shopping every week oor Spaans

shopping every week

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de compras cada semana


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Now I do her grocery shopping every week and I like it.
Ahora le hago la compra todas las semanas y lo cierto es que me gusta.Literature Literature
—The mother go shopping every week and always coming back with a big bag from the market.
—Su madre iba al mercado todas las semanas y siempre volvía con una bolsa enorme.Literature Literature
— The mother go shopping every week and always coming back with a big bag from the market.
—Su madre iba al mercado todas las semanas y siempre volvía con una bolsa enorme.Literature Literature
I was fifteen at the time, and I broke into a shop every week for a couple of months, but one night the bastards got me.
Por entonces yo tenía quince años, y estuve entrando en las tiendas a robar cada semana durante un par de meses.Literature Literature
Thousands of people shopped there every week.
Miles de personas compraban allí todas las semanas.Literature Literature
These were the familiar items demanded by her grandmother which she had shopped for every week.
Se trataba de las cosas familiares exigidas por su abuela y que ella le había comprado cada semana.Literature Literature
She shopped regularly, nearly every week; she was no longer afraid of asking shop assistants for advice.
Iba de compras con frecuencia, casi cada semana; ya no tenía miedo a pedirle consejos a las dependientas.Literature Literature
You' ve staked out that same coffee shop every morning this week, didn' t you?
¿ Has vigilado la misma cafetería todas las mañanas esta semana, no?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“I do a bit of shopping for him every week, and the kids on the estate run errands.”
Cada semana le hago un poco de compra y los niños de la finca le hacen recados.Literature Literature
So Artus shops for you every week?
¿Así que Artus le hace la compra todas las semanas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I would’ve known because I go and shop just about every week.
Me habría enterado, porque voy de compras todas las semanas.Literature Literature
She'd buy Range Rovers, horses, go shopping every couple of weeks.
Se compraba Range Rovers, caballos, iba de compras cada dos semanas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
From then on in, she and Fiona became firm friends, and they went shopping ... oh, about every week or so.
De ahí en adelante, Fiona y ella se hicieron amigas de verdad, iban de compras... cada semana.Literature Literature
Every week I put the radio on my shopping list before I turned it in, and every week, no radio.
Cada semana ponía la radio en mi lista de la compra antes de acudir, y cada semana me decían que no había radio.Literature Literature
had the auto shop vacuum it out every week.
Kingsley lo enceraba todos los meses hacía que se lo aspiraran todas las semanas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With more people all the time, the shops ran out earlier every week.
Con más gente llegando todo el tiempo, las tiendas se quedaban sin pan más temprano cada semana.Literature Literature
“And it's not as if I'm off every week shopping or going to concerts, this is important work.
Y no es como si me fuera todos los fines de semana de compras o a los conciertos; este trabajo es importante.Literature Literature
He came into the shop every day for two weeks before he worked up the nerve to ask her out.
Fue a la tienda todos los días durante dos semanas antes de tener el coraje para invitarla a salir.Literature Literature
“The priest has two men come every week and shop for her.
El sacerdote le envía a dos hombres cada semana para que le hagan la compra, y uno de ellos hasta le limpia la casa.Literature Literature
This was Jim’s local shop, where I went almost every week, at least once.
Era la tienda del barrio de Jim, a la que iba casi todas las semanas al menos una vez.Literature Literature
I shop once a week, and every week I find items that have gone up 4 or 5 cents.
Voy de compras una vez a la semana y cada semana encuentro que los artículos han subido 4 ó 5 centavos de dólar.jw2019 jw2019
She and Emily had spent every evening this week shopping for new clothes.
Junto con Emily, habían pasado todas las tardes de aquella semana de compras.Literature Literature
George does the grocery shopping for himself and his wife every week.
George hace la compra cada semana para él y para su esposa.Literature Literature
It would take two officers a good week to cover every shop and store.
Si enviaba a dos agentes, iban a tardar al menos una semana para cubrir todas las tiendas y almacenes.Literature Literature
He’s been coming into the shop every day for the last couple of weeks and we hit it off.
Ha estado viniendo a la pastelería todos los días desde hace dos semanas y nos hemos lanzado.Literature Literature
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