she does not know oor Spaans

she does not know

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

no conoce

She will marry and be humped by a man she does not know and for a price.
Se casará y se la cogerá un hombre que no conoce y por un precio.

no sabe

She does not know who I am, but she does not know who you are either, right?
Ella no sabe quién soy, pero tampoco sabe quién eres tú, ¿cierto?

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She does not know or understand you.
Ella no os conoce ni os entiende.Literature Literature
She does not know the extent of her wounds.
No conoce el alcance de las heridas.Literature Literature
“If she does not know by now she must be stupid.”
Si todavía no se ha enterado debe de ser estúpida.Literature Literature
Revealed that sex was not consensual, and she does not know assailant’s name.
Reveló que el acto sexual no había sido consensuado, y que desconocía el nombre del atacante.Literature Literature
The room is quiet, and bright as midday; she does not know how long she has been asleep.
La habitación está en silencio, y con la luz del mediodía; no sabe cuánto tiempo estuvo dormida.Literature Literature
Yes, she does not know!
Si, ella no lo sabe!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Except that she does not know that you know.
Solo que ella no sabe que tú sabes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She does not know it herself: one minute she says one thing, the next another.
Ni ella lo sabe: en un momento dice una cosa, al siguiente otra.Literature Literature
Yet perhaps she does not know; or perhaps she prefers not to know.
Y puede que no lo sepa; o tal vez prefiera no saberlo.Literature Literature
She does not know I’ve come to see you today.”
No sabe que he venido a verte.Literature Literature
If she does not know already, if this is not some test of honesty and loyalty.
Si es que no lo sabe ya y esto no es más que una prueba de honestidad y lealtad.Literature Literature
Then she realises that she does not know what to say.
Pero entonces se percata de que no sabe muy bien qué decir—.Literature Literature
She does not know how beautiful I was when I married this man.
No sabe lo bella que era yo cuando me casé con él.Literature Literature
She does not know who you are.
Ella no sabe quién eres.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like she does not know!
Cómo si ella no lo supiera!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tonight she too will journey to a hospital, though of course presently she does not know it.
Esta noche también ella irá a un hospital, aunque por supuesto aún no lo sabe.Literature Literature
She does not know the answer, so says nothing and waits for her coffee.
No conoce la respuesta a esas preguntas, así que no dice nada y espera a que el café esté listo.Literature Literature
She does not know them as she does yours.
Ella no los conoce como a los tuyos.Literature Literature
And there are some things she does not know.
Y hay algunas cosas que ella no sabe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps she does not know you.
Quizá no te conoce.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
She does not know when she was brought into this room.
No sabe cuándo la han trasladado a esa estancia.Literature Literature
As for Evelina, she does not know you are her uncle.’
En cuanto a Evelina, no sabe que usted es su tío.Literature Literature
She will marry and be humped by a man she does not know and for a price.
Se casará y se la cogerá un hombre que no conoce y por un precio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She does not know how long the protection will last.
No sabe cuánto durará la protección.Literature Literature
Tomorrow she' il marry a man she does not know
Mañana se casará con un hombre que no conoceopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
3248 sinne gevind in 103 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.