she turns off the light oor Spaans

she turns off the light

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

apaga la luz

She turned off the light.
Ella apagó la luz.

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she turns the lights off
apaga las luces


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Is it necessary to add that she turned off the light?
¿Es necesario añadir que también apagó la luz?Literature Literature
Then she turned off the light, and left the kitchen.
Apagó la luz, y salió de la cocina.Literature Literature
Or at least that’s what Karen always prayed, every night as she turned off the lights.
Al menos, eso pedía siempre Karen en sus oraciones, cada noche cuando apagaba las luces.Literature Literature
The door opened as she turned off the light.
La puerta se abrió mientras ella apagaba la luz.Literature Literature
Her hand on the doorknob, she turned off the light and preceded him into the kitchen.
Con la mano en el pomo de la puerta, apagó la luz y, seguida de su padre, entró en la cocina.Literature Literature
She turned off the light and made her way downstairs.
Apagó la luz y bajó al piso de abajo.Literature Literature
They waited while she turned off the lights again and set the alarm.
Esperaron mientras ella apagaba de nuevo la luces y conectaba la alarma.Literature Literature
At two o’clock, she turned off the light, but still she could not sleep.
A las dos de la madrugada apagó la luz, pero no logró conciliar el sueño.Literature Literature
She turned off the light.
Ella apagó la luz.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
She turned off the lights and the engine and sat for a moment to gather her thoughts.
Apagó las luces y el motor, y permaneció sentada un momento mientras ponía en orden sus ideas.Literature Literature
Eventually she turned off the light and they stood together in the cold, looking toward the dark wall.
Al final apagó la luz y se quedaron juntos bajo el frío mirando la pared oscura.Literature Literature
She turned off the light in the bathroom in case it spilled under the door.
Apagó la luz del baño por si acaso se filtraba por debajo de la puerta.Literature Literature
She turned off the light so that she could see out of the window.
Apagó la luz para poder mirar fuera.Literature Literature
“Let me know what you decide,” he said, smiling again as she turned off the light.
Ya me dirás lo que has decidido —dijo volviendo a sonreír mientras apagaba la luz.Literature Literature
She turned off the light and kissed the blonde hair spilling out over the covers.
Apagó la luz y le dio un beso en las trenzas rubias que salían fuera del embozo.Literature Literature
She turned off the light.
Apagó las luces.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
She hesitated, then she turned off the light and moved silently into the dark bar room.
Vaciló, luego apagó la luz y caminó silenciosamente por el bar oscurecido.Literature Literature
“This has been the most wonderful Christmas,” his mother said as she turned off the lights.
—Esta Navidad ha sido maravillosa —comentó Bárbara mientras apagaba las luces.Literature Literature
Holding them to her chest, she turned off the light and walked silently down the hallway.
Sosteniéndolas contra el pecho, apagó la luz y, en silencio, salió de nuevo al pasillo.Literature Literature
She turned off the light in the room.
Apagó las luces de la habitación.Literature Literature
I cross the street, and she turns off the light.
Yo cruzo la calle y ella apaga la luz.Literature Literature
A desperate sadness passed over her face before she turned off the lights.
—Una tristeza desesperada ensombreció su cara antes de que apagara la luz—.Literature Literature
First she turned off the lights in the dining room.
Primero apagó las luces del comedor.Literature Literature
A soft ‘good night’, then she turned off the light.
Un dulce «buenas noches» y apagaba la luz.Literature Literature
She turned off the light and went downstairs to unexpected and surprising darkness.
Virginia apagó la luz y, al bajar, descubrió una inesperada y sorprendente oscuridad.Literature Literature
608 sinne gevind in 197 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.