she told you that lie oor Spaans

she told you that lie

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te dijo esa mentira


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She told you that lie too?
¿Ella te contó esa mentira también?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All I could get out of her was that she once told you a lie that you took very much to heart.
Lo único que saqué en limpio es que hubo una mentira suya que usted se tomó a la tremenda.Literature Literature
If that's what she told you, then there's only one reason that she would lie.
Si eso fue lo que le dijo, entonces solo hay una razón para que mintiera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Is that the only lie that she told you?
¿Es esa la única mentira que ella le dijo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘If she told you that, it was a lie,’ the Rajah insisted.
—Si ella te dijo eso, te mintió —insistió el rajá—.Literature Literature
Any word from her is a lie and whatever she has told you about me, that's all a rotten lie.
Cada palabra que habla es una mentira y todo lo que le haya contado de mí, es todo una sarta de mentiras.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“But you know now that what she told you about me was a lie, don’t you?”
¿Pero ahora sabe usted que lo que ha dicho de mí es mentira?Literature Literature
She told you enough that you can continue this lie.
Le dijo lo suficiente como para continuar con esta mentira.Literature Literature
Que te llamaba Pinocho... cuando tenía tres años, pero que tu nariz nunca crecía porque... jamás mientes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The woman, Judith, did not lie when she told you that.”
La mujer, Judith, no mintió cuando habló de ti.Literature Literature
But I also told you she was an orphan, and that was a lie.
Pero también te dije que era huérfana, y eso era mentira.Literature Literature
She has vanished, and if you have been told that she is being held somewhere, it is probably not a lie.”
Ha desaparecido y si a usted le han dicho que la retienen en algún sitio, es probable que sea verdad.Literature Literature
You’ve already confirmed that she didn’t lie when she told you she returned home after the father, right?
Ya habíais descubierto que ella no mentía cuando dijo que había vuelto a casa más tarde que su marido.Literature Literature
Wakefield,” she said, “I have to confess that I’ve already told you a lie.”
Señor Wakefield, debo confesarle que ya le he dicho una mentira.Literature Literature
Has it ever occurred to you he might have colluded in the lie that she told?
¿No se te ocurrió que él podría estar de acuerdo en la mentira que ella te contó?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Your mother told us she killed Julie Saxony, and you have no problem saying that’s a lie.”
—Su madre nos dijo que mató a Julie Saxony y usted asegura que es mentira.Literature Literature
I didn’t give birth to her, so if that’s what she told you it was a lie, at which I have to say she is an expert.’
Yo no tuve a la niña y lo que te ha dicho es mentira, algo en lo que es una experta.Literature Literature
She was going to see through your lie eventually so I told her that you were lying to protect me.
Ella iba a descubrir tu mentira al final así que le dije que mentías para protegerme.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was going to see through your lie eventually...... so I told her that you were lying to protect me
Ella iba a descubrir tu mentira al final...... así que le dije que mentías para protegermeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Sleep, she told herself; sleep; and if you can’t sleep, lie in bed and pretend that this is just a night like any other.
Duerme, se dijo, duerme, y si no puedes dormir, quédate en la cama y finge que es una noche como cualquier otra.Literature Literature
She told me that when you were a boy and didn't get your own way, you'd lie on the floor and kick, and get red in the face.
Me ha dicho que, cuando eras niño y no te salías con la tuya, te tirabas al suelo, pataleabas y te ponías rojo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That is what I have been told to tell you,” she said, looking at Marian, “but it is a lie.
- Eso es lo que me han indicado que les diga -dijo, mirando a Marian-, pero es mentira.Literature Literature
You think Sandra Russo, a decorated police officer, our captain, murdered Shane Barton to cover a lie that she told?
¿Crees que Sandra Russo, un oficial de policía decorado, nuestro capitán, asesinado Shane Barton para cubrir una mentira que le dijo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rachel told to your grandmother what you told me why? he/she didn' t have option, that is very serious you are a silly idiot he/she waits don' t you know how to recognize the truth? everybody knows that I lie nobody believes me
Rachel le dije a tu abuela lo que me dijiste¿ por qué? no tenía opción, eso es muy serio eres un estúpido tonto esperaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Told me to kill the deal with you or she would turn herself in and tell the U.S. attorney that I made her lie under oath.
Me dijo que mandara a la mierda el trato que tenía contigo o ella misma le diría a la fiscalía de los EEUU que la obligué a mentir bajo juramento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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