shifts oor Spaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of shift.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


naamwoordmasculine, plural
We believe its immense density is what caused the original shift.
Creemos que su inmensa densidad fue lo que causó el primer cambio de órbita.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Plural form of Shift.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

to work in shifts
Shift key
tecla de cambio a mayúscula
centromere shift
desplazamiento del centrómero
blue shift
corrimiento al azul
evening shift
turno de tarde · turno vespertino
paradigm shift towards low carbon development
cambio de paradigma hacia un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de carbono
differential phase shift keying
MDFD · manipulación por desplazamiento de fase diferencial
language shift
Sustitución lingüística
gear shifting mechanism
cambio de marchas


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Cynics could discern lowered ambitions in the shift from development to poverty eradication, from education to basic education, and from education as a public good to education as a tool for poverty eradication.
Salga de ahí en cuanto acabeUN-2 UN-2
The relevant European Union regulations and the United Nations Convention against Corruption were good models for, among other things, the exchange of technical expertise and information among States and the shifting of the burden of proof.
Nunca lo probeUN-2 UN-2
David Henry shifted his weight as the minister spoke.
Ah, ya se.¿ Sabes la diferencia entre las máquinas y nosotros?Literature Literature
Nelly and Frans drove back to Amsterdam, their hands intertwined around the gear shift.
Buscamos a su hijoLiterature Literature
I felt my mind shifting around to that point of view, and doing it with the greatest pleasure.
Lo más importante es recordar su aspecto generalLiterature Literature
Even though the report contains a noticeable shift away from the policy of double standards in relation to Eastern Europe and includes greater emphasis on international law, overall the report looks like a defence document for EU High Representative Javier Solana.
Sin embargo, en el caso de los focos secundarios, la normativa comunitaria permite sin imponérselo a los Estados miembros, en caso de extensión de la epizootia, que procedan al sacrificio de los animales, en cuanto los signos clínicos de la enfermedad sean detectados por un veterinario autorizadoEuroparl8 Europarl8
(16) Promoting the circular economy requires a mentality shift in the way of designing, producing, consuming and disposing of materials and products, including plastics.
La válvula esférica tendrá un diámetro no inferior al diámetro inferior del tubo de toma demuestras y un tiempo de conmutación inferior a #,# segundosnot-set not-set
Contract farming often leads the producer to shift from food crops to cash crops.
Por aquí, RuthUN-2 UN-2
As humans, we are highly evolved to adjust to our surroundings: we tend to adapt to a culture, well-conceived or not, and lose sight of its failings. But when we glimpse an alternative, our culture’s inadequacies (and even insanities) are immediately apparent, which may prompt a cultural shift, collective action, and change.
¿ No te consideras parte de tu propia raza?News commentary News commentary
No responsibility had been shifted and any determination of such responsibility would have to await the outcome of ongoing investigations.
Posición del Parlamento Europeo adoptada en primera lectura el # de enero de # con vistas a la adopción de la Directiva #/.../CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a las tasas aeroportuariasUN-2 UN-2
While the private sector (domestic and external) drives these shifts, government policies and public-sector investment patterns play an essential supporting and complementary role.
Debe ser encontrado y destruidoProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Rugunda (Uganda) said that it was clear from previous discussions on the global field support strategy that the proposals would have a far-reaching impact on the operational aspects of field support activities, representing a major shift from current practice.
Nos vemos luego, JimUN-2 UN-2
He concluded it to be another shift, but when he lost the boots out of the field of the mirror he became uneasy.
Eres todo un caballeroLiterature Literature
—Listen, Valentin, don’t you think he could trade shifts with someone else?
No sabía que había un juegoLiterature Literature
However, the competent authorities may agree to lower these ratios to avoid frequent regime shifts for firms operating close to the ratio limits or consider income structure or off-balance-sheet activities instead of the balance sheet total [Article 3 (3)].
¿ Es todavía posible llegar a un acuerdo?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At last came the moment they were waiting for, when one guard shift was relieved by the next.
Y este eres tú, ¿ no?Literature Literature
This equilibrium is, by the way, continuously shifting with a periodicity given by the climatic cycles.
No perder el ritmoLiterature Literature
Brigadier TM shifted on the edge of the sofa.
¿ Ha cometido un error?Literature Literature
My throat went dry, so I automatically swallowed, feeling the muscles shift as I pushed the saliva down.
La investigación reveló que el productor exportador chino cumplía todas las condiciones necesarias para que se le concediera el trato de economía de mercadoLiterature Literature
Ben Mendelsohn as Talos / Keller: The shape-shifting leader of the Skrull invasion of Earth, who is working undercover within S.H.I.E.L.D. as Fury's boss, Keller.
¿ Cumplir mi destino?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite another attack in the night, he’d risen early this morning and put a shift in on Harvest Moon.
Es mas fácil decirlo que hacerloLiterature Literature
I believe there�s a problem.� Ĺgestam cleared his throat, shifted in his chair, but didn�t get up.
¿ Le traes una soda a tu mami?Literature Literature
We went there looking for him but he’d switched shifts with Lloyd.”
Es muy disciplinadaLiterature Literature
They’d be back before dusk; they always returned in time to work their shifts in the lighthouse.
Tenemos un frasco de mostaza vieja, un perro faldero...... y una vez que entremos, vamos a meter salchichas en agujerosLiterature Literature
The magnetic poles therefore ought to shift, but not too often.
Mire, si Luther tenía razón, entonces es más peligroso que élLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.