she had had oor Spaans

she had had

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

había tenido

Now, if she had had those abilities, then she would have had plenty of opportunities to use them.
Pero, si ella hubiera tenido esas facultades, habría tenido un montón de oportunidades para usarlas.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

she had plastic surgery
se hizo la cirugía estética
she had arrived
había llegado
she's always had a liking for reading
siempre le ha gustado leer
she had short hair
llevaba el pelo corto
she had the advantage of knowing the language
tenía la ventaja de saber el idioma
she had to struggle to support her family
tuvo que luchar para mantener a su familia
she had witnessed the attack
había presenciado el atentado
the cashier told me she had to
la cajera me dijo que tenía que
she had put a lot of thought into it
lo había pensado mucho


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She had had no experience in being the leader in this kind of sensual play.
Ella no tenía ninguna experiencia en guiar aquel tipo de experiencia sensual.Literature Literature
Thank goodness, however, when she had had four or five glasses, she remained exactly the same.
Gracias a Dios, sin embargo, cuando había bebido cuatro o cinco vasos, se mantenía exactamente igual.Literature Literature
She had had the power of life or death over them, and she had exercised it at will.
Tenía el poder de decidir sobre la vida y la muerte, y lo ejercía a voluntad.Literature Literature
Possibly, but that didn't explain the conversation she had had with Hannah earlier in the day.
Posiblemente, pero eso no explicaría la conversación que había tenido ese día con Hannah.Literature Literature
Maybe—though the thought bugged him—she had had a busy weekend.
Quizá, y por mucho que le fastidiara la idea, había tenido un fin de semana muy intenso.Literature Literature
And it would have been quite obvious to any pathologist that she had had an abortion.
Tenía un cadáver en mis manos, y cualquier patólogo habría visto que se había practicado un aborto.Literature Literature
She was dizzy, and thought she might lose her balance, or her lunch—she had had no dinner.
Estaba mareada y creyó que iba a perder el equilibrio, o su almuerzo —no había cenado.Literature Literature
‘When my mother was dying she told me that she had had one single passion in life.
–Cuando mi madre se estaba muriendo, me reveló que había tenido una sola pasión en su vida.Literature Literature
All her life she had had the answers to the questions she wanted to understand.
Toda su vida había tenido las respuestas para todo lo que había querido entender.Literature Literature
She heeded no more what they said, than if she had had no ears.
No hacía ningún caso de lo que le decían, como si no hubiese tenido oídos.Literature Literature
He nodded toward a battered Land Rover parked beside the white 2000 she had had shipped from England.
Él le indicó un desvencijado Land Rover aparcado junto al 2000 blanco que ella se había hecho traer de Inglaterra.Literature Literature
It was Lil’s first antenatal visit, even though she had had no periods for five months.
Era la primera visita prenatal de Lil, aunque hacía cinco meses que no tenía la regla.Literature Literature
I had known that she had had a stroke, and that was some 10 years before.
Yo sabía que había tenido una embolia, y eso le había pasado unos 10 años antes.ted2019 ted2019
The previous week she had had four cameras installed under the roof to film all around the house.
La semana anterior había hecho añadir cuatro cámaras exteriores para filmar los cuatro costados de la casa.Literature Literature
She had had an accident... drinking.
Ella había tenido un accidente... estaba bebida y se había caído por las escaleras.Literature Literature
But she had had something on her tender conscience for several months, and so she sighed.
Pero ella había tenido algo cargada su conciencia durante varios meses.Literature Literature
As usual, she had had too much to drink.
Como de costumbre, había bebido demasiado.Literature Literature
"Everyone could tell she had had an ""ah ha"" experience and wondered what it was."
Todos pudimos reconocer que ella había tenido una experiencia increíble y nos preguntábamos cuál había sido.Literature Literature
Even Ender never quite trusted her with the same level of assignment that she had had before.
Ni siquiera Ender confió en ella del todo con el mismo nivel que antes.Literature Literature
She had had similar encounters and now she knew better.
Había tenido encuentros similares al mío, y estaba ya acostumbrada.Literature Literature
She would need human assistance, as she had had when Cortana was first stolen.
Necesitaría ayuda humana, como lo había necesitado cuando robó por primera vez Cortana.Literature Literature
The peculiar charm which she had had for him was immediately reimposed by her sharp, sweet young voice.
El peculiar encanto con el que se había dirigido a él quedó reforzado de inmediato por su joven voz, clara y dulce.Literature Literature
Sylvanas walked with the same easy stride she had had in life, wore the same armor.
Sylvanas caminaba con el paso ligero que había llevado en vida, y portaba la misma armadura.Literature Literature
When she saw a metal tub float by to one side, she knew that she had had it.
Cuando vio una bañera metálica flotar hacia un lado, supo que ya era suficiente.Literature Literature
She had had enough for one day – more than enough.
Ya había tenido suficiente por un día, más que suficiente.Literature Literature
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