she works carefully oor Spaans

she works carefully

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She worked carefully, using only the red paint and the black.
Trabajó con cuidado, y sólo utilizó la pintura roja y la negra.Literature Literature
She worked carefully and stopped often to double-check.
Trabajaba con minuciosidad y a menudo se detenía para volver a verificar los datos.Literature Literature
She worked carefully, efficiently, but less dispassionately than usual.
Trabajaba con cuidado y eficiencia, pero menos desapasionadamente de lo que solía hacerlo.Literature Literature
There was a small silence as she worked carefully, making certain to cover every scratch.
Se hizo un pequeño silencio mientras trabajaba con cuidado, cerciorándose de cubrir cada rasguño.Literature Literature
She worked carefully until she had a tunnel wide enough to accommodate the three of them.
Trabajó con cuidado hasta que tuvo un túnel lo bastante amplio como para acomodarlos a los tres.Literature Literature
She worked carefully, removing a thin mask of synthetic flesh that covered the right half of her face.
Ella trabajó cuidadosamente, retirando una fina máscara de piel sintética que cubría la mitad derecha de su rostro.Literature Literature
She worked carefully, cleaning the razor in the cup of water she held beneath his chin, tapping off the excess.
Ella trabajó con cuidado, limpiando la navaja en el vaso de agua que sostenía debajo de su barbilla, quitando el exceso.Literature Literature
She worked as carefully as she could, but still she nicked him several times.
Trabajó con el mayor esmero posible, pero aun así le cortó varias veces.Literature Literature
Since she had come to this decision she had worked out carefully what she would say to him.
Desde el momento en que tomó esa decisión había estado pensando concienzudamente en qué le diría.Literature Literature
She worked the paper carefully, making certain that she did not rip the two.
Fue tirando con mucho cuidado, cerciorándose de no rasgar ninguna de las dos.Literature Literature
She worked quickly and carefully, but distractedly; and as she rubbed at her face she held my gaze in the glass.
Sus movimientos eran rápidos y meticulosos, pero distraídos; y mientras se frotaba la cara me observaba en el espejo.Literature Literature
She worked the cloth carefully into the whakairo, singing, ‘Pretty man, pretty mother.
Trabajaba con cuidado el whakairo 6 mientras cantaba «hombre lindo, mujer linda, ¿les gusta esto?Literature Literature
“Once you and Richard are married, you could stop working,” she said carefully.
—Cuando te hayas casado con Richard, podrás dejar de trabajarle dijo—.Literature Literature
‘I’m not sure that his looks have anything to do with his work,’ she said carefully.
—No estoy segura de que su aspecto tenga mucho que ver con su trabajodijo con cautela.Literature Literature
She rested a hand on her crocheting, where she was carefully working a floral design.
Descansó una mano sobre el lienzo de estambre en el cual, con esmero, iba dibujando un diseño de flores.Literature Literature
“Well, actually ... the Falcon does need a little work,” she said carefully.
"""Bueno, en realidad... el Halcón necesita un poco de trabajo,"" dijo cuidadosamente."Literature Literature
She carefully worked the barb free from the net of metal rings, aware of the knight’s grim silence.
Con cuidado, trató de liberar el dardo de la red metálica, consciente del grave silencio del caballero.Literature Literature
She did the work carefully.
Ella hizo el trabajo con cuidado.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It was too dark to see so she had to work carefully.
Estaba demasiado oscuro para ver nada, así que tenía que trabajar con cuidado.Literature Literature
"""I'm going to bed, Sanderson,"" she said, beginning a speech she had worked out carefully."
—Me voy a acostar, Sanderson —dijo, poniendo en práctica la pantomima que había ensayado con esmero—.Literature Literature
When she was told this, and asked in which way she wished to work, she thought long and carefully.
Cuando le comunicaron la resolución y le preguntaron en qué deseaba trabajar reflexionó sobre ello con detenimiento.Literature Literature
Her tone is sarcastic, but I sense that the facade she is working so carefully to build is fragile.
El tono es sarcástico, pero noto que la fachada que tanto se esfuerza en mantener en pie es frágil.Literature Literature
After easing herself into the water, she carefully worked her way over the rocks to where the stream was deeper.
Se metió en el agua y pasó cautelosamente sobre las rocas hasta donde la corriente era más profunda.Literature Literature
She had worked this out carefully, studied it from every angle.
Lo había preparado cuidadosamente, estudiándolo desde todos los ángulos.Literature Literature
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