she misses him oor Spaans

she misses him

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

lo extraña

Although she misses him every day, she knows he wants her to be happy.
Aunque lo extraña cada día, ella sabe que él quiere que ella sea feliz.

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Eleven years old, Phillip was bold and bright and she missed him dearly.
A sus once años, Phillip era audaz y listo y ella lo echaba mucho de menos.Literature Literature
Well, Mike's mom is back on her feet, and I think she misses him.
Bueno, la madre de Mike ya está en pie, y creo que lo hecha de menos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She missed him, too, though it was different than it was with her father.
Le echaba de menos, también, aunque era diferente que con su padre.Literature Literature
She missed him and his playful flirtations that made Rob brood and growl.
Le añoraba y también sus juguetones flirteos que provocaban a Rob rumiar y gruñir.Literature Literature
She missed him so badly, and in so many ways.
Lo echaba muchísimo de menos, y en muchos sentidos.Literature Literature
If so, why did she miss him so much?
Pero entonces, ¿por qué lo echaba tanto de menos?Literature Literature
They always fought back home, every time he came round, but she misses him all the same.
En la casa, siempre se peleaban, cada vez que él se aparecía, pero de todos modos lo extraña.Literature Literature
Said she missed him.
Dijo que lo echaba de menos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And truthfully, she was so used to him that when he wasn’t around, she missed him.
En efecto, ella se había acostumbrado tanto a él, que lo echaba de menos cuando no estaba a su lado.Literature Literature
She missed him already, even though he had been here just yesterday, kissing her senseless again.
Ya lo echaba de menos, aunque había estado allí el día anterior... y otra vez la había besado hasta dejarla sin sentido.Literature Literature
And always, always, she would talk about Andrew and how much she missed him.
Y siempre, siempre, hablaba de Andrew y de lo mucho que le añoraba.Literature Literature
I asked her if she missed him, and she said, “Mark?
Le pregunté si lo echaba de menos y dijo: «¿A Mark?Literature Literature
She missed him terribly, and now the rain sounded lonely and sad.
Lo echaba muchísimo de menos, y el sonido de la lluvia le resultaba ahora triste y solitario.Literature Literature
She missed him more with each passing day, if that was possible.
Le echaba más de menos cada día que pasaba, si es que eso era posible.Literature Literature
She hadn’t seen cousin Manolo for nearly six years and suddenly she missed him.
No veía al primo Manolo desde hacía seis años y sintió nostalgia.Literature Literature
She missed him terribly, especially right now with everything that was going on with her mom.
Lo echaba muchísimo de menos, en especial ahora con todo lo que estaba pasando con su madre.Literature Literature
That she missed him, that she needed him.
Que lo había echado de menos, que lo necesitaba.Literature Literature
Now, she missed him more than ever.
Ahora le echaba de menos más que nunca.Literature Literature
Although she missed him, Greta understood.
Aunque le echaba de menos, Greta lo entendía.Literature Literature
Nor had she missed him, though that hardly need be said.
No era que lo echase de menos, si bien no hacía falta aclararlo.Literature Literature
She missed him terribly, but I understood.
Le echaba muchísimo de menos, pero lo entendí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She missed him, he came home, they made love, they argued, he left.
Ella lo echaba de menos, él llegaba a casa, hacían el amor, discutían, él se marchaba.Literature Literature
Perhaps, he hoped, she missed him at least a little.
Quizás, deseó él, ella lo extrañaba al menos un poco.Literature Literature
No, the problem was, actually, that she missed him.
No, el problema, en realidad, era que Regan lo echaba de menos.Literature Literature
She confessed that she missed him more than she could express in words.
Le confesó que le añoraba más de lo que era capaz de expresar con palabras.Literature Literature
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