she feels old oor Spaans

she feels old

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se siente vieja

No, mom nags me'cause every time she looks at my young face, she feels old and gross.
No, mamá me regaña porque cada vez que ve mi joven rostro... se siente vieja y desagradable.

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Renouncing her youth, her beauty, and her personal life brings her some calm; she feels old, justified.
Renunciar a su juventud, a su belleza, a su vida personal, le aporta algo de paz; se siente vieja, justificada.Literature Literature
She feels old, but she's not sick.
Está vieja, pero no está enferma.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, mom nags me'cause every time she looks at my young face, she feels old and gross.
No, mamá me regaña porque cada vez que ve mi joven rostro... se siente vieja y desagradable.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At fifty-four she feels old and knows that Vincenzo cannot be left alone.
A sus años, cincuenta y cuatro, se siente vieja y sabe que Vincenzo no puede quedarse solo.Literature Literature
I know she feels old, hates her horsey teeth, hates her gray hair.
Sé que se siente vieja, que odia sus dientes encabalgados, que odia sus canas.Literature Literature
She made him feel old, and she made him feel vulnerable.
Le hacía sentirse viejo, y le hacía sentirse vulnerable.Literature Literature
She feels she's already old, over the hill, and finished as far as this world is concerned.""
Se siente ya vieja, pasada y acabada para este mundo.Literature Literature
She feels that old shiver again, and this time she embraces the feeling, all the while hating herself for it.
Vuelve a sentir aquel viejo escalofrío, y esta vez ella acepta la sensación, aunque sin dejar de odiarse por aceptarla.Literature Literature
At the Pukas surf shop, she feels incredibly old as she picks out a sweatshirt and a couple of T-shirts.
EN PUKAS SE SIENTE TREMENDAMENTE VIEJA eligiendo una sudadera y un par de camisetas.Literature Literature
She didn't feel old enough to be a grandmother, but she was thirty-three, older if she admitted the truth.
No se sentía tan vieja como para ser abuela, pero ella tenía treinta y tres años, o más, si admitía la verdad.Literature Literature
But in the 1960s she began to feel ‘Other’ in another way: she began to feel old.
Pero en la década de 1960 empezó a sentirse «otra» en otro sentido: empezó a sentirse vieja.Literature Literature
Perhaps she doesn't feel old.
Ella no lo cree.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She swore, feeling old and foolish.
Maldijo, sintiéndose vieja y tonta.Literature Literature
She feels the old pressure to do well.
Siente la antigua presión por hacerlo bien.Literature Literature
She says she feels too old to have a baby in the house.
Dice que se siente demasiado mayor para tener a una niña en casa.Literature Literature
When she was with him, she didn’t feel old at all.
Cuando estaba con él, no se sentía mayor en absoluto.Literature Literature
No, but she said she feels really old.
No, pero dijo que se sentía muy vieja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She feels the old baroness stir in her blood with haughty satisfaction as Guy straightens and Roger glowers.
Siente a la vieja baronesa vibrar en su sangre con altiva satisfacción cuando Guy se tensa y Roger frunce el ceño.Literature Literature
But back in the West she didn’t feel old.
Desde que había vuelto al Oeste no se sentía vieja.Literature Literature
She feels your old clothes are becoming a bit threadbare.’
Cree que tus viejas prendas ya están muy gastadas.Literature Literature
Meredith has told him she feels she is too old for children, and that she has never wanted them anyway.
Meredith le ha dicho que se siente demasiado mayor para tener hijos y que de todas formas nunca ha querido tenerlos.Literature Literature
She didn’t make me feel old, though, she just looked ridiculous being with such an old man.
Simplemente estaba ridícula con un hombre tan viejo.Literature Literature
And when she was feeling so very old, she just didn't want to move at all.
Y cuando se sentía muy vieja, ni siquiera se quería mover.Literature Literature
But she began to feel the old torture, she said I was excluding her.
Pero comenzó a experimentar el antiguo tormento, dijo que la excluía.Literature Literature
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