she has lost her faith oor Spaans

she has lost her faith

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ha perdido la fe


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She has lost her faith and deserves no less, Pharaun admonished his companions.
Ha perdido su fe y no se merece menos, reprendió Pharaun a sus compañeros.Literature Literature
She has lost her faith and deserves no less, Pharaun admonished his companions.
Ella ha perdido la fe y no merece nada mejor, les advirtió Pharaun a sus compañeros.Literature Literature
He promptly began to display symptoms of intense jealousy: 'Has she lost her faith?
Pronto comenzó él a mostrar síntomas de intensos celos: «¿Ha perdido ella la fe?Literature Literature
Perhaps she has lost faith in her own fate
Quizás ha perdido la fe en su propio destino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Though she has lost her fleshly family on account of her faith, she has gained a large spiritual family, as promised by Jesus at Matthew 19:29.
Aunque ha perdido a su familia carnal debido a su fe, ella ahora tiene una gran familia espiritual, tal como lo prometió Jesús en Mateo 19:29.jw2019 jw2019
It’s just that she’s lost her faith and has to stay where she is until her time comes.”
Es solo que ha perdido la fe y ha de permanecer donde está hasta que llegue su momento.Literature Literature
She has lost the strength and comfort of her faith.”
Ha perdido la fortaleza y el consuelo de su feLiterature Literature
It's just that she's lost her faith and has to stay where she is until her time comes.""
Es solo que ha perdido la fe y ha de permanecer donde está hasta que llegue su momentoLiterature Literature
Now she’s lost faith, and has no one with whom to discuss her disillusionment.
Ahora ha perdido la fe en él, y no tiene a nadie con quien discutir su decepción.Literature Literature
She has lived a life of deep pain and agony, but has never lost her faith or her heart.
Ha vivido una vida de profundo dolor y agonía, aunque nunca ha perdido su fe o corazón.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lisa agrees with them, but tells them that they cost the church its soul, and leaves, saying she has lost her faith in the church, much to Marge's horror (Homer is unsure of how to act).
Algunas personas tratan de convencerla diciendo que la iglesia era ahora más cómoda, y Lisa está de acuerdo, pero les dice que las comodidades le habían costado el alma a la iglesia. Luego, se levanta y se va, prometiendo que jamás regresaría, para gran sorpresa de Homer y Marge.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Yet she has never lost her faith, or her dedication to helping others.
Sin embargo, ella no ha perdido su fe ni su dedicación de ayudar a los demás.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She failed Wilda and the others—the doll head seems to know, and it’s as if it has lost some faith in her.
Le ha fallado a Wilda y a los demás, la muñeca parece saberlo y haber perdido su fe en ella.Literature Literature
She has literally turned from Him and has lost her faith.
Literalmente ella le ha dado la espalda y ha perdido su fe.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Having lost everything, including her faith, she only has one idea in mind: to end it all.
Desprovista de todo, incluso de la fe, solo tiene una idea en la cabeza: acabar con todo.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Despite taking preventive medicines, rigorous and periodically check-ups and having to live the consequences of the disease and operations such as the limitation to drive because of her vision lost in her right eye, her affected fine motor skills and short memory problems, she has a very positive and hopeful attitude, which strengthens faith of those who meet her. Her case is an example of that “miracles do exist.”
A pesar de tomar medicinas preventivas, someterse a rigurosos descartes médicos periódicamente y vivir las secuelas de las operaciones y la enfermedad que la imposibilitan de manejar pues perdió la visión del ojo derecho, le afectaron su motricidad fina y su memoria corta, Ana mantiene una actitud positiva y esperanzadora; fortalece la fe de quien la conoce ya que su ejemplo demuestra que “los milagros si existen”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Despite all this, Graciela has never lost faith in their mission, and wishes that her granddaughter will one day be able to experience the river like she did as a child – as the most wonderful place on earth.
Graciela me cuenta que nunca ha perdido la fe y los deseos de que su nieta pueda disfrutar algún día del río igual que lo hacía ella cuando era niña: como el lugar más maravilloso de la Tierra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Gospel we have just heard draws us into the encounter between two women who embrace, overflowing with joy and praise. The child leaps for joy in Elizabeth’s womb and she blesses her cousin for her faith. Mary sings of the mighty things that the Lord has done for his humble servant; hers is the great hymn of hope for those who can no longer sing because they have lost their voice.
El Evangelio que acabamos de escuchar nos sumerge en el encuentro de dos mujeres que se abrazan y llenan todo de alegría y alabanza: salta de gozo el niño e Isabel bendice a su prima por su fe; María entona las maravillas que el Señor realizó en su humilde esclava con el gran canto de esperanza para aquellos que ya no pueden cantar porque han perdido la voz.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It's been three years, but Myriam has not lost the faith that won over the world when she was first placed in front of a video camera for Iraqi television and, after fleeing from Qaraqosh, calmly spoke about her life in the camp for displaced families.
Tres años después, Myriam mantiene su fe sencilla que cautivó al mundo cuando por primera vez, tras huir de Qaraqosh en 2014, delante de la cámara de una televisión iraquí relataba con serenidad la vida en el campo de refugiados.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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