she guesses oor Spaans

she guesses

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


noun verb
She guessed, she called you out, and you grabbed a knife and went to town.
Ella lo adivinó, te llamó, y tú tomaste un cuchillo y fuiste a la ciudad.

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She guessed my reason for being there at once.
Enseguida imaginó el motivo de mi presencia allí.Literature Literature
His clothes were expensive without being ostentatious, and she guessed he was wealthy but not noble.
Llevaba ropa cara pero sin resultar ostentosa, y Caris supuso que sería un hombre acaudalado pero no un noble.Literature Literature
He turns to Bigend and says something in what she guesses is quick and probably idiomatic French.
Se vuelve hacia Bigend y dice algo en lo que ella supone que es francés rápido y probablemente coloquial.Literature Literature
Maybe she guessed what had happened to me long ago.
Tal vez adivinaba lo que me había pasado a mí hacía mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
From their heavy suits and perspiring faces she guessed they were visitors from London.
A decir de sus gruesos trajes y sus rostros sudorosos, supuso que se trataba de dos visitantes de Londres.Literature Literature
She liked his long torso with its white ornamental scar that she guessed ran to his groin.
A ella le gustaba su largo torso, con Su decorativa herida blanca, que sospechaba le llegaba hasta la ingle.Literature Literature
From the size and design of the ambulance, she guessed it must be private.
Por las características de la ambulancia, dedujo que era privada.Literature Literature
She guessed that by then Señora Arriendiara’s hunger would overcome all other considerations.
Adivinaba que, para entonces, el hambre de su señora se habría superpuesto a cualquier otra consideración.Literature Literature
She guessed he had ridden through the Ouisconsin, following the fringe of forest along Masesibowi.
Makwa supuso que él había atravesado el Wisconsin siguiendo el borde del bosque a lo largo del Masesibowi.Literature Literature
He might think that she guessed his poverty.
Podía creer que ella suponía su pobreza.Literature Literature
She guessed their real job in Hambry might be to rehabilitate their reputations.
Adivinó que quizá su verdadera misión en Hambria sería la de rehabilitar su reputación.Literature Literature
It was a saddle bag--her father's, she guessed, although she didn't recognize it--stiff with mold.
Era una alforja —de su padre, supuso, aunque no la reconoció— y estaba rígida por el moho.Literature Literature
She guessed everybody was going home.
Ella se imaginó que todos se iban a casa.Literature Literature
Stephen wondered whether she guessed that they had been discussing Catherine.
Stephen se preguntó si adivinaba que habían estado hablando de Catherine.Literature Literature
But no, not asleep: resting, perhaps hiding from her; she guessed they were trying to avoid her.
Pero no, no dormían, reposaban, tal vez se escondían de ella, supuso que evitaban encontrarse con ella.Literature Literature
She guessed most of them desired less the responsibilities of office and more its inevitable rewards.
Suponía que la mayoría deseaba menos las responsabilidades del cargo que sus inevitables recompensas.Literature Literature
Not once, however, had she guessed or even considered that Elizabeth Monroe might not be entirely human.
Nunca, sin embargo, se le había ocurrido pensar que Elizabeth Monroe pudiera no ser del todo humana.Literature Literature
The thing was as thick as her wrist and she guessed that it was locked onto his ankle.
Era gruesa como su muñeca y supuso que estaría cerrada sobre su tobillo.Literature Literature
She had no idea how long she had slept, but she guessed it could not have been much.
No sabía cuánto tiempo había dormido pero supuso que no demasiado.Literature Literature
There was no sign of Alex and she guessed he had gone to his room.
No había señales de Alex y supuso que se habría ido a su cuarto.Literature Literature
She guessed he believed he now had a way to manipulate her into dropping the matter.
Frances Catherine adivinó que él creía que ahora tenía una manera de manipularla para que dejara correr el asunto.Literature Literature
asked Ragna, her eyes searching his for an answer other than the one she guessed already.
—preguntó Ragna, escudriñando el rostro de Murdo a la espera de una respuesta que no fuera la que ya presentía—.Literature Literature
It was one of those ridiculous macho male things, she guessed, like the obsession with penis length.
«Será una de esas ridiculeces de machos —filosofó—, como la obsesión con el tamaño del pene.Literature Literature
She guessed smiling that he came from some township where important names were common.
Adivinó sonriendo que él venía de algún pueblo donde esos nombres solemnes eran comunes.Literature Literature
She guessed, rightly, that he was holding back out of apprehension, and she even understood.
Dedujo, con toda la razón, que se mostraba reservado por aprensión, e incluso lo entendió.Literature Literature
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