she cried oor Spaans

she cried

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


She cried for help, but nobody heard her.
Ella gritó pidiendo auxilio, pero nadie le oyó.


She cried until she ran out of tears.
Ella lloró hasta quedarse sin lágrimas.

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she cries


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She saw me standing there with Edward and she cried dramatically: “My baby!
Me vio allí de pie con Edward y exclamó dramáticamente: —¡Mi nene, mi nene!Literature Literature
She waited for you for months; she cried for you.
Esperópor mes; ella lloró por ti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He let go of her, and she cried, “Why are you so vengeful?
La soltó y ella gritó: — ¿Por qué eres tan vengativo?Literature Literature
She cries so easily ... like Otto ... She said she was sorry about you.
Llora con tanta facilidad... como Otto...Literature Literature
“Säiyett,” she cried through her tears, “oh, forgive me!
—Säiyet —gritó, en medio de sus lágrimas— ¡oh, perdóname!Literature Literature
One old lady—immense, she cried, she laughed, she cooked me an egg— couldn’t stop talking about it.
Una señora mayor enorme, que gritaba, se reía y me hizo un huevo frito, no paraba de hablar de eso.Literature Literature
she cried, hurling handfuls of sand at Hassanein.
gritó lanzando puñados de arena a Hassanein—.Literature Literature
As soon as she had cast her eyes on it, she cried, “From him!
"Cuando la miró, exclamó al punto: ""¡De él!"Literature Literature
She cries out, pressing her head against the pillow.
Grita y aprieta la cabeza contra la almohada.Literature Literature
She cried out once for every kick, loudly and with great animation.
Gritó una vez por cada patada, con fuerza y energía.Literature Literature
she cried again, jumping down into the arena and throwing herself between him and the monster.
gritó ella de nuevo, lanzándose a la arena e interponiéndose entre él y el monstruo.Literature Literature
She cried a lot, said I’d never see her again... She’s a good person, isn’t she?
Fue ayer a despedirse de nosotros; lloró mucho, me dijo que ya no la volvería a ver... Es una buena persona, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
Rick held her while she cried, her body convulsing in his arms.
Rick la abrazó mientras ella lloraba y su cuerpo se convulsionó en sus brazos.Literature Literature
“It’s you I’m protecting,” she cried, her voice cracking slightly under the strain.
—Es a ti a quien estoy protegiendo —gritó ella, con voz ligeramente quebrada por la tensión.Literature Literature
“You don’t just stop being a writer,” she cried.
– No has dejado de ser escritor -gritóLiterature Literature
She cried with joy when she won and groaned at her losses, just like the other patrons.
Gritaba de alegría cuando ganaba y gruñía al perder, al igual que los demás clientes.Literature Literature
She cries every night.
Llora todas la
She cries and cries and sometimes I think nothing will calm her.
Ella no para de llorar, y a veces pienso que nada puede calmarla.Literature Literature
She cried a lot but didn’t resist.
Lloró mucho, pero no se opuso.Literature Literature
“Please don’t call me that,” she cried, and Matt realized that for some reason she was truly frightened.
exigió ella, y Matt comprendió que, por algún motivo, estaba realmente asustada.Literature Literature
“Don’t shout at me,” she cried, incensed and embarrassed at being publicly upbraided.
—No me grites —dijo llorando, indignada y avergonzada de ser públicamente reprendida.Literature Literature
Suddenly she cried: Let’s go to Buenos Aires!
De pronto exclamó: ¡Nos vamos a Buenos Aires!Literature Literature
I' il hear her if she cries
Yo la oiré si lloraopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Sometimes she cried, and Rune would sit beside her, pat her, and give her Kleenex.
A veces se echaba a llorar y Rune se sentaba a su lado, le daba palmaditas y le acercaba los pañuelos de papel.Literature Literature
Pilar drew back, disappointed; then laughing, with her cynical laugh, she cried: “Is that all?
Retrocedió Pilar desorientada; y riéndose en seguida con su cínico reír, exclamó: —¿No es más que eso?Literature Literature
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