marie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Starling wished she could talk to Crawford.
Starling anheló poder hablar con Crawford.Literature Literature
He heard her outside, imperiously ordering the guards to leave so she could talk to him in private.
La oyó fuera, ordenando imperiosamente a los vigilantes que la dejaran sola para hablar con él en privado.Literature Literature
She could talk to me about almost anything by this time.
Por aquel entonces era ya capaz de hablarme de casi cualquier cosa.Literature Literature
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